MWC 2012 is an open-source conference schedule application for in Barcelona, Spain (February 2012).
It illustrates proper application architecture layering and uses a common code base for the Business Layer (BL), Data Access Layer (DAL), and Data Layer (DL) layers. It then separates out the User Interface (UI) and Application Layer (AL) into the appropriate device-applications.
There are versions for iPhone/iPad, Android and Windows Phone 7.
You can read more about this app on the Xamarin blog:
- NOTE: the Android version requires you to register for a Google Maps key to enable the map tiles in the MapView. See the instructions in /Resources/Values/PrivateStringsTemplate.xml and /Resources/Layout/MapScreen.axml for details. You must also have installed the Google Maps API Add-On (instructions:
Bryan Costanich, Craig Dunn, Frank Krueger, Brian Kim, James Clancey