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MatterBot is a two-part extensible Python bot framework that provides a scheduled feed of information sources to your Mattermost channel(s), and listens in channel(s) for commands to trigger the appropriate module(s).


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Code is GPLv3, (c) Arnim Eijkhoudt, 2022/2023.

  • Official github repository:
  • Pull/feature requests and comments are welcome: please open/post them on GitHub.
  • If you are looking to deploy MatterBot in a commercial setting, please reach out to me via my email address at my current employer.


Code probably has bugs, but it is in a 'works for me' and recently: 'works for others' state ;-)


MatterBot consists of two parts that can be run independently: matterbot and matterfeed. Both parts should be run within tmux or screen; the code itself is not daemonized (this may happen at some point in the future).

matterfeed Sources

Matterfeed reports news updates on a set schedule. The currently supported sources are listed in the table below:

Name Type API Key Required Paid Subscription
Aqua Security Blog RSS No No
Bruce Schneier's Blog RSS No No
CISecurity RSS No No
Cqure Blog RSS No No
CSHub (configurable list of CSHub feeds) RSS No No
DarkNet blog RSS No No
DataBreachSecurity News RSS No No
GBHackers News RSS No No
Kitploit Tool Updates RSS No No
KnowBe4 News RSS No No
KrebsOnSecurity Blog RSS No No
MajorLeagueHacking News RSS No No
Microsoft Vulnerability Reports RSS No No
NCSC Netherlands Advisories RSS No No
NCSC United Kingdom Advisories RSS No No
PacketStorm Security RSS No No
Ransomwatch JSON No No
Reddit (configurable list of subreddits) RSS No No
SANS Internet Storm Center RSS No No
SebDraven RSS No No
SecureList News RSS No No
SecurityAffairs News RSS No No
TheHackerNews News RSS No No
Threatpost News RSS No No
TrendMicro Research RSS No No
Tripwire State of Security RSS No No
US-CERT National Cyber Awareness System (Advisories, Alerts, Analysis Reports, Current Activity) RSS No No
Velociraptor News/Updates RSS No No
WeLiveSecurity News RSS No No
WikiJS Page Updates WikiJS GraphQL Yes No

New Matterfeed modules can be created. A boilerplate example can be found in the modules directory.

matterbot Commands

The Matterbot component listens in a given set of channels (configurable per module) for user-definable commands, executes and returns the results of the module code. The currently supported commands are listed below:

Name Type Functionality / Use Case API Key Required Paid Subscription
AlienVault OTX Threat Intel Look up IPv4, IPv6, hostnames, domains, MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes and URLs No No, but some API limitations may apply
ASN WHOIS Threat Intel Look up Autonomous System Numbers and return the ownership, peering and location information No No
AttackMatrix Threat Intel Query an AttackMatrix instance for e.g. MITRE ATT&CK IDs, Actor- and TTP-overlap. Requires Python GraphViz bindings to display the accompanying Graph No, unless the AttackMatrix API is configured to require an API key No
Broadcom Symantec Security Cloud (BSSC) Threat Intel Retrieve 'Threat Intel Insight' information for SHA256 file hashes, IPs, reputations, domains and URLs Yes Yes
Censys Threat Intel Query Censys for IPs and SHA256 certificate fingerprints. Query results are returned as the original Censys JSON blob Yes No: basic functionality
Yes: additional features, such as pagination
ChatGPT LLM / GPT queries Ask OpenAI's ChatGPT singular questions (no  support for chat history). Requires a paid subscription with sufficient credits Yes Yes
Diceroll Fun Roll any kind of dice combination: #d# format No No
Early Warning & Advisory (EWA) Threat Intel Create Early Warning & Advisory documents using the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) and WikiJS information. Requires pandoc,  pypandoc, LaTeX, a WikiJS instance and a CSS template for final rendering No (for NVD)
Yes (for WikiJS)
GeoLocation Threat Intel Convert latitude/longitude  values into an address No No
Hybrid-Analysis Threat Intel Look up IPs, hostnames, domains, URLs, MD5, SHA1, SHA256, Authentihash, Imphash, ssdeep hashes and VxFamily names, as well as known 'context' and 'similarity' Yes: 'vetted' API key strongly recommended to prevent hitting API limits No: basic functionality, Yes: additional features/details
IPWHOIS Threat Intel Look up IP address information: ownership, ASN, geolocation information No No
LeakIX Threat Intel Find subdomains and look up possible information/data leaks for hosts and domains Yes: API key strongly recommended to prevent hitting API limits No: basic functionality, Yes: additional data
Malpedia Threat Intel Look up malware families, threat actors and MD5/SHA256 malware hashes No: basic functionality
Yes: malware downloads
MalwareBazaar Threat Intel Query MalwareBazaar for MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes of malware. Will also return include a downloadable malware sample, if available No No
MISP Threat Intel Wildcard-searching of a MISP instance for the given search terms. Returns links to the MISP Events where the search terms have been found Yes No
RIPE WHOIS Threat Intel Look up IP address information: ownership, CIDR and geolocation information No No
Shodan Threat Intel Query Shodan for IP address or host information, as well as performing count and search queries. Results will include the original Shodan JSON blob as a download Yes No: basic functionality
Yes: pagination, search queries, etc.
SSLMate Threat Intel Look up SSL/TLS SHA256 hashes in the Certificate Transparency logs. Returns historic data, related hostnames, revocation status and validity times Yes No
ThreatFox Threat Intel Query ThreatFox for MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes, IP addresses No No
TLSGrab Threat Intel Connect to the given IP address + port, and attempt to retrieve the TLS certificate CNs. Note: this is an OPSEC risk, because the bot will actively attempt to connect to the host/port! No No
Tweetfeed Threat Intel Query the Tweetfeed API for the given IoC/tag No No Threat Intel Search the project for information on TTPs, code snippets and detection rules. Returns code snippets and detection rules as a download, if available No No
URLhaus Threat Intel Look up reputation info on URLhaus for URLs and MD5 / SHA1 / SHA256 URL hashes No No
VirusTotal Threat Intel Search VirusTotal for IP addresses, MD5/SHA1/SHA256 hashes, URLs and domains. Returned results will include maliciousness, TTP sets, malware family names, etc., if available Yes No: basic functionality
Yes: paid VT features, throttling limit removal, etc.
WikiJS Information Retrieval Search through WikiJS pages' contents for the given search terms. Returns links to the pages where the contents were found Yes Yes: currently requires a Microsoft Azure Search instance that indexes the WikiJS instance (Note: this is a WikiJS limitation!)

