The Agent component is a powerful abstraction for AI-powered task execution that provides a flexible and type-safe way to interact with language models. It supports various interaction patterns including streaming responses, schema validation, and tool integration.
- Typed task execution with schema validation
- Streaming support for real-time responses
- Tool integration capabilities
- Conversation thread management
- Configurable model settings
- Factory pattern for easy instantiation
Configuration interface for creating an Agent instance.
interface AgentConfig {
name: string; // Name of the agent
description: string; // Description of the agent's purpose
role: string; // System instructions for the agent
model: LanguageModelV1; // Language model to use
tools?: ToolSet; // Optional set of tools the agent can use
callSettings?: CallSettings; // Optional model call settings
taskHistory?: TaskHistory; // Optional task history tracker
verbose?: boolean; // Optional verbose logging flag
Generic interface for task input configuration.
interface TaskInput<T = unknown> {
thread?: Thread; // Optional conversation thread
schema?: z.ZodType<T>; // Optional Zod schema for response validation
stream?: boolean; // Enable streaming response
verbose?: boolean; // Optional verbose logging flag
Interface for streaming task results.
interface StreamingTaskResult {
stream: AsyncGenerator<string>;
The main class for handling AI interactions and task execution.
constructor(config: AgentConfig)
Executes a task with the agent. Supports multiple overloads:
// Basic text response
task(task: string, input?: TaskInput): Promise<string>
// Streaming response
task(task: string, input?: TaskInput & { stream: true }): Promise<AsyncIterableStream<string>>
// Schema-validated response
task<T>(task: string, input?: TaskInput<T> & { schema: z.ZodType<T> }): Promise<T>
Factory function to create a new Agent instance.
function createAgent(config: AgentConfig): Agent
import { Agent, createAgent } from './core/agent';
// Create an agent using the factory function
const agent = createAgent({
name: 'MyAgent',
description: 'A helpful assistant for various tasks',
role: 'You are a helpful assistant that provides clear and concise responses',
model: 'gpt-4',
// Execute a simple task
const response = await agent.task('What is the capital of France?');
// Get a streaming response
const stream = await agent.task('Explain quantum computing', {
stream: true
for await (const chunk of stream) {
console.log(chunk); // Process each chunk of the response
import { z } from 'zod';
// Define a schema for the response
const PersonSchema = z.object({
name: z.string(),
age: z.number(),
email: z.string().email()
// Get a validated response
const person = await agent.task('Generate a person's information', {
schema: PersonSchema
// person will be typed as { name: string; age: number; email: string }
const agent = createAgent({
name: 'ToolAgent',
description: 'An agent that can use tools',
role: 'Assistant with tool access',
model: 'gpt-4',
tools: {
calculator: {
description: 'Performs calculations',
execute: (input: string) => eval(input)
const result = await agent.task('Calculate 2 + 2');
import { Thread } from './core/thread/thread';
// Create a thread for conversation context
const thread = new Thread();
// Use the thread in multiple interactions
const response1 = await agent.task('What is your name?', { thread });
const response2 = await agent.task('What did I just ask you?', { thread });
The CallSettings
interface provides various options to customize the model's behavior:
interface CallSettings {
maxTokens?: number; // Maximum tokens in the response
temperature?: number; // Response randomness (0-1)
topP?: number; // Nucleus sampling parameter
topK?: number; // Top-k sampling parameter
presencePenalty?: number; // Penalty for token presence
frequencyPenalty?: number; // Penalty for token frequency
stopSequences?: string[]; // Sequences to stop generation
seed?: number; // Random seed for reproducibility
maxRetries?: number; // Maximum retry attempts
abortSignal?: AbortSignal; // Signal to abort the request
headers?: Record<string, string | undefined>; // Custom headers
maxSteps?: number; // Maximum number of steps
toolChoice?: 'auto' | 'none' | 'required'; // Tool usage preference
- The agent validates the configuration during instantiation and will throw an error if the name is empty.
- When using tools with schema validation, the agent performs a two-step process:
- First generates a text response
- Then generates a schema-validated object
- Default values:
: 25maxRetries
: 4
- Streaming responses and schema validation cannot be used simultaneously.
- Tool integration requires proper error handling and may impact response time due to the two-step process.
- Always provide clear and specific roles and descriptions for your agents
- Use schema validation when expecting structured responses
- Implement proper error handling, especially when using tools
- Consider using threads for maintaining conversation context
- Configure appropriate timeouts and retry settings for production use