Terraform AWS EC2 Module
Terraform module to provision AWS [EC2
The module will create:
- EC2 Instance
Create terragrunt.hcl config file and past the following configuration.
# Include all settings from root terragrunt.hcl file
include {
path = find_in_parent_folders()
dependency "sg" {
config_path = "../sg"
inputs = {
enabled = false
ami = "ami-0800fc0fa715fdcfe"
instance_type = "t2.micro" # Default type is t2.micro
subnet_id = "subnet-084c56f1fd8699780"
vpc_security_group_ids = [dependency.sg.outputs.id]
key_name = "my-Key"
volume_size = 50 # Default size is 100GB
volume_type = "gp2" # Default type is gp3
tags = {
"ucop:application" = "test"
"ucop:createdBy" = "terraform"
"ucop:enviroment" = "Prod"
"ucop:group" = "test"
"ucop:source" = join("/", ["https://github.com/ucopacme/ucop-terraform-config/tree/master/terraform/its-chs-dev/us-west-2", path_relative_to_include()])
"Name" = "test"
terraform {
source = "git::https://[email protected]/ucopacme/terraform-aws-ec2.git?ref=v0.0.1"