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Cannot build using Visual Studio 2022 (64-bit) - LTSC 17.4 #85
Hi @LouisStrous! I have not migrated cmake/conan to the latest versions yet - at conan they've changed the whole integration principle with cmake. Basically, what you see here conan-wise was added, bc I needed to integrate sqlite3 and capstone fast. More work is required as per infrastructure... thanks! |
I have now installed conan v1.59.0 and CMake v3.24.3, re-cloned the micro-profiler code, and run "cmake ." in the top-level folder of the repository. This gets me much further than before but still runs into a fatal problem:
I find the word "vssdk" mentioned in one location in the repository: on line 3 of [repo]/micro-profiler/CMakeLists.txt, which reads
There is indeed no file named "vssdk" anywhere in the repository. "vssdk" seems to refer to the Visual Studio SDK, which I had already installed on my system, as part of the "Visual Studio extension development" toolset. Do you know how I can resolve this problem? |
I usually create '/_build' directory, 'cd' there and from it call: btw, did you pull submodules: |
That gives me the same results, unfortunately. See the attached log
Louis Strous
Artem G. schreef op 2023-09-16 02:02:
I usually create '/_build' directory, 'cd' there and from it call:
cmake ..
does this work?
I'll check calling cmake from the root dir - it should work from there
as well.
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#85 (comment)
The system is: Windows - 10.0.22621 - AMD64
Compiling the C compiler identification source file "CMakeCCompilerId.c" succeeded.
Build flags:
Id flags:
The output was:
MSBuild version 17.4.3+7e646be43 for .NET Framework
Build started 2023-09-22 11:46:33.
Project "C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdC\CompilerIdC.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets).
Creating directory "Debug\".
Creating directory "Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\".
Creating "Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /nologo /W0 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc143.pdb" /external:W0 /Gd /TC /FC /errorReport:queue CMakeCCompilerId.c
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\CompilerIdC.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /PDB:".\CompilerIdC.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\CompilerIdC.lib" /MACHINE:X64 Debug\CMakeCCompilerId.obj
CompilerIdC.vcxproj -> C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdC\CompilerIdC.exe
for %%i in (cl.exe) do @echo CMAKE_C_COMPILER=%%~$PATH:i
CMAKE_C_COMPILER=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe
Deleting file "Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
Touching "Debug\CompilerIdC.tlog\CompilerIdC.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdC\CompilerIdC.vcxproj" (default targets).
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.86
Compilation of the C compiler identification source "CMakeCCompilerId.c" produced "CompilerIdC.exe"
Compilation of the C compiler identification source "CMakeCCompilerId.c" produced "CompilerIdC.vcxproj"
The C compiler identification is MSVC, found in "C:/ik/src/micro-profiler/_build/CMakeFiles/3.24.3/CompilerIdC/CompilerIdC.exe"
Compiling the CXX compiler identification source file "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" succeeded.
Build flags:
Id flags:
The output was:
MSBuild version 17.4.3+7e646be43 for .NET Framework
Build started 2023-09-22 11:46:35.
Project "C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdCXX\CompilerIdCXX.vcxproj" on node 1 (default targets).
Creating directory "Debug\".
Creating directory "Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\".
Creating "Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\CL.exe /c /nologo /W0 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /D _MBCS /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"Debug\\" /Fd"Debug\vc143.pdb" /external:W0 /Gd /TP /FC /errorReport:queue CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\HostX64\x64\link.exe /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE /OUT:".\CompilerIdCXX.exe" /INCREMENTAL:NO /NOLOGO kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /MANIFEST /MANIFESTUAC:"level='asInvoker' uiAccess='false'" /manifest:embed /PDB:".\CompilerIdCXX.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /IMPLIB:".\CompilerIdCXX.lib" /MACHINE:X64 Debug\CMakeCXXCompilerId.obj
CompilerIdCXX.vcxproj -> C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdCXX\CompilerIdCXX.exe
for %%i in (cl.exe) do @echo CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=%%~$PATH:i
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.34.31933\bin\Hostx64\x64\cl.exe
Deleting file "Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\unsuccessfulbuild".
Touching "Debug\CompilerIdCXX.tlog\CompilerIdCXX.lastbuildstate".
Done Building Project "C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\3.24.3\CompilerIdCXX\CompilerIdCXX.vcxproj" (default targets).
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:00.80
Compilation of the CXX compiler identification source "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" produced "CompilerIdCXX.exe"
Compilation of the CXX compiler identification source "CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" produced "CompilerIdCXX.vcxproj"
The CXX compiler identification is MSVC, found in "C:/ik/src/micro-profiler/_build/CMakeFiles/3.24.3/CompilerIdCXX/CompilerIdCXX.exe"
Detecting C compiler ABI info compiled with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/ik/src/micro-profiler/_build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command(s):C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Professional/MSBuild/Current/Bin/amd64/MSBuild.exe cmTC_89024.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64 /p:VisualStudioVersion=17.0 /v:m && MSBuild version 17.4.3+7e646be43 for .NET Framework
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.34.31947 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
cl /c /Zi /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /Ob0 /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /Gm- /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /Fo"cmTC_89024.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTC_89024.dir\Debug\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TC /errorReport:queue "C:\Program Files\CMake\share\cmake-3.24\Modules\CMakeCCompilerABI.c"
cmTC_89024.vcxproj -> C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\Debug\cmTC_89024.exe
Detecting CXX compiler ABI info compiled with the following output:
Change Dir: C:/ik/src/micro-profiler/_build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp
Run Build Command(s):C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio/2022/Professional/MSBuild/Current/Bin/amd64/MSBuild.exe cmTC_c834e.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=x64 /p:VisualStudioVersion=17.0 /v:m && MSBuild version 17.4.3+7e646be43 for .NET Framework
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.34.31947 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
cl /c /Zi /W3 /WX- /diagnostics:column /Od /Ob0 /D _MBCS /D WIN32 /D _WINDOWS /D "CMAKE_INTDIR=\"Debug\"" /Gm- /EHsc /RTC1 /MDd /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Zc:inline /GR /Fo"cmTC_c834e.dir\Debug\\" /Fd"cmTC_c834e.dir\Debug\vc143.pdb" /external:W3 /Gd /TP /errorReport:queue "C:\Program Files\CMake\share\cmake-3.24\Modules\CMakeCXXCompilerABI.cpp"
cmTC_c834e.vcxproj -> C:\ik\src\micro-profiler\_build\CMakeFiles\CMakeTmp\Debug\cmTC_c834e.exe
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is MSVC using "-?" matched "Microsoft":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
ML64 [ /options ] filelist [ /link linkoptions ]
/Bl<linker> Use alternate linker /Sf Generate first pass listing
/c Assemble without linking /Sl<width> Set line width
/Cp Preserve case of user identifiers /Sn Suppress symbol-table listing
/Cx Preserve case in publics, externs /Sp<length> Set page length
/D<name>[=text] Define text macro /Ss<string> Set subtitle
/EP Output preprocessed listing to stdout /St<string> Set title
/F <hex> Set stack size (bytes) /Sx List false conditionals
/Fe<file> Name executable /Ta<file> Assemble non-.ASM file
/Fl[file] Generate listing /w Same as /W0 /WX
/Fm[file] Generate map /WX Treat warnings as errors
/Fo<file> Name object file /W<number> Set warning level
/Fr[file] Generate limited browser info /X Ignore INCLUDE environment path
/FR[file] Generate full browser info /Zd Add line number debug info
/I<name> Add include path /Zf Make all symbols public
/link <linker options and libraries> /Zi Add symbolic debug info
/nologo Suppress copyright message /Zp[n] Set structure alignment
/Sa Maximize source listing /Zs Perform syntax check only
/ZH:MD5 Use MD5 for checksum in debug info
/ZH:SHA_256 Use SHA256 for checksum in debug info (default)
/Gy[-] separate functions for linker
/errorReport:<option> Deprecated. Report internal assembler errors to Microsoft
none - do not send report
prompt - prompt to immediately send report
queue - at next admin logon, prompt to send report
send - send report automatically
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is GNU using "--version" did not match "(GNU assembler)|(GCC)|(Free Software Foundation)":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is Clang using "--version" did not match "(clang version)":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is AppleClang using "--version" did not match "(Apple LLVM version)":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is ARMClang using "--version" did not match "armclang":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is HP using "-V" did not match "HP C":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : -V
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is Intel using "--version" did not match "(ICC)":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is IntelLLVM using "--version" did not match "(Intel[^
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : --version
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is SunPro using "-V" did not match "Sun C":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : -V
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
Checking whether the ASM_MASM compiler is XL using "-qversion" did not match "XL C":
Microsoft (R) Macro Assembler (x64) Version 14.34.31947.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
MASM : warning A4018:invalid command-line option : -qversion
MASM : fatal error A1017:missing source filename
I got the code to compile as follows with Visual Studio 2022 LTSC 17.8.11 on Windows 11, using your tips:
I managed (with some hackery) to create a VSIX file and install it into Visual Studio but that didn't lead to any successful profiling run. I then tried to use the micro-profiler as follows without integration into Visual Studio, using a combination of the various options that you describe, but that didn't work, either:
The build succeeded but when I ran my application I did not see anything to show that the micro-profiler was active. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? |
I tried building micro-profiler myself in the hope that that would circumvent issue #83 (to which I contributed some logs yesterday), but Conan ran into errors. The first one was
I tried working around that one by changing
in patcher/src/CMakeLists.txt. Rerunning cmake gave a new error:I tried working around that one by changing
set(_VISUAL "Visual Studio")
toset(_VISUAL "msvc")
in build.props/conan.cmake. Rerunning cmake gave a new error:I don't know how to work around that problem. I think that the msvc version check is incorrect. The latest available Visual Studio version is 17.7, so I don't know what the "at least msvc >= 190" means. I expect that the "compiler.cppstd = 14" refers to C++14 support, which is available in the Visual Studio version that I use, which is 17.4.
Maybe this is a conan problem rather than a micro-profiler problem, but in any case it prevents me from making further progress in getting micro-profiler to build. And the first two problems look like they're micro-profiler problems.
I attach the CMake logs from the last cmake run.
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: