- [bug/regression][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Database] Can't restore 2.10.0 database backup #3856
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Database][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][please address comments] Fatal error when upgrading to 2.9.1 #3642
- [API][Feature: Events] Add "Expose via API" to Events Schema #3032
- [P0 - Urgent][Security] A deleted with an active session user may still navigate #3846
- [development] RecordProperty is mapped as PersonProperty #3806
- [build][development][Platform: Deprecated][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting] Address .htaccess files for PHP 7 #1165
- [enhancement][UI] Enable customization of profile picture sizes #3796
- [Backend System][enhancement][Feature: Emails] SMTP debug is ugly #3514
- [Feature: Members][Web Report] Birthday not shown if missing year or "Hide Age" #3804
- [development][Feature: Members] Create APIs for Country List and State List #3781
- [Backend System][enhancement][Feature: Emails] SMTP debug is ugly #3514
- [build][Configuration] When updating the demo sites, import the demo data #1709
- [Configuration] Add Family/Person/Group Properties to demo/testing site data #1708
- [bug][Feature: Sunday School] Sunday School Class View - Parent Info #1399
- [Feature: Financial][please address comments][Web Report] Deleting deposit does not deprecate delete payments #1238
- [Localization] 2.9.2 lose some translated terms. #3705
- [Localization][Web Report] Directory report - single person household birthday does not follow system format #2340
- [bug][Feature: Sunday School] Sunday School Class View - Parent Info #1399
- [development] New Home for Slim MVC Pages #3819
- [development][Feature: Members] Create APIs for Country List and State List #3781
- [Backend System][enhancement][Feature: Emails] SMTP debug is ugly #3514
- [build][Configuration] When updating the demo sites, import the demo data #1709
- [development] System Settings GZIP name why is it needed #1412
- [development] Review mailtrap.io #1246
- [enhancement] Family Roles widget provides vague insight into custom roles #3678
- [enhancement] Missing count on SelectList.php #3664
- [Backend System][enhancement] Backup files should include church name #2642
- [Feature: Reports][question][Web Report] Inconsistent Date Format #3759
- [Backend System][Feature: Members][Platform: Database] "Update" Notes causes database insert error #3748
- [bug][Feature: Groups] 2.9.2 Bug with deleting a member from a group #3730
- [bug][Feature: Groups][Web Report] adding group members requires a page refresh #3726
- [API][Feature: Cart] SelectList Add to Cart Feature returns HTTP Error 500 #3662
- [bug/regression][Feature: Financial][Feature: Reports] Individual Deposit Report no Longer Exists #3637
- [API][Web Report] Add all people to cart is broken #3632
- [Feature: Cart][Feature: Members][Web Report] Add to Cart getting HTTP 500 Error - Page Not Found #3615
- [Feature: Reports][Localization] Still the same problem with diacritics in directory listing title #3421
- [Feature: Reports][Localization] Still the same problem with diacritics in directory listing title #3421
- [bug][Feature: Groups] 2.9.2 Bug with deleting a member from a group #3730
- [bug][Feature: Groups][Web Report] adding group members requires a page refresh #3726
- [Backend System][Feature: Members][Platform: Database] "Update" Notes causes database insert error #3748
- [Backend System][enhancement] Backup files should include church name #2642
- [Backend System] Should not use CDN for local app code #2637
- [API] dashboard service double slash #3690
- [API][UI] Add Group to Cart Causes page reload #3663
- [Feature: Groups] Bug in GroupList.php #3617
- [Feature: Events] Calendar Loads Birthday yet Switch is Off #3591
- [Feature: Sunday School][Platform: Database][Regulatory Compliance GDPR etc] Plan to add subgroups ... #3520
- [Feature: Members][UI] Adding new family - blank page on submission #2449
- [Localization] Localisation for Cell/Mobile Numbers #3524
- [build][Localization] scan javascript for i18next #2532
- [bug][Security][Web Report] Clicking Lock doesn't do anythin #3611
- [build] POEditor.js use of const in strict mode #3275
- [build] NPM Symlinks are a headache #3075
- [build] Vagrant box is not using latest npm #3073
- [development] Update Dev Vagrant Box to support Thai and Arabic/Egypt #2858
- [build][Localization] scan javascript for i18next #2532
- [build][development] Vendor JS directory structure needs improvement #2012
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Shared Hosting] Can't login after fresh install #3544
- [Feature: Members] Person: Photos #2204
- [Localization] 2.9.0 bug Translation lost after upgrade ... #3545
- [Feature: Emails][In Review] Need STMP Config Options for TLS #3515
- [Feature: Emails][Platform: Shared Hosting] Slim errors on Bluehost - initial setup. #3513
- [Localization] locale has E-mail and email #3308
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Add family members to group from family view page #2466
- [development][enhancement][UI] Many buttons and UI elements are missing clear identifiers #2263
- [enhancement][UI] Option to Toggle Password Mask #2077
- [enhancement] Rename "Members" #1537
- [Installation / Upgrade][P0 - Urgent][Platform: Database] Cannot restore to 2.9.0 DB #3463
- [Feature: Groups][UI] List and Group in the Groups Left Nav #3392
- [API][Feature: Groups] Quick Create Group from Card Default value #3336
- [Feature: Events] CheckIn/Checkout for church events not working in 2.8.12 #3098
- [Feature: Members] Self Verification shows 1900 for members where hideAge flag is checked #2773
- [Feature: Groups] Cannot add selected group members to cart #2474
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Add family members to group from family view page #2466
- [Feature: Events] List Events does not show any by default #2130
- [Localization] Non-English CSV Export is invalid #2726
- [Installation / Upgrade][P0 - Urgent][Platform: Database] Cannot restore to 2.9.0 DB #3463
- [P0 - Urgent] Can't login after deploy 2.9.0 on an older system #3443
- [bug][Good first bug][Web Report] Church address has apostrophe in it - added escape character shows up in directory title page #1803
- [development] Skin Folder has 2 versions of JQuery-ui #3490
- [Backend System] JavaScript for the calendar page is not split into separate PHP / JS files #3380
- [development][enhancement][UI] Many buttons and UI elements are missing clear identifiers #2263
