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In the Reddit/programming thread about MandelbrotSSE (, user /u/JanneJM asked me about the scaling performance of my code.

Executing on 52 cores

I knew what was going on, since I've seen it before; ...but I wanted to confirm my theory.

The diagram above was generated by a script I wrote, that processes and plots the logs generated by two test executions:

  • One (blue line) with normal benchmarking (i.e. option '-b')
  • One (red line) with option "-p 100" set, in addition to '-b'.

The use of '-p 100' tells my code to reuse NOTHING from the previous frame; and recompute each and every pixel. This means we no longer run the Xaos algorithm - we use the pure AVX ('-v', default) implementation of the Mandelbrot loop on EVERY SINGLE PIXEL, so we become completely CPU bound.

By default, '-p' is set to 0.75, which means only 0.75% pixels are actually computed; the rest (99.25%) are copied from the previous frame, making the process memory-bandwidth-bound, not CPU-bound. This is why by default we run so fast! But that also means we don't scale linearly with more cores - memory bandwidth is, still, the final frontier in computer architectures (as of 2022).

Today, I managed to run my code in a machine with 64 cores, 52 of which were allocated to me; and I run the following two series of commands, controlling the number of CPUs used via the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS:

for ((i=1; i<=$(nproc); i++)); do
   printf "%02d thread(s): " $i
   OMP_NUM_THREADS=$i SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy ./src/mandelSSE -b 256 192 |& grep Frames/
done | tee log.txt

for ((i=1; i<=$(nproc); i++)); do
   printf "%02d thread(s): " $i
   OMP_NUM_THREADS=$i SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dummy ./src/mandelSSE -b -p 100 256 192 |& grep Frames/
done | tee log2.txt

This generated output that looks like this:

01 thread(s): [-] Frames/sec: 752.98
02 thread(s): [-] Frames/sec: 1297.00
03 thread(s): [-] Frames/sec: 1799.12
04 thread(s): [-] Frames/sec: 2168.13

The plot shown above was generated from this data (in files log.txt and log2.txt) and fully confirmed my understanding. The difference in performance between the Xaos algorithm and the "naive" Mandelbrot computation is quite clear; but what is also clear is how the latter, being CPU-bound, benefits linearly by the increase of available cores. In contrast, the Xaos version very quickly "saturates" the available memory bandwidth, and the additional cores just "fight" to get access to the limited available memory speed.

/u/JanneJM, I hope this answers your doubts!
