- [NEW] Remove spring-hateaos dependency
- [NEW] Improvements in the hdiv-services module for a better technology support
- [FIX] Execute filter in ERROR DispatchType requests
- [FIX] Recover deprecated methods
- [FIX] Urls with HDIV_STATE parameter
- [FIX] Make ValidatorError serializable
- [FIX] UICommand clicked detection minor fix
- [NEW] Minor changes in hdiv-jsf
- [NEW] Minor changes in hdiv-jsf
- [NEW] Improvements in client-side generated cookies validation
- [FIX] Fix same parameter in action and field
- [FIX] Fix required parameter configured as start parameter
- [NEW] Tag attribute holder in RequestContext
- [BUG] Fix loop
- [NEW] Initialize ‘formStateId’ attribute with ModifyHdivState state value
- [NEW] New 'editableFieldsRequiredByDefault' configuration option.
- [BUG] Fix loop
- [NEW] Initialize ‘formStateId’ attribute with ModifyHdivState state value
- [NEW] Configuration option to disable multipart integration
- [NEW] Prevent exclusion overriding
- [NEW] Include cookie original value in attack detail.
- [NEW] Include parameter value in new parameter attack detail.
- [BUG] Spring MVC, support no RequestContext in request.
- Fix encoding error in Websphere.
- Struts1: Don’t process url if requestContext is null.
- @Since and @DeprecatedSince annotations to enable Page and State versioning.
- Protect access to invalidated session attributes.
- Protect internal request attributes deletion or modification.
- System property to disable request clean in async requests
- Protect Struts Tags extension from null IDataComposer
- Replace commons-logging by slf4j
- [BUG] If an uncontrolled exception occurs during validate() the request should progress
- Fix missing 'hdivFormStateId' attribute in request scope
- Fix for issue 94: hdiv#94
- Reduce dependencies
- Protect Matchers from StackOverflowError.
- Reinitialize HttpSession attributes if they are missing.
- Allow Hdiv to run in a auto-contained context (without WebApplicationContext)
- Weak reference RequestContext
- Allow UUID as Page Ids
- Fix for Glassfish queryString
- Fix issue with parameters without values in WebSphere servers: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1PM35450
- Fix Spring security issue that may cause the links not to be processed by Hdiv
- Performance improvements.
- Ensure error message content is escaped.
- Error page design update.
- JSF 1.x support removed. Now JSF 2.0 is the minimum supported version.
- All request scoped data moved inside RequestContextHolder object.
- Add new methods to ISession to get/set/remove session attributes.
- Refactor state id generation and parse.
- Fix spring-security 4.0.x support bug
- Performance improvements.
- Remove Cipher and Hash strategies.
- Servlet API >= 3.0
- Support asynchronous requests.
- Add 'hdiv-page-' prefix to pages stored in user session.
- Refactor validation error message creation. It is not created in ValidatorHelperRequest but ValidatorFilter.
- LinkUrlProcessor: remove input HDIV_STATE parameter if it exists.
- Bug fixed in page refresh and non sequential page ids.
- Multiple iframe support in the same page
- Fix issue with IE 6 when redirects to a URL with a fragment identifier.
- Extension of Struts 1 Tiles InsertTag class for actions with parameters (queryString) support.
- Fix issue in HDIV Core library. It was caused when repeated values were received in last positions of array named "values".
- Multipart request handler modified to return appropriate RequestWrapper object, if available, unwrapping the given request as far as necessary.
- Fix issue in Struts1: HDIVTilesRequestProcessor class
- Fix issue in Spring version check.
- Fix issue in longLiving request validation.
- Fix issue in concurrent Ajax requests with 'reuseExistingPageInAjaxRequest' option enabled.
- New 'X-HDIV-EXCLUDE-PAGE-REUSE' header to avoid page reusing in Ajax calls.
- Take into account hdiv:validationRule tag order looking for a matching url.
- New 'parameters' attribute in hdiv:validationRule tag. Contains a list or unique regular expression that defines the parameters for which editable validation is applied (hdiv#66).
- F5 key support. Reloading the same page never expire session states (hdiv#67).
- Fix @Validation and grouping issue (hdiv#70).
- In case of detecting an attack in editable data validation, add validation name to the log.
- New 'ServletContextInitializer' and 'SessionInitializer' interfaces for ServletContext and HttpSession initialization.
- Minor error fixes.
- Fix multipart issue in Struts1 (hdiv#59).
- Fix multipart issue in Spring MVC (hdiv#62).
- Support Servlet3 standard multipart processing in Spring MVC.
- Memory and performance optimizations.
- New 'hdiv-thymeleaf' module for Thymeleaf template engine support.
- Create default error page content if no errorPage is configured.
- @Configuration support for JavaConfig as an alternative to XML.