- [Backend System][In Review] Notes \r\n #2025
- [enhancement][Web Report] View Photo in Real Image Size #2075
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][UI] Standardize the images background when using Initials #2027
- [enhancement][Performance] Performance limits exceeded on shared hosting when viewing large cart #1807
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School][Web Report] Sunday School class info section- need a scroll bar to page to the right option sooner than bottom of page #886
- [Feature: Reports][Web Report] Need less formal "Display Name" for Mailing Labels #3247
- [Feature: Reports][Feature: Sunday School] PhotoBook fails if images are not PNG format #3245
- [Feature: Reports][Feature: Sunday School] Sunday School Photo Book does not loop #3236
- [Feature: Reports] Bug in printing of birth dates in directory PDF #3168
- [Installation / Upgrade] MYSQL Error: myphpadmin in XAMPP/WAMP #3040
- [Installation / Upgrade] Setting up churchcrm but stuck #3039
- [Feature: Data Import / Export][Feature: Sunday School] Add option to export on this page #3026
- [API][Feature: Data Import / Export][Feature: Groups] Add export option to this page #3025
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Dependencies][Platform: Self-Hosted] IIS Infinite Redirects on First Login #2974
- [Feature: Members] PersonView: Initials Photo #2203
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] HTTP ERROR 500 after Setup #2156
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][UI] Standardize the images background when using Initials #2027
- [help wanted][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] Create a install guide on popular hosting providers #1236
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] Update "Upgrade" documentation #1128
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School][Web Report] Sunday School class info section- need a scroll bar to page to the right option sooner than bottom of page #886
- [Localization] Awkwardly translated "Update" String #3066
- [Localization] Add support for Indonesian #2928
- [Backend System][Performance] Photo logic is ugly #3276
- [enhancement][Performance] Performance limits exceeded on shared hosting when viewing large cart #1807
- [bug] Locked Account message has HTML #2968
- [Backend System][Performance] Photo logic is ugly #3276
- [Backend System][development] Remove PersonService getPersonsJSON #3120
- [development] Add CodeOwners #3074
- [Feature: Emails][Feature: Members] Cannot self-verify family if no geo-location information #3128
- [Feature: Groups] Group Copy/Move Modal Behavior #1034
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Shared Hosting] Default Login Credentials Not Working - No Error #3123
- [Feature: Reports] ConfirmReport.php is broken #3103
- [API][Configuration] sHeader entries under general settings is not retained after save - applies to 2.8.11, 2.8.12 #3099
- [Documentation][Feature: Users][Security] Password Hashing Algorithm #2342
- [build] Audit NPM devDependencies #3019
- [Installation / Upgrade] You don't have permission to access /churchcrm/SystemSettings.php on this server #3038
- [Performance] Global Search Slow Response #3046
- [build][Security] Scan for vulnerabilities #2228
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] File integrity check failure #3037
- [Feature: Emails][Feature: Members] Alert / Notify Pastoral and Greeters of new family additions #3007
- [Backend System][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Database] Need option for PHP based Upgrade Script #2983
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Shared Hosting] Setup Failure #2980
- [Localization] Support - Indonesian locale #2961
- [Backend System][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Database] Need option for PHP based Upgrade Script #2983
- [development] ChurchCRM mixed Lic #2911
- [enhancement][UI] Family/Person Timeline does not break by date #2880
- [Feature: Reports] Sending an Online Verification should create a note in the timeline #2813
- [Backend System][Platform: Shared Hosting] Upgrading via the UI on live host fails with 'slim application error' #2337
- [Installation / Upgrade] ChurchCRM doesn't work after Upgrade to 2.8.8 #2932
- [Feature: Reports] Need to Create a Verification Report #2812
- [Installation / Upgrade] ChurchCRM installation problem on local web server (localhost): An invalid configuration name has been requested: sGoogleTrackingID #2643
- [Installation / Upgrade][Security] Setup page logs to /tmp #2899
- [Installation / Upgrade] Error in a new installation #2890
- [bug] Same Config ID Re-used #2891
- [Backend System][enhancement] Add Church URLs to System Settings #2363
- [enhancement] Open Tasks menu issues #2060
- [Feature: Members] Missing Role in the alerts for invalid Members #2601
- [Localization] Support Arabic / Egypt Locale #2861
- [Localization] DataTables Column Names are not translating #2780
- [Localization] Add Thai locales #1325
- [Backend System] Display release notes on Upgrade wizard #2835
- [Backend System][enhancement] Add Church URLs to System Settings #2363
- [enhancement] Account deletion should include the user who deleted #2236
- [build][development][Integration Testing][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting] Run Automation testing on PHP 5.6/7.0/7.1 #2348
- [development] Extract datatable options into a global var #2328
- [Backend System][enhancement] Include MySQL version in bug report #2530
- [API][Localization] Javascript is not scanned for new i18next.t() strings #2761
- [Feature: Groups][Localization] DatePicker is not localized / translated (JavaScript) #2717
- [Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School] Sunday School Dashboard Student < 1 year of Age display #1397
- [Localization] select2 SV locale file is missing from sv.js file #2768
- [Localization] JavaScript String Literals are not translated #2765
- [Localization] Concatenated locale JS causes error if plugin is not present #2763
- [API][Localization] Javascript is not scanned for new i18next.t() strings #2761
- [Localization] Select2 does not translate #2757
- [Feature: Groups][Localization] DatePicker is not localized / translated (JavaScript) #2717
- [Localization] en_US/LC_Messages/messages.js 404 (Not Found) #2521
- [development][Localization] Move datatable options into header of all the page to ensure they are the same #1976
