TO DO - explain how Fusion Tables is no longer an actively-developed tool, in the opinion of the author and several other former users. As a result, this part of the book will be archived and no longer updated
Tutorials and variations of Searchable Map Template with Google Maps and Fusion Tables, created by Derek Eder
- All steps can be done inside your browser
- Full-screen responsive web design works on most devices
- Searchable location with filters (checkboxes, sliders, etc.)
- Optional template to embed as an iframe on your own site
- All data (up to 100,000 map points) resides in Google Fusion Table
- Post questions on Google Group Forum for this template
- No coding skills required, but several steps required to edit existing code template
- explain cases where this approach make sense
- compare with Leaflet templates and GeoJSON data hosted on GitHub Pages
- For questions about the Searchable Map template, see!forum/fusion-table-map-template
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