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In order to manage, add, and list information stored in faraday, we created fplugin, a simple plugin that allows you to interact directly with our Python API from the command line.

It gives Faraday powerful scripting features, and allows you to query the database without leaving your favourite workspace, be it the GTK interface, or a terminal.

Using our plugin located in $faraday/bin/ you can do different actions from the command line

$ ./fplugin -h
usage: fplugin [-h] [-i] [-w WORKSPACE] [-u URL] [command]

Using our plugin you can do different actions in the command line
and interact with Faraday. Faraday comes with some presets for bulk
actions such as object removal, get object information, etc.
Any parameter not recognized by fplugin, or everything after -- will be passed on
to the called script.

positional arguments:
  command               Command to execute. Example: ./fplugin getAllIps
                        (default: None)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i, --interactive     Run in interactive mode (default: False)
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Workspace to use (default: sebi2)
  -u URL, --url URL     Faraday Server URL. Example: http://localhost:5985
                        (default: http://localhost:5985)

Available scripts:
	- create_cred: Creates new credentials
	- create_host: Creates a new host in current workspace
	- create_interface: Creates a new interface in a specified host
	- create_note: Creates a new note
	- create_service: Creates a new service in a specified interface
	- create_vuln: Creates a new vulnerability
	- create_vulnweb: Creates a new website vulnerability in a specified service
	- delAllHost: Deletes all stored hosts
	- delAllServiceClosed: Deletes all services with a non open port
	- delAllVulnsWith: Empty
	- filter_services: Filter services by port
	- getAllCreds: Get all stored credentials
	- getAllIps: Get all scanned IPs
	- getAllIpsInterfaces: Get all scanned interfaces
	- getAllOs: Lists all scanned OSs
	- getExploits: Get possible exploits from open services
	- getSeverityByCwe: Get Vulns filtered by Severity and change Severity based in CWE

To view the help ofthe fplugin, you can use the -h or --help arguments. It is also possible to view the help of the individual commands, but as the arguments mentioned will be catched before they reach the command being called, you need to 'escape' them, like this:

$ ./fplugin create_host -- -h

usage: fplugin create_host [-h] [--dry-run] name os

Creates a new host in current workspace

positional arguments:
  name        Host name
  os          OS

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --dry-run   Do not touch the database. Only print the object ID (default:

Everything after the -- will be sent to the command, and will not be interpreted by fplugin.

Usage Examples

Filter hosts by ports or services

The following command will list all running services exposed on common HTTP ports (services with ports 80, 8080, 443, 8443 open).

 $ ./fplugin filter_services http ssh -p 21 -a
Filtering services for ports: 21, 22, 80, 443, 8080, 8443	ssh	[22]	tcp	open	None	http	[443]	tcp	open	None	ssh	[22]	tcp	open	Linux	http	[443]	tcp	open	Linux	ssh	[22]	tcp	open	Linux	http	[80]	tcp	open	Linux	http	[443]	tcp	open	Linux	upnp	[80]	tcp	open	Linux	ssh	[22]	tcp	open	Linux	http	[80]	tcp	open	Windows	ssh	[22]	tcp	open	Linux	http	[443]	tcp	open	Linux

Create a new host

$ ./fplugin create_host Android

$ echo $?

$ ./fplugin create_host Android
A host with ID 1a7b2981c7becbcb3d5318056eb29a58817f5e67 already exists!

$ echo $?

Create a new interface

./fplugin create_interface 1a7b2981c7becbcb3d5318056eb29a58817f5e67 intname aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

As you can see, the commands will return the necessary information to automatize the creation of any of Faraday's data models, or abort in case of failure.

Interactive mode

This version of fplugin comes with an interactive mode which will help you quickly perform any of the available actions in a virtual interpreter.

 $ ./fplugin -i
Welcome to interactive Faraday!
Press CTRL-D to quit.
> |

The advantage of the interactive mode is that you can use the simple string $last to refer to the ID of the last added object.

For example:

> create_host Android
> create_interface $last intname aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff

Additionaly, it has a command history of the last 1000 issued commands, for quick access. Just as with any terminal, you can cycle through it using the UP and DOWN arrow keys.

Available commands

Faraday comes with some presets for bulk actions such as object removal, etc. These are usually necessary when managing large Workspaces. The current presets are:

  • create_cred: Creates new credentials
  • create_host: Creates a new host in current workspace
  • create_interface: Creates a new interface in a specified host
  • create_note: Creates a new note
  • create_service: Creates a new service in a specified interface
  • create_vuln: Creates a new vulnerability
  • create_vulnweb: Creates a new website vulnerability in a specified service
  • delAllHost: Deletes all stored hosts
  • delAllServiceClosed: Deletes all services with a non open port
  • delAllVulnsWith: Empty
  • filter_services: Filter services by port
  • getAllCreds: Get all stored credentials
  • getAllIps: Get all scanned IPs
  • getAllIpsInterfaces: Get all scanned interfaces
  • getAllOs: Lists all scanned OSs
  • getExploits: Get possible exploits from open services
  • getSeverityByCwe: Get Vulns filtered by Severity and change Severity based in CWE

Adding new commands

fplugin will scan the bin folder of the Faraday root, so adding a new command is as simple as creating a new Python2 file following this standard:

__description__ = 'A short command description
__prettyname__ = 'Comand Name'

def main(workspace='', args=None, parser=None):

The __description__ and __prettyname__ variables will be dinamically extracted to build the available command list, and show valuable information in the help and GTK views.

The 3 parameters of the main function are detailed bellow:

  • workspace: Workspace being worked on
  • args: A Python list of arguments not parsed by fplugin. This corresponds to arguments passed on to the command. You will probably want to send them to the parser after adding the required arguments.
  • parser: An [ArgumentParser](] instance with pre-filled data about the command being executed. It is the task of the command to populate the parser with the optional or required arguments and call parser.parse_args to either print the help page and stop the execution, or to get a Namespace object with the parsed arguments. If no arguments are required, you can safely discard this argument. As sys.argv will contain additional arguments not needed by your command, you should pass the args list to the parse_args call.

The function should return a tuple with the exit code of the command (0 if execution finished without errors, ~0 otherwise), and, if an object was created, the ID of said object, or None in any other case.

Here is a simple example showing the create_host command:

def main(workspace='', args=None, parser=None):
    parser.add_argument('name', help='Host name')
    parser.add_argument('os', help='OS')

    parser.add_argument('--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not touch the database. Only print the object ID')

    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)

    obj = factory.createModelObject(models.Host.class_signature,,
                                    workspace, os=parsed_args.os, parent_id=None)

    old = models.get_host(workspace, obj.getID())

    if old is None:
        if not parsed_args.dry_run:
            models.create_host(workspace, obj)
        print "A host with ID %s already exists!" % obj.getID()
        return 2, None

    return 0, obj.getID()

As you can see, arguments are added to the parser object, and the parser.parse_args is called with the args argument passed on by fplugin

Additionaly, if an object (in this case a Host) is created, we return a value of 0, and the ID of the created Host. If a host with the same IP already exists, we return an error code of 2, and None.