- [Backend System][Security] Solution to the Bug to edit Person Properties Group Properties PDFLabel ..... #2719
- [Backend System][enhancement] Include MySQL version in bug report #2530
- [development][Localization] Move datatable options into header of all the page to ensure they are the same #1976
- [development][Documentation] CRM JavaScript Namespace Initialization #1728
- [enhancement][Feature: Events] Show only Events on current month #2625
- [enhancement] Non collapse widgets #2195
- [enhancement][Feature: Events] Show only Events on current month #2625
- [Performance] After displaying family info in the search it is now much slower #2617
- [development] Debug Should enable phpmailer logs #2428
- [Feature: Emails] Need a way to debug email/SMTP #2650
- [Feature: Groups][UI] Need to double-select rows to highlight #2621
- [Backend System][Documentation][question] Task Configure HTTPS #1314
- [development][Documentation] Vagrant Documentation #1042
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Member Directory PDF Phone Numbers #853
- [Configuration][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] css and js files fail to load #2630
- [Feature: Financial] Cannot distinguish givers with same last name and address #2585
- [Feature: Financial][Localization] deposit slip editor anonymous isn't displayed #2565
- [Feature: Members][Web Report] People Classification Chart Missing Unassigned #1155
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Member Directory PDF Phone Numbers #853
- [Localization][UI][Web Report] DataTables lang not loading for en_us #2634
- [Feature: Financial][Localization] deposit slip editor anonymous isn't displayed #2565
- [development][UI] Remove 81 iframes in 5 files #235
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Need a way to reset user password without asking an admin #2368
- [Feature: Financial] Payments by Family should display Head of Household Name #2563
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Need a way to reset user password without asking an admin #2368
- [Feature: Financial][UI][Web Report] Deposit Slip Rows don't highlight #2094
- [Feature: Financial] Payment entry family dropdown box has no background #1667
- [bug] Simultaneous AJAX calls give error #2609
- [build][Integration Testing] Update .travus #2618
- [build] not all 2.8.0 upgrade scripts run #2590
- [Backend System] Redundant function calls #2586
- [Backend System][enhancement] System Settings: Backup tab #2390
- [Backend System][development][enhancement] System Settings: Create an Integration Tab #2387
- [Backend System][enhancement] System Settings - iFYMonth should be a dropdown #2384
- [enhancement][Security] System Settings - Passwords #2383
- [enhancement] Hover text for top right icons #2289
- [Backend System][enhancement] iPersonNameStyle Admin setting needs to be a drop-down list #2133
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Mail Export Select Groups #1311
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School] Improve parent / child sign in #812
- [enhancement][UI] Theme: Event Checkin #462
- [Installation / Upgrade] ChurchCRM File Integrity Check fails #2476
- [Feature: Members] Delete Family displays a 500 error #2451
- [Feature: Users][P0 - Urgent][Security] Admin user password change error 500 #2351
- [Feature: Groups][Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School][New Feature Request] Sunday School Sign in / Check In #2329
- [Feature: SMS][New Feature Request] Nexmo text gateway #2149
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Mail Export Select Groups #1311
- [Feature: Events][Feature: Sunday School][New Feature Request] Event enhancement request #1291
- [API][development][Feature: Events] Events API #1144
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Feature: Sunday School] Improve parent / child sign in #812
- [Feature: Users][P0 - Urgent][Security] Admin user password change error 500 #2351
- [development] Skins \ AdminLTE keeps disappearing #2531
- [Backend System] System Settings: sXML_RPC_PATH where is it used #2393
- [Backend System][enhancement] System Settings: Backup tab #2390
- [Backend System][development] System Settings: Members #2388
- [Backend System][development][enhancement] System Settings: Create an Integration Tab #2387
- [Backend System][development] System Settings: sToEmailAddress where is it used #2386
- [Backend System][development] System setting: Review User Password settings #2385
- [Backend System][enhancement] System Settings - iFYMonth should be a dropdown #2384
- [Backend System][enhancement] iPersonNameStyle Admin setting needs to be a drop-down list #2133
- [API][development][Feature: Events] Events API #1144
- [enhancement][In Review][Localization] Date format in directory does not obey localization in all places #2192
- [enhancement][In Review][Localization] Date format option #711
- [enhancement][In Review][Localization] Date format in directory does not obey localization in all places #2192
- [enhancement][In Review][Localization] Date format option #711
- [bug][build] Remove logfiles from release 2.7.4 #2448
- [bug] Peson values #2431
- [Backend System][P0 - Urgent] Install without mailserver is crashing on reset/set password #2422
- [bug][build] Remove logfiles from release 2.7.4 #2448
- [Backend System][P0 - Urgent] Install without mailserver is crashing on reset/set password #2422
- [enhancement] enable sEnableGravatarPhotos by default #2420
- [Feature: Financial][P0 - Urgent][Web Report] cannot edit payment! #2432
- [Feature: Financial][P0 - Urgent][Web Report] cannot edit payment! #2432
- [P0 - Urgent][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] 403 Forbidden error when saving System Settings #2399
- [Backend System][development] disable debug setting by default #2419
- [enhancement] Timeline: Log user actions #2220
- [Feature: Users][Security] Do not send an email with password when the change was by the user #2381
- [Feature: Users] HTML Tags in Rendered Email Bodies are Escaped #2370
- [Feature: Financial][Web Report] can't delete a payment from deposit slip #2366
- [Feature: Financial][UI][Web Report] Family view pledge table not datable responsive. #2191
- [Feature: Groups][P0 - Urgent][Platform: Database] groupsview fails to load when there are no groups #1963
- [Feature: Groups][P0 - Urgent][Platform: Database] groupsview fails to load when there are no groups #1963
- [Backend System][UI] Person/Family images not appearing after upgrade #2336
