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Bazel rules for building Protobuf and gRPC code and libraries from proto_library targets


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Protobuf and gRPC rules for Bazel

Bazel rules for building Protocol Buffers ± gRPC code and libraries from proto_library targets

Announcements đź“Ł

2021/02/21 - Version 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 has been released with updated Protobuf and gRPC versions and a number of major improvements. For some languages this may not be a drop-in replacement and it may be necessary to update your WORKSPACE file due to changes in dependencies; please see the above linked release notes for details or the language specific rules pages. If you discover any problems with the new release, please open a new issue, create a discussion or otherwise check in the #proto channel on Bazel Slack.

2021/02/09 - Bazel Version 4

Version 4.0 of Bazel has been released recently and is supported without update for most languages. Changes for full Bazel 4.0 compatibility and updated dependencies are in progress.



These rules provide Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) and gRPC rules for a range of languages and services.

Each supported language ({lang} below) is generally split into four rule flavours:

  • {lang}_proto_compile: Provides generated files from the Protobuf protoc plugin for the language. e.g for C++ this provides the generated * and *.pb.h files.

  • {lang}_proto_library: Provides a language-specific library from the generated Protobuf protoc plugin outputs, along with necessary dependencies. e.g for C++ this provides a Bazel native cpp_library created from the generated * and *pb.h files, with the Protobuf library linked. For languages that do not have a 'library' concept, this rule may not exist.

  • {lang}_grpc_compile: Provides generated files from both the Protobuf and gRPC protoc plugins for the language. e.g for C++ this provides the generated *, *, *.pb.h and *.grpc.pb.h files.

  • {lang}_grpc_library: Provides a language-specific library from the generated Protobuf and gRPC protoc plugins outputs, along with necessary dependencies. e.g for C++ this provides a Bazel native cpp_library created from the generated *, *, *.pb.h and *.grpc.pb.h files, with the Protobuf and gRPC libraries linked. For languages that do not have a 'library' concept, this rule may not exist.

Therefore, if you are solely interested in the generated source code files, use the {lang}_{proto|grpc}_compile rules. Otherwise, if you want a ready-to-go library, use the {lang}_{proto|grpc}_library rules.


Add rules_proto_grpc to your WORKSPACE file and then look at the language specific examples linked below:

load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")

    name = "rules_proto_grpc",
    urls = [""],
    sha256 = "f9b50e672870fe5d60b8b2f3cd1731ceb89a9edef3513d81ba7f7c0d2991b51f",
    strip_prefix = "rules_proto_grpc-3.0.0",

load("@rules_proto_grpc//:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_grpc_toolchains", "rules_proto_grpc_repos")

load("@rules_proto//proto:repositories.bzl", "rules_proto_dependencies", "rules_proto_toolchains")

It is recommended that you use the tagged releases for stable rules. Master is intended to be 'ready-to-use', but may be unstable at certain periods. To be notified of new releases, you can use GitHub's 'Watch Releases Only' on the repository.

Important: You will also need to follow instructions in the language-specific for additional workspace dependencies that may be required.


