This is the codebase for the following two papers:
LogME: Practical Assessment of Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning, ICML 2021
Ranking and Tuning Pre-trained Models: A New Paradigm for Exploiting Model Hubs, JMLR 2022
Note: the second paper is an extended version of the first conference paper.
The API looks like sci-kit learn: first initialize an object, and then fit it to your data to get the transferability metric.
By fitting the features f
and labels y
, and you can get a nice score which well correlates with the transfer learning performance (without hyper-parameter tuning).
(1) For classification task:
from LogME import LogME
logme = LogME(regression=False)
# f has shape of [N, D], y has shape [N]
score =, y)
(2) For multi-label classification task:
from LogME import LogME
logme = LogME(regression=True)
# f has shape of [N, D], y has shape [N, C] being the multi-label vector.
score =, y)
(3) For regression task:
from LogME import LogME
logme = LogME(regression=True)
# f has shape of [N, D], y has shape [N, C] with C regression-labels
score =, y)
Then you can use the score
to quickly select a good pre-trained model. The larger the score
is, the better transfer performance you get.
Meanwhile, the LogME score can also be used to purely measure the compatibility/transferability between features and labels, just like this paper from UC Berkeley.
contains example code to rank pre-trained models, as well as to save the bayesian weight (m in LogME) for later B-Tuning
FGVCAircraft dataset can be downloaded here).
python --dataset aircraft --data_path ./data/FGVCAircraft
You may get some outputs like the following:
Models ranking on aircraft:
[('resnet152', 0.9501244943998941),
('resnet101', 0.948006158997241),
('mnasnet1_0', 0.947849273046989),
('resnet50', 0.9464738509680248),
('densenet169', 0.9434405008356792),
('densenet201', 0.9422277504393521),
('mobilenet_v2', 0.9412819194598648),
('inception_v3', 0.9398580258195871),
('densenet121', 0.9382284242364975),
('googlenet', 0.9338037297080976),
('resnet34', 0.9301353924624043)]
contains example code of the proposed B-Tuning. Typically, we can use the top-K models from the output of
, just as follows:
python --dataset aircraft --data_path ./data/FGVCAircraft --model resnet50 --teachers resnet152 resnet101 mnasnet1_0 --tradeoff 100
Note that we use K=3 here, so the teachers are resnet152/resnet101/mnasnet1_0. We found K=3 is a good choice in general.
We have received several requests for the code of LEEP and NCE, therefore we release the code in this repository to help the community.
Please see the and for details. LEEP/NCE in the paper were calculated by historical code with bugs. New results are available here, calculated by the LEEP/NCE code in this repo.
Note that LEEP and NCE requires predictions over the pre-trained classes as input. The typical usage may look like:
# get the prediction of shape [N, C_s] from the pre-trained model
# N is the number of samples, C_s is the number of pre-trained classes
import numpy as np
from LEEP import LEEP
from NCE import NCE
pseudo_source_label = xxx
target_label = xxx # target_label has shape of [N], with its elements in [0, C_t)
leep_score = LEEP(pseudo_source_label, target_label)
nce_score = NCE(np.argmax(pseudo_source_label, axis=1), target_label)
If you find the code useful, please cite the following papers:
title = {LogME: Practical Assessment of Pre-trained Models for Transfer Learning},
booktitle = {ICML},
author = {You, Kaichao and Liu, Yong and Wang, Jianmin and Long, Mingsheng},
year = {2021}
title = {Ranking and Tuning Pre-trained Models: A New Paradigm for Exploiting Model Hubs},
journal = {JMLR},
author = {You, Kaichao and Liu, Yong and Zhang, Ziyang and Wang, Jianmin and Jordan, Michael I. and Long, Mingsheng},
year = {2022}
If you have any question or want to use the code, please contact [email protected] .