📝 Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
An instagram clone created with the MERN stack
MERN stack application for appointment booking and employee/client management
Hands-on Full-Stack Web Development with GraphQL and React, published by Packt
A react to-do list web app
A scalable microservice app built with node, react, single-spa, graphql
Google Places Autocomplete & Reverse Geocoding
Full stack MERN application inspired by airbnb but focused on renting event space. Users can search for space according to their location , date and number of guests.
📋 A simple, volatile to-do list application
This repository will contain all exercise file and projects from Codaisseur Full Stack JavaScript Bootcamp
Building App with MERN Stack with GraphQL
Airbnb clone built using Reactjs key features 1) Responsive app 2) Used react router to route b/w Search and Home page 3) Used react-date-range component for picking the date 4) Used Material-UI.
A full stack e-commerce application built with React, Redux, React Hooks, GraphQL, using Firebase and Stripe API, deployed with Heroku.
Learn and practice Advanced React Component Patterns
The deployed version of the airbnb clone