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Hand selected, artisinally selected good things. |
picks, ruby rogues |
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2022-05-13 |
Shamelessy stealing this idea from the fantastic Ruby Rogues podcast. Consider them the first pick :sparkling_heart:
May 13th, 2022
- Website Planet's Favicon Generator I've mentioned a favicon generator before, but this one comes from a reader. Not only does it support a larger filesize (up to 5mb), it also provides a gallery feature, so you don't have to bring your own image; you can simply choose from a wide variety their gallery provides.
January 8th, 2018
- What's in a Name? By Katrina Owen
August 13th, 2016:
- Heroku: Simple to host on, and I don't have to worry
about managing everything.
- Rails Setup because we all forget things.
- Rails Quick Setup for those that don't.
- for a good sequence diagrams app.
- Jesse Storimer has authored 3 books, of which I am in the process of studying. Wonderful stuff for those interested in learning more about computers and how Ruby works with it.
October 27th, 2015:
- Upcase: A wonderful online finishing school. Their tagline is, "Let's get that junior out of your title". Well worth the $30 a month - your employer may even cover it, just ask! Link includes 50% off your first month
- Exercises for Programmers: Working through this as part of a dev book club, and the exercises can seem very simple. However, a slight change of approach and you can end up spending 8 hours building a game for one of them, like I did.
- Supergirl Pilot Episode: A delightful introduction to a female superhero that is current, quirky, and just plain delightful. It's rare that I watch much television, so it's nice to be surprised by the care and quality in the first episode.
October 18th, 2014:
- CodeNewbie: a great place for those just getting starting in any area of development.
- Saron Yitbarek [twitter] [site]: Inspiring the aspiring developers out there, and helping to create a community of communication and comraderie. A breath of fresh air, you should really check out her stuff.
- Real Favicon Great for helping to get your favicon setup properly on your site, and also helps understand mobile support.
- Ben Orenstein [twitter] [site]: His love for Vim and his desire to remove the friction from his everyday tool usage is just what I needed. Also, dude gives great talks. Like, seriously, great talks.