- [development][New Feature Request] Use mustache for email templates #2309
- [Feature: Users] Password reset email does link does not work #2357
- [Feature: Users][Security] Change Password every login fix #2341
- [development][Documentation] Update documentation about logging platform #2235
- [enhancement] Move default zoom level for maps to systemsettings #1867
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Theme Member Role Change #1398
- [Feature: Financial][P0 - Urgent] PledgeEditor.php #2346
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Theme Member Role Change #1398
- [Feature: Financial][P0 - Urgent] PledgeEditor.php #2346
- [P0 - Urgent] Family dashboard isn't showing any families #2339
- [development] Stop using getMailingAddress function #2322
- [development] Replace GeoCoder.php with getLatLng #2314
- [development][Documentation] Log Error When SMTP send fails #2268
- [enhancement] Directory Report Active / Inactive #2257
- [enhancement][Security] Use Secure / randomized default password #2160
- [enhancement] UserActions Email PR Cleanup #2158
- [enhancement][Web Report] Property Assign and Unassign not using new theme #1946
- [enhancement][Web Report] Theme - QueryView Cart buttons #1940
- [enhancement][Web Report] Add table-responsive to all tables to make tables scrollable on mobile #1927
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Groups should be active/inactive #1846
- [development][enhancement][Feature: Members] Checkin.php not using new photo logic #216
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Update coordinate family/church on save #127
- [enhancement][question] Record Followup's/visits #24
- [enhancement][Feature: Groups] Groups should be active/inactive #1846
- [Feature: Financial] Non-Deductables Lost after entry #1231
- [Feature: Users][New Feature Request][Web Report] Force Password Change #1200
- [bug][Feature: Groups][New Feature Request] Export Selected Group Members CSV Does Not Work #1017
- [development][Feature: Users] Convert User Objects to ORM #947
- [Feature: Users][New Feature Request] On New User / Password reset send email to user #614
- [development][enhancement][Feature: Members] Checkin.php not using new photo logic #216
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Update coordinate family/church on save #127
- [Localization] Settings Bar Issue #2251
- [P0 - Urgent][Web Report] Confirm Data Email Broken #2258
- [P0 - Urgent] 2.7 beta Issues - Family View #2234
- [bug] 2.7 beta Issues Delete person #2233
- [bug][P0 - Urgent] User Editor: Does not load user settings #2219
- [bug][P0 - Urgent] Register a new Family Button no longer shows up #2206
- [bug] Photo Capture is underexposed #2182
- [bug][development] PHP Notice #2123
- [bug][P0 - Urgent] Search Infinite Redirect #2053
- [bug][UI] Photo Styles are not consistent #2001
- [bug][Web Report] Expand Payment Row #1436
- [bug][Feature: Groups][New Feature Request] Export Selected Group Members CSV Does Not Work #1017
- [development] Have a standard along logoff page #2170
- [development] removed unused userconfig_ucfg #2139
- [bug][development] PHP Notice #2123
- [development] Revamp the Log System #2062
- [development] CI page testing #1989
- [development] Unused API endpoint /families/lastedited #1913
- [development] unused api endpoint /families/byenvelopenumber #1912
- [development] Mail - Enabling bEmailSend in Email Setup doesn't change anything #1525
- [build][development] move log dir setting to Config.php #1467
- [development][Feature: Users] Convert User Objects to ORM #947
- [development][enhancement][Feature: Members] Checkin.php not using new photo logic #216
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Send Email when User is Locked #2174
- [enhancement] Update Browser Check #2138
- [enhancement] Add System Notification Bar #2124
- [enhancement][Feature: Events] Manual PersonID Lookup Required for each Check-In/Check-Out? #2066
- [enhancement][Web Report] Deposit Buttons smashed together #2020
- [enhancement] Option to hide bill counts in deposit reports #1941
- [enhancement][Web Report] Clicking a family context data #1717
- [enhancement][Web Report] Map is too small #1716
- [enhancement] Return to Deposit List #801
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Birthdays by Month #705
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Send Email when User is Locked #2174
- [enhancement][Feature: Events] Manual PersonID Lookup Required for each Check-In/Check-Out? #2066
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Birthdays by Month #705
- [bug] Groups are not available for search #2179
- [bug][Web Report] Photos are broken #2150
- [bug] Unable to Create Event #2121
- [bug] Need messaging and away to unlock an account #2040
- [bug][P0 - Urgent] Map group broken in 2.7.0 #2005
- [bug] Advanced Search Query - Name search issue #1967
- [development] Convert salutation utility to OOP / ORM #2052
- [enhancement] Update Self Registration v1.1 #2112
- [enhancement] There should be a replace cart option. #1881
- [enhancement] Deactivated (Inactive) families listing #1873
- [enhancement] Update pages to remove deactivated families #1872
- [enhancement][New Feature Request] Change Photos in Familyview and Personview pages to Rectangle/Square #1863
- [enhancement][Web Report] Cash is displayed even if 0 #1852
- [bug][P0 - Urgent] Backup Error #2099
- [bug] Uncaught ReferenceError: bootbox is not defined #2098
- [bug][development] FamilyID is messy in JS #2086
- [bug] Self register family country is broken #2084
- [bug] Geocoder.php should handle country #2067
- [build] Changelog should not include StyleCI PRs #2090
- [bug][development] FamilyID is messy in JS #2086
- [bug][enhancement] Search results issues #1959
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Update Family Editor dropdowns to use select2 #1407
- [enhancement] View Cart needs pagination #249
- [Feature: Financial][Web Report] Donation Envelopes in Search #2013
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Update Family Editor dropdowns to use select2 #1407
- [bug][enhancement] Search results issues #1959
- [bug] BUG - 2.6.0-RC1: Member Count Error in Member Dashboard #1924
- [enhancement][Web Report] Assigned Properties - Not using Datatables #1945
- [enhancement][Web Report] Volunteer Opportunity Assignemnts #1944
- [enhancement] Updates/fixes to Geopage #1882
- [enhancement] Calendar UX changes #1825
- [bug][enhancement][Mobile] Family members table in FamilyEditor is not editable in mobile #1791
