- simply window operation for neovim written in lua
- inspired by you-are-here.vim
- packer.nvim
use {'tkmpypy/chowcho.nvim'}
Select the number after executing the command Chowcho
or after calling the lua function.
Optionally, run an arbitrary function which receives winid. The example below hides a selected window.
call setup
require('chowcho').setup {
icon_enabled = true, -- required 'nvim-web-devicons' (default: false)
text_color = '#FFFFFF',
bg_color = '#555555',
active_border_color = '#0A8BFF',
border_style = 'rounded', -- default is 'single'. See details ':h nvim_open_win'
use_exclude_default = false,
exclude = function(buf, win)
-- Exclude a window from the choice based on its buffer information.
-- This option is applied iff `use_exclude_default = false`.
-- Note that below is identical to the `use_exclude_default = true`.
local fname = vim.fn.expand('#' .. buf .. ':t')
return fname == ''
zindex = 10000, -- sufficiently large value to show on top of the other windows