New Matterbot modules can be created. A boilerplate example can be found in the commands directory.



  • Tested with Python 3.10+, although earlier Python 3 versions might work (test at your own discretion). Most modern distributions should be able to run this.
  • Make sure to install the Python requirements (see requirements.txt).
  • For GraphViz support (e.g. AttackMatrix visual graph generation), you will need to install GraphViz for your distribution/OS. Make sure that it includes GTS (GNU Triangulated Surface) support.


  • A Mattermost instance.
  • A 'bot account' on that Mattermost instance. NOTE: Currently the bot requires an admin account (see open issues) on your Mattermost instance!
  • Remember to invite the bot to the correct channels, both for outputting the results from its feed parsing and so it can listen to commands!

General information goes through the modules directory and will run all detected modules every 5 minutes, outputting the results to the specified channels. Every module has its own custom configuration: you'll need to check the individual directories for more information. For example, the WikiJS module requires you to have a WikiJS instance with GraphQL API access, as well as a Microsoft Azure Search instance. You'll need to put the API key etc. in its configuration for it to work properly.

Getting started

  1. Copy config.defaults.yaml to config.yaml and edit the settings.
  2. For every module you want to use, check the respective configuration in modules/.../. Create a and use that to override the configuration from If you do not want to use a module, the easiest way to disable it is to rename the file to something else, so it will not be detected on startup.
  3. Start up the and watch the logfile for errors.

General information goes through the commands directory and will start listening in every specified channel for every specified bind (command). Every module has its own custom configuration: you'll need to check the individual directories for more information. For example, the ChatGPT module requires you to have an OpenAI account with API access, and you'll need to put the API key etc. in the configuration for it to work.

Getting started

  1. Copy config.defaults.yaml to config.yaml and edit the settings.
  2. For every module you want to use, check the respective configuration in commands/.../. Create a and use that to override the configuration from If you do not want to use a module, the easiest way to disable it is to rename the file to something else, so it will not be detected on startup.
  3. Start up the

Writing your own module

  • For, it is relatively simple to copy an existing module and alter it to your own needs. Make sure to update the pathlib construct to reflect the right module and directory names.

  • is a fully asynchronous setup, which has both advantages and limitations. The example command is a good place to learn more and start developing your own command handler. Pay particular attention to the description in the commands/example/ file for more information on how to get started and to avoid common pitfalls.

General known issues and to-do's

  • Code cleanups and optimizations
  • Better (generalized) logging and error handling


MatterBot is a two-part extensible Python bot framework that provides a scheduled feed of information sources to your Mattermost channel(s), and listens in channel(s) for commands to trigger the appropriate module(s).







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  • Python 100.0%