Fallback for when Mycroft doesn't know the answer
Install prereq picotts with 'sudo apt-get install libttspico-utils' first!
Add more sarcasm to your Mycroft now!
Does a couple of things:
- It repeats the utterance with a high pitched en-GB voice through picotts
- it does a r2d2 robot-like impression,
- it gives a remark from the dialog file.
Edit the sarcasm dialog file to suit your own taste.
- "Hey Mycroft, blah blah blah"
- "Hey Mycroft, start warp engines"
But it actually works a lot better with non-existing evil skills
- "Hey Mycroft, destroy the death star"
- "Hey Mycroft, play global thermonuclear war"
- "Hey Mycroft, invade england"
- "Hey Mycroft, hack my neighbours wifi"