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Tutorial – jQuery
Quick Start

Another class of functions that is often considered difficult to test is code that directly manipulates the DOM. Let's see how we can test the following snippet of jQuery code that listens to a click event, fetches some data asynchronously and sets the content of a span.

// displayUser.js
var $ = require('jquery');
var fetchCurrentUser = require('./fetchCurrentUser.js');

$('#button').click(function() {
  fetchCurrentUser(function(user) {
    var loggedText = 'Logged ' + (user.loggedIn ? 'In' : 'Out');
    $('#username').text(user.fullName + ' - ' + loggedText);

Again, we create a test file in the __tests__/ folder:

// __tests__/displayUser-test.js

describe('displayUser', function() {
  it('displays a user after a click', function() {
    // Set up our document body
    document.body.innerHTML =
      '<div>' +
      '  <span id="username" />' +
      '  <button id="button" />' +

    var displayUser = require('../displayUser');
    var $ = require('jquery');
    var fetchCurrentUser = require('../fetchCurrentUser');

    // Tell the fetchCurrentUser mock function to automatically invoke
    // its callback with some data
    fetchCurrentUser.mockImplementation(function(cb) {
        loggedIn: true,
        fullName: 'Johnny Cash'

    // Use jquery to emulate a click on our button

    // Assert that the fetchCurrentUser function was called, and that the
    // #username span's inner text was updated as we'd expect.
    expect($('#username').text()).toEqual('Johnny Cash - Logged In');

The function being tested adds an event listener on the #button DOM element, so we need to setup our DOM correctly for the test. Jest ships with jsdom which simulates a DOM environment as if you were in the browser. This means that every DOM API that we call can be observed in the same way it would be observed in a browser!

Since we are interested in testing that displayUser.js makes specific changes to the DOM, we tell Jest not to mock our jquery dependency. This lets displayUser.js actually mutate the DOM, and it gives us an easy means of querying the DOM in our test.

The code for this example is available at examples/jquery/.