- [enhancement][Web Report] Self Registration Page Customization #1758
- [development][enhancement] Redo all photos to be done via CSS/HTML5 Data elements #1582
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Render photo files in API request #1510
- [bug][enhancement] Theme: QueryList.php #1411
- [enhancement][Feature: Financial] Menu: Deposit Tracking is blank #1410
- [bug][enhancement] theme: Donated Item Editor #1405
- [enhancement] Deposit Chart on Dashboard #1074
- [enhancement][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Endless 302 loop when using WAMP #921
- [enhancement] Move Upload / Delete photo to an overlay #615
- [enhancement] Bug Tracking #574
- [bug][enhancement][Mobile] Family members table in FamilyEditor is not editable in mobile #1791
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Render photo files in API request #1510
- [enhancement][Feature: Financial] Menu: Deposit Tracking is blank #1410
- [bug][Feature: Events] Theme: Checkin.php #1403
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] I can not install Debian 8, apache2. #1307
- [development][Feature: Members] Self Registration default settings #1167
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] mod_rewrite not working? #1122
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Problem with Setting Up ChurchCRM for our Church #1051
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Remove Member from Group needs a confirm box #1004
- [enhancement][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Endless 302 loop when using WAMP #921
- [Localization] Families Translation #1726
- [bug][development] Page load fails after vagrant provision #1997
- [bug] DataTable style #1968
- [bug][P0 - Urgent][Web Report] Unable to create DB Backup #1948
- [bug][Web Report] images are missing on cart view #1939
- [bug][Web Report] Images broken on GroupView page #1938
- [bug][P0 - Urgent][Web Report] Unable to restore any backup ->2.6.0 #1937
- [bug] bHaveXML config is missing #1932
- [bug] BUG: System Settings Titles untranslated in 2.6.0 - RC-1 #1921
- [bug] Copyright dates in footer old (2015-2016) #1917
- [bug] Bad Merge on FamilyView #1914
- [bug] Verify Family is using old photos #1908
- [bug][build][Web Report] Sunday School Dashboard broken on Demo / Master #1894
- [bug][Web Report] ChartJS is broken on demo / master #1893
- [bug] Config SQL table should be empty for new install #1892
- [bug] MomentJS load order incorrect #1891
- [bug][Web Report] Sunday School Graphs Broken #1890
- [bug] Don't override AdminLTE styles unintentionally #1860
- [bug] date format localizations default incorrect #1834
- [bug] Fix Localization of DateTime #1831
- [bug] Need to refresh system settings page after save #1819
- [bug][Web Report] NONE of the dates in the members' directory report follow the localisation parameters #1804
- [bug] Software Registration Country is hard coded #1792
- [bug][enhancement][Mobile] Family members table in FamilyEditor is not editable in mobile #1791
- [bug][Web Report] Online verify && bEmailSend #1789
- [bug][Web Report] Deposit Report Signature Lines #1718
- [bug] Properties select list items are invisible on PersonView and FamilyView pages #1629
- [bug][Web Report] Ministry Group "add to cart" does not function #1597
- [bug][enhancement] Theme: QueryList.php #1411
- [bug][enhancement] theme: Donated Item Editor #1405
- [bug][Feature: Events] Theme: Checkin.php #1403
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Remove Member from Group needs a confirm box #1004
- [bug][development] Page load fails after vagrant provision #1997
- [bug][build][Web Report] Sunday School Dashboard broken on Demo / Master #1894
- [development][Web Report] review load order of JS and CSS #1828
- [development] Still using $sRootPath instead of SystemURLS method. #1727
- [development] GitIgnore BuildConfig.json #1720
- [build][question] Enable Self-Registration for Demo Site #1710
- [development] Config cfg_section is only used in a single spot #1670
- [build] Ensure Builds are released from Tags #1630
- [development] Convert Modals to use BootBox JS library #1592
- [development][enhancement] Redo all photos to be done via CSS/HTML5 Data elements #1582
- [build] replace update-locale with grunt #1380
- [build] wrap composer with grunt #1352
- [development] What is EmailEditor.php #1187
- [development][Feature: Members] Self Registration default settings #1167
- [development] GitHub API Limit Hard Fail #983
- [enhancement] Add a Nav Task to check upload size #1756
- [enhancement] Person Images should cache #976
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] [solved] Trying to upgrade to the latest version. Currently on 2.2.4 #1606
- [bug] Terms not translated in 2.5.1 #1814
- [bug] Menu sidebar dropdown arrows are misaligned #1806
- [bug][development] Syntax error on EmailSend.php #1731
- [bug][Web Report] Left nav bar alignment #1283
- [bug][development] Syntax error on EmailSend.php #1731
- [development][enhancement] In-App Issue reports Include more data #1754
- [bug][build][development][Installation / Upgrade] Error making a new clear install off 2.5.0. RC2 #1744
- [bug] Invalid prerequisite #1779
- [bug] Family online verification is broken #1773
- [bug] First visit to a Task fails with database error or invalid data #1771
- [bug][build][development][Installation / Upgrade] Error making a new clear install off 2.5.0. RC2 #1744
- [bug] Error with Data Validation Tasks #1715
- [development][enhancement] In-App Issue reports Include more data #1754
- [bug][build][development][Installation / Upgrade] Error making a new clear install off 2.5.0. RC2 #1744
- [build] Upload to Demo site should store files into a daily builds dir for people to download RC build. #1740
- [build][development] move sass to NPM #1210
- [development] Review EmailSend.php #1064
- [development][New Feature Request] Investigate jqPlot #788
- [development] Vagrant: Maximum Upload size is 2MB #763
- [enhancement][Localization][Web Report] Report Footer #1658
- [enhancement][Localization] System Setting for Locales should list the Language Name #1326
- [enhancement] TaskService: Tasks should have desc #650
- [bug][Feature: Members][Web Report] Volunteer Opportunities list is invisible #1660
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Sunday School Export Missing Parent Info #994
- [build][Localization] Update POEditor download to download only translated text #1688
- [development][Localization] Change Canada if blocks to Locale settings #1683