- Spring >= 4.0.0 is required to use JavaConfig and @EnableHdivWebSecurity feature
- Ability to include an inner RequestDataValueProcessor to HdivRequestDataValueProcessor.
- Spring Security CSRF token integration. Both, HDIV and Spring Security tokens are created.
- New 'reuseExistingPageInAjaxRequest' configuration option. If it is activated, Ajax requests don't create a new page and reuse the existing one.
- Move CipherTag to hdiv-core.
- New 'longLivingPages' feature to configure pages which link and forms never expire.
- Create a custom token for form elements.
- Fix form multipart issue (hdiv#44).
- New 'org.hdiv.regex' package for Java regular expression execution abstraction.
- New 'hdiv-docs' module with official documentation.
- Include original parameter value in attack logs
- Java >= 1.5 is required.
- Fix form field confidentiality error on RESTfull configuration (hdiv#31).
- Hash and Cipher strategy support for Ajax requests (hdiv#36).
- Support Spring 4.0.0 (4.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT) and changes to org.springframework.web.servlet.support.RequestDataValueProcessor
- Use request method to define StartPages (hdiv#5).
- Editable Validation and JSR303 validations in Spring MVC (hdiv#10).
- Editable Validation support in Grails.
- New 'showErrorPageOnEditableValidation' attribute in hdiv:config to show error page on Editable validation error.
- Struts1 module for Hdiv. (Struts 1.3.8 support).
- Fix Multipart request handing in Spring MVC (hdiv#14) and (hdiv#18).
- JSF module for Hdiv. (JSF 1.1, 1.2, 2.0 and 2.1 support). Tested with Apache MyFaces and Sun RI.
- Fix error with multivalue url params.
- New 'sessionExpired' attribute in hdiv:config to define error pages when session has expired.
- New 'org.hdiv.filter.ValidatorErrorHandler' interface to handle request validation errors. 'DefaultValidatorErrorHandler' class contains default implementation.
- IDataComposer initialization dropped from InitListener and moved to ValidatorFilter to avoid problems with premature request initialization. Fix (hdiv#21)
- JSF requires ValidatorFilter for GET request validation and IDataComposer initialization
- Fix Thread safe error on Cipher strategy (hdiv#23).
- Spring beans with generated names (hdiv#27).
- Spring 3.0 or greater is required for hdiv-core.
- avoidValidationInUrlsWithoutParams only affects to link urls.
- Absolute URLs are returned as absolute URLs in LinkUrlProcessor.
- RequestDataValueProcessor for Grails applications.
- Confidential values are visible in the log.
- Expose form state id to request. Simpler Ajax support.
- Fixed (hdiv#3) error parsing parameters without value
- Fixed (hdiv#4) bug with nested tags
- New 'debugMode' configuration mode to log the attacks but don`t stop it.
- Register and use a group of editable validations by default (Sql injection, exec command and XSS attacks).
- Add "registerDefaults" attribute to hdiv:editableValidations element to enable/disable default editable validations.
- Add "enableDefaults" attribute to hdiv:validationRule element to enable/disable default editable validations per rule.
- Make possible to update a existing state. Designed for ajax requests that update part of the page.
- New 'maxPagesPerSession' configuration attribute to control the number of states in session.
- JavaDoc and License correction.
- Final Spring Framework 3.1.0 version support.
- Configurable IUserData instance in the scheme.
- Better support for anchored urls.
- Refactor of the url splitting and processing classes.
- Hdiv schema for simpler configuration.
------- New Features -------
- Support for JSF 1.2
- Support for JSF 2.0
------- Improvements --------
- WebFlow deletes session pages when conversation ends. Consecuently, parameter (flowExecutionKey/execution) is no longer added automatically.
- URLs with anchor (#) are now correctly managed.
- added hdiv-jsf module
- added hdiv-jsf-2 module
- added hdiv-web-jsf-bookstore module
------- New Features -------
- Support for Spring MVC 3.0.4
- Support for Spring Webflow 2.1.1
------- Improvements --------
- Better error handling support.
- The bean 'multipartConfig' is not required, interesting for applications without multipart requests.
- The 'paramWithoutValidation' and 'excludedURLExtensions' properties are not required in HdivConfig.
- added hdiv-spring-mvc-3.0.4 module
- added hdiv-web-spring-mvc-3.0.4 module
- added hdiv-webflow-2.1.1 module
- added hdiv-web-webflow-2.1.1 module
------- New Features -------
- Support for Spring MVC 3.0.2
- Support for JSTL 1.2
------- Improvements --------
- It has done a great job in order to improve performance related to CPU, memory and session usage.
- A new option has been added to avoid creating a state for links wihtout any parameter.
- A new option called excludedURLExtensions allows excluding links depending on their extension.
