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Topogram is a web-based and open-source toolkit to represent and explore networks and relationships. It aims at representing dynamic networks to allow observation of changes over time. Also, it includes a geo-visualisation to see spatial existence of networks.
Topogram is based on web technologies and run on all modern browsers (computers, tablets, etc.)
Besides oberving the overall structure of large networks, we often want to explore some specific regions or details. Here, the interaction provided by the browser offers a perfect environment to manipulate network elements.
Topogram provides a toolkit to explore graphs and visualize their changes over time and space. Instead of providing a single state of the network, it aims at enabling the observation of transforming networks.
Topogram is built on a real-time data architecture and reactive interface, which can allow instant collaboration and annotation of larger graphs in the browser.
Topogram provides a minimum data model that can be reused over time.
Topogram is used to explore complex graphs (like organizations, ecosystems, etc) that includes places, words, people or things. It can be used to observe the changes that are happening in a network made of multiple entities.
- Social Media : conversations on social media, email lists, file transfers logs, etc.
- Events and Geo-data : The visualization interface allow to explore social, semantic and spatio-temporal aspects of the data with complex queries.
- Team Investigation: All the graphs can be annotated, augmented and shared within a team to produce solids representations of facts.
Topogram is written entirely in Javascript and use different libraries and frameworks.
- Meteor for backend and real-time updates
- Redux for data frontend on the front end
- React and Material UI for the UI components
- Cytoscape JS to draw networks
- Leaflet to draw maps
It answers the growing need for interactive mapping of complex online and offline interactions. Also because you need to be able to make sense of a bunch of text data without hours of development. Finally, because you may want to own your research environment and still be able to use it in your web browser so you can share results and analysis process easily.
Download and install Topogram on your own computer by following the instructions on the Get Started
Topogram was originally conceived by Clément Renaud during its phD research about Internet memes on the Chinese social network Sina Weibo. You can read the thesis for some more background on the project.
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