- [enhancement][Localization][Web Report] Report Footer #1658
- [Localization] Please, add "Zip/Postal Code" to POEditor.com #1543
- [enhancement][Localization] System Setting for Locales should list the Language Name #1326
- [bug][Localization][Platform: Database] Thai Member name display issue #1282
- [bug] SQL substr->mb_substr big problem. #1722
- [bug] Database restore fails if file is too large #1713
- [bug] Can't restore demo tar.gz #1696
- [bug][Feature: Members][Web Report] Volunteer Opportunities list is invisible #1660
- [bug][Web Report] fatal error on some records #1659
- [bug][build] Built in updater isn't guaranteed correct file #1638
- [bug] Admin photo change when update to 2.4.4 #1632
- [bug][Web Report] Deposit Slip Report Missing Data #1604
- [bug] BUG Creating Person Custom Fields in 2.4.3 #1598
- [bug] churchcrm.min.css is broken #1594
- [bug] Warn about Removeing Family Work Phone #1574
- [bug][Web Report] issue reporter screen size doesn't work #1562
- [bug][Localization][Platform: Database] Thai Member name display issue #1282
- [bug] New Lines in bug reports show escaped characters #1181
- [Backend System][bug] Setup Page Errors #1039
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Sunday School Export Missing Parent Info #994
- [build][Documentation] PHP 5.6 is no longer in active support! #1749
- [build] Automated localization export / import #1712
- [development] missing folders and files from master #1692
- [build] tar files are double the zip files size #1690
- [build][Localization] Update POEditor download to download only translated text #1688
- [development][Localization] Change Canada if blocks to Locale settings #1683
- [bug][build] Built in updater isn't guaranteed correct file #1638
- [build] Grunt File has duplicate file includes/excludes #1421
- [build] build.json for non-public settings #1369
- [Backend System][bug] Setup Page Errors #1039
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] Blank page after initial setup. #1602
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Error - Too Many Redirects #1461
- [Feature: Events] Add Event #1202
- [Localization][question] Diacritc accents not consistently correct #1171
- [build][development] Update Travis CI to Gen Code #1625
- [development] Look into StyleCI #1596
- [build] get wercker working #1520
- [enhancement] login is very slow #1060
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] Upgrade on production site failed #1523
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Unable to install #1041
- [bug][Feature: Financial] Deposit Graph Conditional Visibility #1019
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Adding new Group Roles Default Behavior #1016
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Deleting Group Members Button Doesn't update #988
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Group Schedule a Meeting is broken(ish) #975
- [bug][Feature: Events] Events: Edit Event Type has no Save for Recurrence Pattrern #463
- [bug] Cannot add new fund #1585
- [bug] Family View Broken #1583
- [bug] sHeader don't work in version 2.4.2 #1552
- [bug][development] Header.php Undefined variables #1445
- [bug] API Error Handler #1035
- [bug][Feature: Financial] Deposit Graph Conditional Visibility #1019
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Adding new Group Roles Default Behavior #1016
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Deleting Group Members Button Doesn't update #988
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Group Schedule a Meeting is broken(ish) #975
- [bug][Feature: Events] Events: Edit Event Type has no Save for Recurrence Pattrern #463
- [development] MailCatcher not started in vagrant build #1578
- [build] Create ChurchCRM vagrant box #1509
- [development] Check the value of checkAllowedURL & URL[0] #1469
- [bug][development] Header.php Undefined variables #1445
- [development] Convert Service Classes to ORM #1150
- [bug] Auto-Upgrade is broken #1549
- [bug] "Confirm data letter" and "Confirm data email" in LettersAndLabels.php are broken in PHP 7.0 #1546
- [bug][Feature: Financial] Deposit Listing "Family Name" is broken #1159
- [bug] GroupList fails when there are no groups #1542
- [bug] TaskService.php calling integrityCheck.json #1521
- [bug] register software is broken #1515
- [bug] In place upgrade says failure, but actually succeeds #1511
- [bug][build][development] Various SQL errors #1417
- [bug][Feature: Financial] Deposit Listing "Family Name" is broken #1159
- [development] Need Vagrant-QA for in-place upgrade #1527
- [build] changelog generator not working #1508
- [build] update ionicons in package.json #1501
- [bug][build][development] Various SQL errors #1417
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Membership Info need to have smaller fields #1409
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Person Editor hide Custom Fields if not used #1408
- [development][enhancement] Switch Header Navs to AdminLTE Right Nav #1378
- [bug][enhancement] Only 4 tasks showed #1315
- [enhancement] Render photos directly in API results #995
- [enhancement] multiple ways to add events and are not same #448
- [development][enhancement] Turn unrolled loops into loopsRewrite #315
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Revamp the User management #9
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] Setup.php loops #1448
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Membership Info need to have smaller fields #1409
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Person Editor hide Custom Fields if not used #1408
- [enhancement][Feature: Users] Revamp the User management #9
- [Localization] Add FALSE and TRUE to POEditor.com #1480
- [Localization] Please, add all countries of countries class to POEditor.com #1478
- [Localization] Terms missing in POEditor.com #1431
- [bug][development][Localization] Updated javascript : Include/Header-function.php #1384
- [Localization] Duplicated Terms in POEditor.com #1368
- [Localization][question] Version 2.3.3 with translations problems #1338
- [bug][Localization] Some gettext's with variable not working #1251
- [Localization] Cleanup ChurchCRM - Terms #1235
- [Localization] Locale pt_br: Telephone Format #1179
- [bug] SettingsIndividual.php is broken in 2.4.0 #1491
- [bug] System_Failure Message is broken #1485
- [bug][build][development] Refactor Database Backup and Restore #1476
- [bug] Self Registration does not look right #1464
- [bug] Add Buyer error in demo site 2.4.0 #1449
