CheckStyle Web Tester is a web utility for regression and testing simple scenarios using checkstyle utility. You can share code, configurations, and output from any version of checkstyle, including releases and nightlies. There is even an option to create a report for submitting issues and problems with checkstyle.
- PHP runtime environment
must be enabled for PHP to call the checkstyle utility- Linux for running automated terminal shell scripts
are required for the nightly script
You only need to modify checkstyle.php
for where you will store the user supplied code and create the jars
and files
folder in that location.
All scripts should be placed inside the jars
Only requires the full version of the release as the first parameter. Will download the checkstyle all jar from
No parameters required. Downloads checkstyle's repository and packages the jar from the master branch.
Requires the full version of the checkstyle release as the first parameter, and the full version of the sevntu release as the second parameter.
No parameters required. Downloads sevntu's and checkstyle's repository and packages the jar from both master branches.
A live test version can be found at: