Terraform AWS EC2 Module
Terraform module to provision AWS [EC2
The module will create:
- EC2 Instance
- Create main.tf config file, copy/paste and customize the following configuration.
Operating system |
al2023 |
amazon2 |
centos7 |
centos8 |
rhel6 |
rhel7 |
rhel8 |
rhel9 |
ubuntu1804 |
ubuntu1810 |
ubuntu1904 |
windows2019 |
windows2019SQL2016E |
windows2016 |
windows2012r2 |
customlinux |
customwin |
The os variable is used to auto-select an appropriate latest Amazon Machine Image (ami) corresponding to the OS.
For cases requiring a certain ami, provide a specific value for the ami variable. This will preclude any values provided for the os variable, which will be ignored.
Specifying values for vcpu_count and memory_gb will auto-select a preferred instance type and size. If a value for only one of these two variables is provided, the minimum possible value will be used for the other (example: setting memory_gb = 1 without providing a value for vcpu_count will implicitly set vcpu_count to 2, corresponding to 2 vCPU, 1 GB memory micro size).
Note that not all vcpu_count and memory_gb combinations are valid. For example, there is not an instance type with 16 vCPUs and 1 GB memory.
For cases requiring a certain instance type, provide a specific value for the instance_type variable. This will preclude any values provided for vcpu_count or memory_gb, which will be ignored.
# make sure you deploy the security group before creating ec2 instance, ec2 instance depends on the security group.
provider "aws" {
region = "us-west-2"
module "ec2" {
source = "git::https://[email protected]/ucopacme/terraform-aws-ec2.git//?ref=v0.0.32"
enabled = true # change it to false to destroy the ec2 instance
os = "al2023" # List of os(al2023,amazon2,rhel7,rhel8,rhel9,ubuntu1804,ubuntu1810,ubuntu1904,windows2019,windows2016,windows2019SQL2016E)
vcpu_count = 2 # Choices are 2,4,8,16,32
memory_gb = 4 # Choices are 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256
subnet_id = "subnet_id"
vpc_security_group_ids = "security_group_ids"
root_volume_size = 150 # Default size is 100GB
root_volume_encryption = true # Default is true, change it to false to create unencrypted root volume
volume_type = "gp3" # Default type is gp3
enabled_eip = false # Default is false, change it to true to add EIP
enabled_ebs_volume1 = true # Default is false, change it to true to add ebs volume 1 (device_name = "/dev/sdh")
ebs_volume1_size = 50 # Default null
snapshot_id_volume1 = "" # Default null
enabled_ebs_volume2 = true # Default is false, change it to true to add ebs volume 2 (device_name = "/dev/sdf")
ebs_volume2_size = 150 # Default null
snapshot_id_volume2 = "" # Default null
enabled_ebs_volume3 = true # Default is false, change it to true to add ebs volume 3 (device_name = "/dev/sdj")
ebs_volume3_size = 150 # Default null
snapshot_id_volume3 = "" # Default null
enabled_ebs_volume4 = true # Default is false, change it to true to add ebs volume 4 (device_name = "/dev/sdi")
ebs_volume4_size = 400 # Default null
snapshot_id_volume4 = "" # Default null
enabled_ebs_volume5 = false # Default is false, change it to true to add ebs volume 5 (device_name = "/dev/sdk")
ebs_volume5_size = 10 # Default null
snapshot_id_volume5 = "" # Default null
tags = {
"ucop:application" = "xxx"
"ucop:createdBy" = "terraform"
"ucop:environment" = "xxx"
"ucop:group" = "xxx"
"ucop:source" = "https://github.com/ucopacme/ucop-terraform-deployments/terraform/xxx/"
"Name" = "xxx"
"ucop:owner" = "xxx"
2. Create output.tf config file, copy/paste the following configuration.
output "instance_name" {
description = "The tag name for this instance"
value = var.tags.Name
output "instance_id" {
description = "Instance ID"
value = join("", aws_instance.this.*.id)
output "instance_arn" {
description = "Instance ID"
value = join("", aws_instance.this.*.arn)
output "instance_public_ip" {
description = "Instance ip"
value = join("", aws_instance.this.*.public_ip)
output "instance_private_ip" {
description = "Instance ip"
value = join("", aws_instance.this.*.private_ip)