This is an example project demonstrating how you can build a frontend part of the JavaScript application using Vaadin components and Vaadin Router library, and leverage the benefits of the modern tools.
The application uses ES modules for development, and Webpack as a module bundler. The optimizations like code splitting, minifying JavaScript and HTML (inside of the template string literals) are used to reduce production bundle size.
- Latest Polymer 3 and up-to-date webcomponentsjs polyfill
- UI built using latest Vaadin components shipped as ES modules
- Vaadin Router configured for code splitting and lazy loading
- webpack 4 for easy development and production bundling
- Up-to-date Babel 7 verified to work nice with Custom Elements
- Modern build for evergreen browsers using BabelMultiTargetPlugin
- Minification of JavaScript using Terser supporting ES2015+
- Minification of HTML and CSS in tagged template literals
- Automatic service worker generation using Workbox
- Automatic bundle analysis and report generation
- Web server using express and History API middleware
- Compressing static files for production using gzip and Brotli algorithm
- Serving compressed files using express-static-gzip middleware
npm i
Start webpack-dev-server
on localhost
npm run dev
npm run lint
Run production build:
npm run build
Serve the built output on localhost
npm start
Run production build and start HTTP server to show bundle report:
npm run build:analyze
- Using
suggested by Polymer docs is not supported, see webpack/webpack#6719