Many webtrees functions are provided by “modules”. Modules allows you to add additional features to webtrees and modify existing features.
A module is a folder containing a file called module.php
There may be other files in the folder, such as CSS, JS, templates,
languages, data, etc.
To install a module, copy its folder to /modules_v4
To uninstall it, delete its folder from /modules_v4
Note that module names (i.e. the folder names) must not contain
spaces or the characters .
, [
and ]
. It must also have a
maximum length of 30 characters.
TIP: renaming a module from <module>
to <module.disable>
is a quick way to hide it from webtrees. This works because
modules containing .
are ignored.
To write a module, you need to understand the PHP programming language.
There are several example modules available at
The built-in modules can be found in app/Module/
These contain lots of useful examples that you can copy/paste.