- [bug] CartView.php renders 500 error #1447
- [bug] SystemConfig class missing in demo site 2.4.0 #1442
- [bug] /PersonEditor.php fails to load #1439
- [bug] First Run Setup Wizard #1438
- [bug][Web Report] Multiple deletes of payments is not reliable #1435
- [bug][build] Automatic DB upgrade on Restore Database may fail silently #1427
- [bug] Generating labels from cart is broken #1426
- [bug][development] Short open tags creeping back in #1425
- [bug] Install.sql uses invalid defaults #1415
- [bug] Church Calendar is not showing Anniversary events #1402
- [bug][development][Localization] Updated javascript : Include/Header-function.php #1384
- [bug] Fail to generate labels in 2.3.5 #1383
- [bug] upgrade page renders weird #1382
- [bug][enhancement] Only 4 tasks showed #1315
- [bug][Localization] Some gettext's with variable not working #1251
- [bug][development] Submit Bug: Does not work in Docker #561
- [build][development][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting] Identify Apache Modules without shell_exec #1477
- [bug][build][development] Refactor Database Backup and Restore #1476
- [build] Move locale/messages.po outside the src dir #1443
- [bug][build] Automatic DB upgrade on Restore Database may fail silently #1427
- [bug][development] Short open tags creeping back in #1425
- [build] Remove unused Skin files #1422
- [bug][development][Localization] Updated javascript : Include/Header-function.php #1384
- [build] setup.php integrity check async #1381
- [development][enhancement] Switch Header Navs to AdminLTE Right Nav #1378
- [development][New Feature Request] Call to undefined function mysql_connect() #810
- [bug][development] Submit Bug: Does not work in Docker #561
- [development][enhancement] Turn unrolled loops into loopsRewrite #315
- [development] Avoid using exec if PHP builtins are available #308
- [bug] Task List Scroll Bar Broken #1112
- [enhancement] Default Country is not intuitive #1327
- [enhancement][Localization] Spanish Translation #1268
- [enhancement][Feature: Financial] Sort Donation Funds #1233
- [enhancement][Localization] Untranslated terms in 2.30-RC1: #1207
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Localization][Web Report] phone number stored neutrally and then formatted on output (print or display) #1191
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade][question] Installation of 2.3.3 Failed - "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" #1336
- [bug][Feature: Members] Create new Member does not create a timeline event #1312
- [Mobile][Web Report] Mobile rendering #1306
- [Feature: Financial][Web Report] deposit report #1286
- [enhancement][Feature: Financial] Sort Donation Funds #1233
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Localization][Web Report] phone number stored neutrally and then formatted on output (print or display) #1191
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Changing Group Member Roles Unexpected Behavior #987
- [enhancement][Localization] Spanish Translation #1268
- [build][Localization] Update DataTables to latest and include localization files #1237
- [enhancement][Localization] Untranslated terms in 2.30-RC1: #1207
- [enhancement][Feature: Members][Localization][Web Report] phone number stored neutrally and then formatted on output (print or display) #1191
- [bug] Integrity check settings are not in correct location #1366
- [bug] Typo: Recurrance #1351
- [bug][Web Report] Deposit Slip Editor - Can't delete #1348
- [bug][Web Report] Group Editor Row Selection Issue #1347
- [bug][Web Report] Group view data tables #1346
- [bug][Web Report] Adding members to group on mobile #1345
- [bug][Web Report] Adding new group #1344
- [bug] Deposit report #1342
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade][question] Installation of 2.3.3 Failed - "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" #1336
- [bug] RestoreDatabase has syntax error #1332
- [bug][Feature: Members] Create new Member does not create a timeline event #1312
- [bug][build] In-App Upgrading #1303
- [bug][Feature: Groups] Changing Group Member Roles Unexpected Behavior #987
- [bug][build] In-App Upgrading #1303
- [build] Skin build should remove unneeded files #1244
- [build][Localization] Update DataTables to latest and include localization files #1237
- [build] replace phing with NPM #1206
- [development] Add a link to ChurchCRM.io with a trademark on the login page #1169
- [development] Render JSON Config Parameters Nicely #791
- [development] Convert all links to pretty URLs #425
- [bug][Feature: Financial] error with navigation on Family View #1309
- [bug][Feature: Members] Email Dashboard rendering issues #1292
- [bug][Feature: Members][question] Some birthdays showing up on wrong date #1289
- [bug][Feature: Members] family view scripts fail #1285
- [bug][Feature: Members][Web Report] People Not In MailChimp Broken Links #1156
- [bug][build][question] Failed DB Restore Results in HTTP 500 Error #1318
- [bug][Feature: Financial] error with navigation on Family View #1309
- [bug][Feature: Members] Email Dashboard rendering issues #1292
- [bug][Feature: Members][question] Some birthdays showing up on wrong date #1289
- [bug][Feature: Members] family view scripts fail #1285
- [bug][Feature: Members][Web Report] People Not In MailChimp Broken Links #1156
- [bug][build][question] Failed DB Restore Results in HTTP 500 Error #1318
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Where is the notes sections on Person View? #1266
- [enhancement][Feature: Members] Where is the notes sections on Person View? #1266
- [bug][Feature: Events][Localization] Bug of 2.3.0-RC2 - Error to add a event #1257
- [bug][Feature: Members] Family autocomplete popup #544
- [bug][Feature: Events][Localization] Bug of 2.3.0-RC2 - Error to add a event #1257
- [Localization][Web Report] date format needs to be configurable #1194
- [Localization] datatable : Internationalisation plug-ins #1141
- [Localization] Need a system setting for date format #1031
- [bug] timer job external backup #1276
- [bug] Fail to delete a Group #1264
- [bug] sReader don't store a html code #1262
- [bug][Feature: Events][Localization] Bug of 2.3.0-RC2 - Error to add a event #1257
- [bug] Login Page Redirect #1111
- [bug][Feature: Members] Family autocomplete popup #544
- [bug] Replicate item in Add Donated item yields SQL error #540
- [development] use momentjs to calc Age #1192
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] Installing on bluehost #1270
