Machine learning for microcontroller and embedded systems. Train in Python, then do inference on any device with a C99 compiler.
Embedded-friendly Inference
- Portable C99 code
- No libc required
- No dynamic allocations
- Support integer/fixed-point math
- Single header file include
Convenient Training
- Using Python with scikit-learn or Keras
- The generated C classifier is also accessible in Python
Can be used as an open source alternative to MATLAB Classification Trees,
Decision Trees using MATLAB Coder for C/C++ code generation.
, fitcensemble
, TreeBagger
, ClassificationEnsemble
, CompactTreeBagger
Minimally useful
: sklearn.RandomForestClassifier, sklearn.ExtraTreesClassifier, sklearn.DecisionTreeClassifiereml_net
: sklearn.MultiLayerPerceptron, Keras.Sequential with fully-connected layerseml_bayes
: sklearn.GaussianNaiveBayes
Feature extraction:
: Melspectrogram
Tested running on AVR Atmega, ESP8266 and Linux.
Install from PyPI
pip install --user emlearn
- Train your model in Python
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
estimator = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=10, max_depth=10), Y_train)
- Convert it to C code
import emlearn
cmodel = emlearn.convert(estimator, method='inline')'sonar.h')
- Use the C code
#include "sonar.h"
const int32_t length = 60;
int32_t values[length] = { ... };
const int32_t predicted_class = sonar_predict(values, length):
For full example code, see examples/
If you use emlearn
in an academic work, please reference it using:
author = {Jon Nordby},
title = {{emlearn: Machine Learning inference engine for
Microcontrollers and Embedded Devices}},
month = mar,
year = 2019,
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.2589394},
url = {}