This battery monitoring solution is for Helder's AIO board. The script and hex should display on screen battery monitoring with a low battery warning video and critical battery level video along with an automated shutdown that would cancel if you plug in the zero to power. Also added an option to install a extra button that will be monitored and when pressed and held, will initialize a graceful shutdown at any time so you don't have to go through emulation station menu to shutdown. A good placement is in the original GB charging hole. That button is optional however and not needed if you don't want it. I tested this with the Adafruit Powerboost 1000c but should work also with the Banggood power supply.
One 10K resistor and DPDT switch. The original GB switch will work also with the Powerboost 1000C but not with the Banggood power supply. Also one momemtary tact switch which is optional.
Reprogram Helder's board with new hex file.
Grab the hex from the hex directory:
Go to Helder's link for help on programming.
You can do this part in one of two ways, Automated or Manual. You decide.
Go to raspberry command prompt or SSH.
Make sure you are in the home directory by typing cd ~
and then type:
Then type:
sudo chmod 755
And finally type:
Finally reboot to have it all start on boot with:
sudo reboot
And the longer way if you want to do it manually step by step. Go to raspberry command prompt or SSH. Make sure you are in the home directory and type:
sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev
sudo apt-get install python-gpiozero
Then we need to clone pngview from github with:
sudo git clone
Change directory to:
cd raspidmx
sudo make
Go back to home directory:
cd ~
Clone and install my github and scripts:
sudo git clone
Change directory:
cd gbzbatterymonitor
Change file permission:
sudo chmod 755
Install in rc.local to start scripts on startup:
sudo nano /etc/rc.local
Add this before last line that reads exit 0:
/home/pi/gbzbatterymonitor/ &
sudo reboot
Voltage from the battery is compared to the output voltage from the Powerboost or Banggood power supply. This voltage may vary on your setup. The default ouput measurement used is 5.1V. If you want your battery reading to be more accurate measure with a reliable multimeter between ground and 5V on Helder's board. Use that reading and change the variable VCC in the python script named "".