Snabberb is a simple Ruby view framework built on Opal and Snabbdom.
You can write reactive views in plain Ruby that compile to efficient Javascript.
require 'opal'
require 'snabberb'
class TextBox < Snabberb::Component
needs :text
needs :selected, default: false, store: true
def render
onclick = lambda do
store(:selected, !@selected)
style = {
cursor: 'pointer',
border: 'solid 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
style['background-color'] = 'lightblue' if @selected
h(:div, { style: style, on: { click: onclick } }, [
h(:div, @text)
# Assuming you have a DOM element with ID=app
TextBox.attach('app', text: 'hello world')
# Or you can get the HTML string for isomorphic applications
TextBox.html(text: 'hello world')
Roda App with HTML Prerendering
Subclass Snabberb::Component and override #render to build divs using #h.
Render should only return one root element.
#h takes either a DOM symbol (:div, :span, :a, ...) or another Snabberb::Component class.
class DomExample < Snabberb::Component
def render
class ComponentExample < Snabberb::Component
def render
Like Snabbdom, #h with DOM elements can take props which take the form of a dict.
class PropsExample < Snabberb::Component
def render
h(:div, { style: { display: 'inline-block' }, class: { selected: true } })
Components do not take props, instead they take needs which are dependent arguments.
class PassingNeedsExample < Snabberb::Component
def render
h(ChildComponent, need1: 1, need2: 2)
#h can also be nested with a child or multiple children.
class NestedExample < Snabberb::Component
def render
h(:div, [
h(ChildComponent, need1: 1, need2: 2),
h(:div, { style: { width: '100px' } }, [
h(:div, 'hello'),
Components can define needs which allow parent components to pass down arguments. They can also be stateful which allows changes to propogate easily throughout the application.
Needs are by default required. They can be set with default values. Needs are accesible with instance variables that are automatically set.
class NeedsExample < Snabberb::Component
needs :name
needs :value, default: 0, store: true
def render
onclick = lambda do
store(:value, @value + 1)
h(:div, [
h(:div, @name),
h(:div, { on: { click: onclick} }, @value),
When simple state changes must be tracked, a need can define store: true. This will use the stored value of this key which is set on the root node. The precedence of need values is stored > passed needs > default value.
Needs can be set with #store which will trigger a view update. Snabberb uses Snabbdom to update the DOM, so only the differences in the DOM are changed.
You can prerender your HTML by calling
Snabberb.prerender_script('LayoutClass', 'ApplicationClass', 'application_id', javascript_include_tags: '', **needs)
A detailed example can be found in the Roda example.
You can generate HTML from a component with a file.
Snabberb.html_script('path/to/my_component.rb', **needs)
This reads in the ruby file at the path and generates javascript that calls html on the CamelCased version of the file name.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'snabberb'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install snabberb
bundle install
bundle exec rake
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.