- New interface PageIdGenerator allows changing page id generation strategy.
- Package org.hdiv.idGenerator has been created for uidGenerator and PageIdGenerator interfaces and their implementations.
- New DataComposerFactory and DataValidatorFactory factories improve performance on generating IDataComposer and IDataValidator objects.
------- New Features -------
- Support for Struts 2.0.11
- improvement to prevent Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks: a random token is included in all requests.
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #007 protectedExtensions for Struts 1.x: definition of this property is obligatory for Struts 1.x applications
- #008 "rewrite" tag: this tag is included in HDIV to add HDIV state in url (Struts 1.x)
- #009 logout in Spring MVC: RedirectViewHDIV don't add HDIV state if session doesn't exist
added hdiv-struts-2.0.11 module
added hdiv-web-struts-2.0.11 module
Package org.hdiv.taglib.util
- modified "getURLWithoutRelativePaths" method
- added method "hasActionOrServletExtension" to RequestUtilsHDIV class
- Package org.hdiv.taglib.html
- added rewrite tag implementation
- Package org.hdiv.web.servlet.view
- modified method "sendRedirect"
------- Configuration Files -------
- modified hdiv-html.tld file with "rewrite" tag
- modified hdiv-html-el.tld file with "rewrite" tag
------- New Features -------
- Spring MVC & Webflow (SWF)
- Support for Spring 2.5
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #006 JSTL url tag: it was mandatory to define absolute urls. This has been fixed and now it is possible to define relative urls.
added hdiv-spring-mvc-2.5 module
added hdiv-web-spring-mvc-2.5 module
added hdiv-webflow-1.0.5 module
added hdiv-web-webflow-1.0.5 module
renamed hdiv-spring-mvc module to hdiv-spring-mvc-2.0
Package org.hdiv.datacomposer
- added method "addFlowId" to IDataComposerMemory class
- added method "addFlowId" to DataComposerMemory class
- Package org.hdiv.util
- added method "getDataComposer" to HDIVUtil class
- modified "addHDIVParameterIfNecessary" (StandardRequestUtilsHDIV)
- modified "getContextRelativePath" (StandardRequestUtilsHDIV)
- added method "addExtraParameters" (StandardRequestUtilsHDIV)
- added method "addFlowExecutionParameter" (StandardRequestUtilsHDIV)
- Package org.hdiv.session
- added method "removeEndedPages" to ISession class
- added method "removeEndedPages" to SessionHDIV class
- Package org.hdiv.state
- added property "flowId" to Page class
- added getter and setter methods for "flowId" property (IPage and Page)
- Package org.hdiv.config.multipart
- modified "handleMultipartRequest" method (SpringMVCMultipartConfig)
- modified "addTextParameter" method (SpringMVCMultipartConfig)
- Package org.hdiv.config
- renamed "getProtectedExtensions" method to "getProtectedUTLPatterns" (HDIVConfig)
- modified "setProtectedExtensions" method (HDIVConfig)
- Package org.hdiv.taglibs.standard.tag.common.core
- modified "doEndTag" method (RedirectSupportHDIV)
- modified "doEndTag" method (URLSupportHDIV)
- Package org.hdiv.web.util
- added "TagUtils" class
- Package org.hdiv.web.servlet.tags.form
- modified method "writeTagContent" (OptionsTagHDIV)
- modified method "renderOption" (OptionTagHDIV)
------- New Features -------
- Spring MVC "redirect:" prefix support
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #005 File upload error messages integration
- Package org.hdiv.config
- added property "FILEUPLOAD_EXCEPTION" to IMultipartConfig class
- modified handleMultipartRequest method declaration (IMultipartConfig, StrutsMultipartConfig, Struts2Multipartconfig and SpringMVCMultipartConfig)
- Package org.hdiv.filter
- modified doFilterInternal method to check upload errors
- Package org.hdiv.util
- added "SpringRequestUtilsHDIV" class
- Package org.hdiv.web.multipart
- modified resolveMultipart method (HDIVMultipartResolver)
- Package org.hdiv.web.servlet.view
- added "InternalResourceViewResolverHDIV" class to support Spring MVC "redirect:" prefix
- added "RedirectViewHDIV" class to support Spring MVC "redirect:" prefix
- Package org.hdiv.action
- added method "processForwardConfig" to "HDIVRequestProcessor" class
- Package org.hdiv.taglib.util
- added method "addHDIVParameterIfNecessary" to RequestUtilsHDIV
- Package org.hdiv.upload
- modified method "handleRequest" (HDIVMultipartRequestHandler)
- Package org.hdiv.dispatcher.multipart
- modified method "parse" (HDIVJakartaMultiPartRequest)
------- New Features -------
- Added support for Spring MVC
- Added support for Jakarta Taglibs 1.1.0
- Added support for Jakarta Taglibs 1.1.2
- Added support for Struts 2.0.9
- Added support for Struts 1.3.8
