This pipeline serves as the starting point for the SKA Digial Twin Pipeline, which is written in Python and set up in an interactive Jupyter Notebook environment. Two specific radio telescope packages are used:
- OSKAR: Responsible for the simulation of the sky and the telescope
- OSKAR telescope files are from -> Example Data
- RASCIL: Responsible for imaging
For easy usage use the docker already build docker image. The image will start a Jupyter Lab server that you can then open in any browser on your host machine on localhost:8888.
Run this command to start a Jupyter Lab Server where your changes are NOT persistent between runs.
docker run -p 8888:8888
Run this command to start a Jupyter Lab server where your changes in the Code are persistent between runs of the container.
docker run -p 8888:8888 \
--user `id -u $USER` --group-add users \ #enable write on volume
-v ska_pipeline:/home/jovyan/ska_pipeline \ #bind local volume to persist changes
Now you can edit the code, run it and work with it, without installing any dependencies on your system.
To install the pipeline on your local machine follow the Instructions. It might be easier to just use the docker file for fast testing.