The original paper refers to: YEF∗ Real-Time Object Detection, Yotam Abramson and Bruno Steux
The improved version refers to: High-Performance Rotation Invariant Multiview Face Detection, Chang Huang, Haizhou Ai, Yuan Li and Shihong Lao
That's a long story, please read the paper. But at least I can show you how to use the magic:
./bbfdetect <Your Image contains Faces> ../samples/face | ./bbfdraw.rb <Your Image contains Faces> output.png
Check out the output.png, now you get the idea.
The tests are performed with MIT+CMU face detection dataset (
Download the tarball, copy out files in newtest/ test/ and test-low/ to a single folder, let's say: all/. Since ccv doesn't support gif format, you need to do file format conversion by your own. If you have ImageMagick, it is handy:
for i in *.gif; do convert $i `basename $i .gif`.png; done;
For the ground truth data, you can copy them out from Only Test Set A, B, C are needed.
bbfdetect needs a list of files, you can generate them by run the command in the same directory of bbfdetect binary:
find <the directory of converted files>/*.png > filelist.txt
time ./bbfdetect filelist.txt ../samples/face > result.txt
On my computer, it reports:
real 0m9.304s
user 0m9.270s
sys 0m0.010s
How about OpenCV's face detector? I run OpenCV with default setting on the same computer, and it reports:
real 0m27.977s
user 0m27.860s
sys 0m0.050s
You see the difference.
I wrote a little script called bbfvldr.rb that can check the output of bbfdetect against ground truth, before run the script, you need to do some house-cleaning work on the result.txt:
Basically, the result.txt file will contain the full path to the file, for which, we only need the filename, use your favorite editor to remove the directory information, for me, it is:
sed -i "s/\.\.\/test\/faces\///g" result.txt
Suppose you have copied the ground truth to truth.txt file, run the validator:
./bbfvldr.rb truth.txt result.txt
My result for bbfdetect is:
82.97% (12)
The former one is detection rate (how many faces are detected), the later one is the number of false alarms (how many non-face regions are detected as faces)
The result for OpenCV default face detector is:
86.69% (15)
Well, we are a little behind, but you can train the detector yourself, just get a better data source!
In this chapter, I will go over how I trained the face detector myself. To be honest, I lost my face detector training data several years ago. Just like everyone else, I have to download it somewhere. In the end, I settled with LFW ( Technically, it is the dataset for face recognition, so there are less variations. But that's the largest dataset I can find to download. I downloaded the aligned data, cropped with random rotation, translation and scale variations, got 13125 faces in 24x24 size.
The bbfcreate also requires negative images, just so happened, I have about 8000 natural scene images that contains no faces downloaded from Flickr. OK, now I have all the data, what's next?
First, you need to create a directory called data/ under the same directory of bbfcreate. Then, you need to create two filelists of positive data and negative images, for me, it is:
find ../data/faces/*.bmp > faces.dat
find ../data/negs/*.jpg > negs.dat
That's all! Just find a computer powerful enough and run the following line for several days:
./bbfcreate --positive-list faces.dat --background-list negs.dat --negative-count 26250 --working-dir data
The --negative-count parameter denotes how many negative samples extracted for each round, experimentally, it is something about twice of the number of your positive ones.
If you configure the makefile well, bbfcreate will use OpenMP to speed up, which will eat up all the CPUs. My own training process ran about one week, it is a extremely powerful desktop PC, you should expect weeks for the result on modest PC with so many samples.
You can stop bbfcreate at any time you want, the most recent result will be saved in data/ directory, clean up the directory to restart.
I probably will implement MPI support in near future so that you can run this with many computers in parallel, but who nowadays have OpenMPI setup besides supercomputing centers?