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #004 Logout does not work in Struts 2.0.6: resolved
added hdiv-spring-mvc module
added hdiv-web-spring-mvc module
added hdiv-jstl-taglibs-1.1.0 module
added hdiv-web-jstl-taglibs-1.1.0 module
added hdiv-jstl-taglibs-1.1.2 module
added hdiv-web-jstl-taglibs-1.1.2 module
added hdiv-struts-2.0.9 module
added hdiv-web-struts-2.0.9 module
added hdiv-struts-1.3.8 module
added hdiv-web-struts-1.3.8 module
Package org.hdiv.filter
- added AbstractValidatorHelper class
------- Configuration Files -------
- applicationContext.xml
- removed property "logger" from "stateUtil" bean
- renamed "helper" bean property
------- New Features -------
- Added support for Struts 2.0.6
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #003 RequestWrapper: modified getParameterMap() method
added hdiv-struts-2.0.6 module
added hdiv-web-struts-2.0.6 module
Package org.hdiv.filter
- modified ValidatorHelper class to extend from OncePerRequestFilter
Package org.hdiv.state
- property logger and all references have been removed
Package org.hdiv.config
- modified "checkValue()" method
Package org.hdiv.validator
- modified acceptedPattern property
- modified rejectedPattern property
- Package org.hdiv.util
- modified HDIVUtil's getActionMappingName method
------- Configuration Files -------
- applicationContext.xml
- removed property "logger" from "stateUtil" bean
- renamed "session" bean to "sessionHDIV"
- modified "multipartConfig"'s bean class
------- New Features -------
- Added support for Struts-EL subproject.
- Added support for Tiles.
- New configuration for start pages and error page (we must define them without context path in hdiv-config.xml file)
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #002 support for Weblogic web server
Package org.hdiv.strutsel
Package org.hdiv.tiles
Package org.hdiv.filter
- added "validateStartPageParameters()" method to ValidatorHelper
- modified "doFilter" method to support weblogic
------- Configuration Files -------
- Added hdiv-html-el.tld file to Struts-el
- Added hdiv-logic-el.tld file to Struts-el
Added org.hdiv.validation.IValidation class to editable data validations.
Added org.hdiv.util.Constants class.
Package org.hdiv.config
- added "matchedPages" property to HDIVConfig
- added "matchedParameters" property to HDIVConfig
- added "checkValue()" method to HDIVConfig, to check if value is an init action or parameter
Package org.hdiv.filter
- added "getHeader" method to RequestWrapper
- added "getHeaders" method to RequestWrapper
- added "replaceCookieString" method to RequestWrapper
- added "SavedCookie" class
------- Configuration Files -------
- hdiv-config.xml:
- added new beans: avoidCookiesIntegrity, avoidCookiesConfidentiality
- added "avoidCookiesIntegrity" and "avoidCookiesConfidentiality" beans to "config" bean
- modified "randomName" bean type
------- New Features -------
- Added support for editable data validations.
- Added integrity of cookies.
------- BUGS FIXED -------
- #001 support for HTML Tag Library inside logic:iterate tag
Added org.hdiv.validation package.
Added org.hdiv.config.HDIVValidations class to editable data validations.
Added org.hdiv.filter.IResponseWrapper class to cookie's validation.
Added org.hdiv.filter.ResponseWrapper class to cookie's validation.
Added org.hdiv.action.HDIVRequestProcessor to visualize the errors produced in the editable fields detected by HDIV.
Added org.hdiv.taglib.util.ResponseUtilsHDIV class that contains general purpose utility methods related to generating a servlet response in the Struts controller framework.
Package org.hdiv.config
- added "setValidations()" method to HDIVConfig
- added "existValidations()" method to HDIVConfig, to check if there are validations defined for
editable fields - added "areEditableParameterValuesValid()" method to HDIVConfig, to check if the values are valid for the editable parameter
Package org.hdiv.dataComposer
- redefined compose methods to accept editableName parameters
Package org.hdiv.filter
- added "validateEditableParameter()" method to validate editable parameters
Package org.hdiv.listener
- modified "sessionCreated()" method to store suffix in session in the memory version in order to add to HDIV parameter
Package org.hdiv.session
- added "generateInitialPageId()" method to SessionHDIV
Package org.hdiv.util
- added two new error codes to HDIVErrorCodes
------- Configuration Files -------
Added hdiv-validations.xml file to editable data validations.
Renamed hdivConfig.xml to hdiv-config-xml and added property "validations" to bean "config"
applicationContext.xml: bean "page" and all references have been removed