Language Rule Description
Android android_proto_compile Generates an Android protobuf .jar file (example)
Android android_grpc_compile Generates Android protobuf and gRPC .jar files (example)
Android android_proto_library Generates an Android protobuf library using android_library from rules_android (example)
Android android_grpc_library Generates Android protobuf and gRPC library using android_library from rules_android (example)
C c_proto_compile Generates C protobuf .h & .c files (example)
C c_proto_library Generates a C protobuf library using cc_library, with dependencies linked (example)
C++ cpp_proto_compile Generates C++ protobuf .h & .cc files (example)
C++ cpp_grpc_compile Generates C++ protobuf and gRPC .h & .cc files (example)
C++ cpp_proto_library Generates a C++ protobuf library using cc_library, with dependencies linked (example)
C++ cpp_grpc_library Generates a C++ protobuf and gRPC library using cc_library, with dependencies linked (example)
C# csharp_proto_compile Generates C# protobuf .cs files (example)
C# csharp_grpc_compile Generates C# protobuf and gRPC .cs files (example)
C# csharp_proto_library Generates a C# protobuf library using csharp_library from rules_dotnet. Note that the library name must end in .dll (example)
C# csharp_grpc_library Generates a C# protobuf and gRPC library using csharp_library from rules_dotnet. Note that the library name must end in .dll (example)
D d_proto_compile Generates D protobuf .d files (example)
D d_proto_library Generates a D protobuf library using d_library from rules_d (example)
Documentation doc_docbook_compile Generates DocBook .xml documentation file (example)
Documentation doc_html_compile Generates .html documentation file (example)
Documentation doc_json_compile Generates .json documentation file (example)
Documentation doc_markdown_compile Generates Markdown .md documentation file (example)
Go go_proto_compile Generates Go protobuf .go files (example)
Go go_grpc_compile Generates Go protobuf and gRPC .go files (example)
Go go_proto_library Generates a Go protobuf library using go_library from rules_go (example)
Go go_grpc_library Generates a Go protobuf and gRPC library using go_library from rules_go (example)
grpc-gateway gateway_grpc_compile Generates grpc-gateway .go files (example)
grpc-gateway gateway_openapiv2_compile Generates grpc-gateway OpenAPI v2 .json files (example)
grpc-gateway gateway_grpc_library Generates grpc-gateway library files (example)
Java java_proto_compile Generates a Java protobuf srcjar file (example)
Java java_grpc_compile Generates a Java protobuf and gRPC srcjar file (example)
Java java_proto_library Generates a Java protobuf library using java_library (example)
Java java_grpc_library Generates a Java protobuf and gRPC library using java_library (example)
JavaScript js_proto_compile Generates JavaScript protobuf .js and .d.ts files (example)
JavaScript js_grpc_node_compile Generates JavaScript protobuf and gRPC-node .js and .d.ts files (example)
JavaScript js_grpc_web_compile Generates JavaScript protobuf and gRPC-Web .js and .d.ts files (example)
JavaScript js_proto_library Generates a JavaScript protobuf library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example)
JavaScript js_grpc_node_library Generates a Node.js protobuf + gRPC-node library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example)
JavaScript js_grpc_web_library Generates a JavaScript protobuf + gRPC-Web library using js_library from rules_nodejs (example)
Objective-C objc_proto_compile Generates Objective-C protobuf .m & .h files (example)
Objective-C objc_grpc_compile Generates Objective-C protobuf and gRPC .m & .h files (example)
Objective-C objc_proto_library Generates an Objective-C protobuf library using objc_library (example)
Objective-C objc_grpc_library Generates an Objective-C protobuf and gRPC library using objc_library (example)
PHP php_proto_compile Generates PHP protobuf .php files (example)
PHP php_grpc_compile Generates PHP protobuf and gRPC .php files (example)
Python python_proto_compile Generates Python protobuf .py files (example)
Python python_grpc_compile Generates Python protobuf and gRPC .py files (example)
Python python_grpclib_compile Generates Python protobuf and grpclib .py files (supports Python 3 only) (example)
Python python_proto_library Generates a Python protobuf library using py_library from rules_python (example)
Python python_grpc_library Generates a Python protobuf and gRPC library using py_library from rules_python (example)
Python python_grpclib_library Generates a Python protobuf and grpclib library using py_library from rules_python (supports Python 3 only) (example)
Ruby ruby_proto_compile Generates Ruby protobuf .rb files (example)
Ruby ruby_grpc_compile Generates Ruby protobuf and gRPC .rb files (example)
Ruby ruby_proto_library Generates a Ruby protobuf library using ruby_library from rules_ruby (example)
Ruby ruby_grpc_library Generates a Ruby protobuf and gRPC library using ruby_library from rules_ruby (example)
Rust rust_proto_compile Generates Rust protobuf .rs files (example)
Rust rust_grpc_compile Generates Rust protobuf and gRPC .rs files (example)
Rust rust_proto_library Generates a Rust protobuf library using rust_library from rules_rust (example)
Rust rust_grpc_library Generates a Rust protobuf and gRPC library using rust_library from rules_rust (example)
Scala scala_proto_compile Generates a Scala protobuf .jar file (example)
Scala scala_grpc_compile Generates Scala protobuf and gRPC .jar file (example)
Scala scala_proto_library Generates a Scala protobuf library using scala_library from rules_scala (example)
Scala scala_grpc_library Generates a Scala protobuf and gRPC library using scala_library from rules_scala (example)
Swift swift_proto_compile Generates Swift protobuf .swift files (example)
Swift swift_grpc_compile Generates Swift protobuf and gRPC .swift files (example)
Swift swift_proto_library Generates a Swift protobuf library using swift_library from rules_swift (example)
Swift swift_grpc_library Generates a Swift protobuf and gRPC library using swift_library from rules_swift (example)

Example Usage

These steps walk through the actions required to go from a raw .proto file to a C++ library. Other languages will have a similar high-level layout.

Step 1: Write a Protocol Buffer .proto file (example: thing.proto):

syntax = "proto3";

package example;

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

message Thing {
    string name = 1;
    google.protobuf.Any payload = 2;

Step 2: Write a file with a proto_library target:

    name = "thing_proto",
    srcs = ["thing.proto"],
    deps = ["@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto"],

In this example we have a dependency on a well-known type any.proto, hence the proto_library to proto_library dependency ("@com_google_protobuf//:any_proto")

Step 3: Add a cpp_proto_compile target

NOTE: In this example thing.proto does not include service definitions (gRPC). For protos with services, use the cpp_grpc_compile rule instead.

