The simplest way to handle cli arguments in golang. Inspired by python Fire package.
package main
import (
type Calc struct{}
// Need to be a public method, so that it is accessible by external package.
func (c Calc) Add(x int, y int) {
fmt.Println(x + y)
func (c Calc) Multiply(x int, y int) {
fmt.Println(x * y)
func main() {
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build calc.go && ./calc
Usage: ./calc add (int, int)
multiply (int, int)
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc divide
Error: divide is not a valid command.
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc add 3
Error: add requires 2 argument(s).
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc add 3 as
Error: as is not a valid number.
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc add 3 4
package main
import (
type Calc struct {
// Need to be a public field, so that it is accessible by external package.
Base int `base (radix) of input numbers`
Verbose bool `print verbose output`
// Need to be a public method, so that it is accessible by external package.
func (c Calc) Add(x int, y int) {
xb, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(x), c.Base, 32)
yb, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(y), c.Base, 32)
if c.Verbose {
fmt.Printf("%d + %d = ", xb, yb)
fmt.Println(xb + yb)
func (c Calc) Multiply(x int, y int) {
xb, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(x), c.Base, 32)
yb, _ := strconv.ParseInt(strconv.Itoa(y), c.Base, 32)
if c.Verbose {
fmt.Printf("%d * %d = ", xb, yb)
fmt.Println(xb * yb)
func main() {
// Needs to pass a pointer to struct, so it can be modified.
simplecli.Handle(&Calc{Base: 10, Verbose: false})
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build examples/calc.go && ./calc
Usage: ./calc [options] add (int, int)
multiply (int, int)
--base int base (radix) of input numbers
--verbose bool print verbose output
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc add 01 10
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc --verbose add 01 10
1 + 10 = 11
thurahlaing @ simplecli > go build main/calc.go && ./calc --verbose --base=2 add 01 10
1 + 2 = 3