# BUILD.bazel
load("@rules_proto_grpc//cpp:defs.bzl", "cpp_proto_compile")

    name = "cpp_thing_proto",
    protos = [":thing_proto"],

But wait, before we can build this, we need to load the dependencies necessary for this rule (see cpp/

Step 4: Load the workspace macro corresponding to the build rule.

load("@rules_proto_grpc//cpp:repositories.bzl", "cpp_repos")


We're now ready to build the target:

Step 5: Build it!

$ bazel build //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto
Target //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto up-to-date:

If we were only interested in the generated files, the cpp_grpc_compile rule would be fine. However, for convenience we'd rather have the outputs compiled into a C++ library. To do that, let's change the rule from cpp_proto_compile to cpp_proto_library:

# BUILD.bazel
load("@rules_proto_grpc//cpp:defs.bzl", "cpp_proto_library")

    name = "cpp_thing_proto",
    protos = [":thing_proto"],
$ bazel build //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto
Target //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto up-to-date:
  bazel-bin/example/proto/  bazel-genfiles/example/proto/cpp_thing_proto/example/proto/thing.pb.h

This way, we can use //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto as a dependency of any other cc_library or cc_binary target as per normal.

NOTE: The cpp_proto_library target implicitly calls cpp_proto_compile, and we can access that rule's by adding _pb at the end of the target name, like bazel build //example/proto:cpp_thing_proto_pb


Code Layout

Each language {lang} has a top-level subdirectory that contains:

  1. {lang}/ Generated documentation for the language rules

  2. {lang}/repositories.bzl: Macro functions that declare repository rule dependencies for that language

  3. {lang}/{rule}.bzl: Rule implementations of the form {lang}_{kind}_{type}, where kind is one of proto|grpc and type is one of compile|library

  4. {lang}/BUILD.bazel: proto_plugin() declarations for the available plugins for the language

  5. example/{lang}/{rule}/: Generated WORKSPACE and BUILD.bazel demonstrating standalone usage of the rules

  6. {lang}/example/routeguide/: Example routeguide example implementation, if possible

Rule Generation

To help maintain consistency of the rule implementations and documentation, all of the rule implementations are generated by the tool //tools/rulegen. Changes in the main should be placed in tools/rulegen/ or tools/rulegen/ Changes to generated rules should be put in the source files (example: tools/rulegen/java.go).

Developing Custom Plugins

Generally, follow the pattern seen in the multiple language examples in this repository. The basic idea is:

  1. Load the plugin rule: load("@rules_proto_grpc//:defs.bzl", "proto_plugin")
  2. Define the rule, giving it a name, options (not mandatory), tool and outputs. tool is a label that refers to the binary executable for the plugin itself
  3. Choose your output type (pick one!):
    • outputs: A list of strings patterns that predicts the pattern of files generated by the plugin. For plugins that produce one output file per input proto file
    • out: The name of a single output file generated by the plugin
    • output_directory: Set to true if your plugin generates files in a non-predictable way. e.g. if the output paths depend on the service names within the files
  4. Create a compilation rule and aspect using the following template:
load("@rules_proto//proto:defs.bzl", "ProtoInfo")

# Create aspect
example_aspect = aspect(
    implementation = proto_compile_aspect_impl,
    provides = [ProtoLibraryAspectNodeInfo],
    attr_aspects = ["deps"],
    attrs = dict(
        _plugins = attr.label_list(
            doc = "List of protoc plugins to apply",
            providers = [ProtoPluginInfo],
            default = [
                Label("//<LABEL OF YOUR PLUGIN>"),
        _prefix = attr.string(
            doc = "String used to disambiguate aspects when generating outputs",
            default = "example_aspect",
    toolchains = ["@rules_proto_grpc//protobuf:toolchain_type"],

# Create compile rule to apply aspect
_rule = rule(
    implementation = proto_compile_impl,
    attrs = dict(
        protos = attr.label_list(
            mandatory = False,  # TODO: set to true in 4.0.0 when deps removed below
            providers = [ProtoInfo],
            doc = "List of labels that provide a ProtoInfo (such as rules_proto proto_library)",
        deps = attr.label_list(
            mandatory = False,
            providers = [ProtoInfo, ProtoLibraryAspectNodeInfo],
            aspects = [example_aspect],
            doc = "DEPRECATED: Use protos attr",
        _plugins = attr.label_list(
            doc = "List of protoc plugins to apply",
            providers = [ProtoPluginInfo],
            default = [
                Label("//<LABEL OF YOUR PLUGIN>"),
    toolchains = [str(Label("//protobuf:toolchain_type"))],

# Create macro for converting attrs and passing to compile
def example_compile(**kwargs):
        verbose_string = "{}".format(kwargs.get("verbose", 0)),


This project is derived from stackb/rules_proto under the Apache 2.0 license and this project therefore maintains the terms of that license


Contributions are very welcome. Please see for further details.


Bazel rules for building Protobuf and gRPC code and libraries from proto_library targets







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  • Starlark 51.3%
  • Go 21.4%
  • Java 5.7%
  • Makefile 3.6%
  • C++ 3.4%
  • C# 2.7%
  • Other 11.9%