- [bug] In-Place upgrade from 2.2.4 to 2.3.0 fails #1273
- [enhancement] Failure in translation #1160
- [enhancement] Need a method to ensure code integrity #1013
- [enhancement] Add Self-Registration Feature #894
- [enhancement] Option to turn off unused features #525
- [enhancement] Notes: Convert Add/Edit Note to Model #476
- [enhancement] Theme: Attendees for Event #460
- [enhancement] Translate into Vietnamese language #268
- [enhancement] General Settings: Change Localization #206
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade] Fail to install 2.3.0-RC2 #1248
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade] sRootPath Undefined #1139
- [bug] Bug of 2.3.0-RC2 - Bad String in PersonView #1256
- [bug] Bug of dropdown of sLanguage #1254
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade] Fail to install 2.3.0-RC2 #1248
- [bug] Calendar Page is broken #1241
- [bug] System Settings are Blank #1230
- [bug] Registration Comments are lost #1228
- [bug] Spelling error on Registration Page #1227
- [bug][development] EventName.php broken in develop #1225
- [bug][development] Event Editor Broken in Develop #1224
- [bug] Deposit Graph is limited to 150 px #1222
- [bug][Web Report] System settings has a bug v 2.2.4 #1220
- [bug] Builds fail on Linux Host #1216
- [bug] Infinite Redirects #1213
- [bug][question] Missing fields on System Setting - Church Information #1199
- [bug][build] Fix docker builds #1198
- [bug][Web Report] Can't delete empty group #1180
- [bug] [Develop] - Name Tags Fail After Class Cleanup #1158
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade] sRootPath Undefined #1139
- [bug][Web Report] Deposit Report Not Opening Correctly #1115
- [bug] Possible Docker Issue [Unable to Find ChurchCRM/CRM Locally] #524
- [bug] adding people to event does not change the attendance # #415
- [bug] What does Group Assignment Helper do? #240
- [bug][development] EventName.php broken in develop #1225
- [bug][development] Event Editor Broken in Develop #1224
- [build][development] ORM Build failing #1208
- [bug][build] Fix docker builds #1198
- [build] Switch Skin Build to NPM #1153
- [development] PersonService.getUploadedPhoto should be replaced #1151
- [development] Remove NoteService #1149
- [build][development] Merge ORM Config.php with LoadConfigs.php #1148
- [build] Remove iEvent system settings #1143
- [build][development] Use Class Auto Loader for all classes #1136
- [build][question] Detect missing dependencies #1123
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] ChurchCRM Login credentials not working #1006
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Database][question] mysql errors during first login #928
- [bug] Upgrade Process does not complete in one action #1130
- [bug][question] EventEditor.php #1117
- [bug][Web Report] Deposit Summary Header #1116
- [bug] HTTP/DELETE is broken #1107
- [bug] JS: Confirm Message need to use gettext #1099
- [bug] /api/deposits/1/pdf Error #1069
- [bug] Default Event Time Wrong #1050
- [bug] Church Event Edit Page Time Change #787
- [bug][Web Report] List church events mobile #753
- [bug] Create a new Event: Event Desc filed should be textbox not text #459
- [bug] Events: Time format is inconsistent 24h vs 12h clocks #458
- [enhancement] SundaySchool: Create requires lots of clicks #470
- [enhancement] General Settings: Miles Option #207
- [bug] $sPageTitle should be set with gettext #1100
- [bug] Person View: Can't remove from group via icon #1098
- [bug] FindDepostSlip.php file #1086
- [bug] Email Dashboard [Theme] #1075
- [bug] WebDAV failures prevent page load #920
- [development] What is Canvas05Editor.php #1102
- [development] Use ORM In favor of Service Classes #963
- [enhancement][question] New Member to SundaySchool Class #703
- [build][enhancement] Switch PDF creation to html2pdf #220
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] Build 2.2.1 returning blank #1071
- [bug] Error during email export #1072
- [bug] Backup Database: tar.gz (Include Photos) #1067
- [bug][Web Report] System settings Input fields are larger than page on mobile #925
- [bug] remove all mysql_ #922
- [bug][Web Report] Mobile rendering #860
- [bug] Member Directory Photos #854
- [bug][Web Report] Map cart mobile #754
- [bug][Web Report] Phone numbers are not links #751
- [bug][Web Report] Person property editor does not render correctly on mobile #748
- [bug] Tablet Testing Needed #285
- [bug] AdminLTE 2 containers allow overflow #138
- [bug] Tax Report- Wrong Fiscal Year #90
- [build] Guzzle 3 is deprecated #681
- [build][development] break church info fork relationship #562
- [build][enhancement] Switch PDF creation to html2pdf #220
- [enhancement] Add people to cart takes a lot of clocking #413
- [enhancement] General Settings: Time Zone Dropdown #208
- [Installation / Upgrade][question] Login/Install problems #1053
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] UNABLE TO INSTALL CHUCH CRM #1038
- [bug] Permissions: User needs Note access to add Note #1061
- [bug] Register Software and/or phpmailer not functioning #1054
- [bug][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] UNABLE TO INSTALL CHUCH CRM #1038
- [bug] Demo Data doesn't add sunday school groups correctly #1014
- [bug] E-mail address not displayed in group member grid #974
- [enhancement] Capture resolution in bug reports #891
- [enhancement][Web Report] Moving up/ transferring students in classes #856
- [enhancement][question] Need a Warning on the Login Page that a browser is not supported #844
- [enhancement] Test with Safari #843
- [build][development][enhancement] Add Service Classes to composer Auto Loader #824
- [enhancement] Import People does not add a note in the timeline #688
- [bug][enhancement] SundaySchool: Default Roles is Member #469
- [enhancement] Deposit & Pledges Max Value #430
- [enhancement] Add delete button for Deposit slips #245
- [enhancement] Theme: Fund Raiser #187
- [bug] Anonymous Cash Doesn't Show up in DepositSlipEditor #1028
- [bug] Add to Cart getPhoto Bug #1027
- [bug] DirectoryReports Showing HTML not links #1022
- [bug] Role dropdown brokend #1021
- [bug] Fonts with capital names are broken in develop #1020
- [bug] Group Reports is broken #1010
- [bug] Deposit Report is broken in develop #1008
- [bug] MailChimp breaks in PersonView.php #997
- [bug] Saving a person is broken in develop #993
- [bug] email dashboard is broken #990
- [bug][Web Report] Adding Some People via the Group page breaks the page #985
- [bug] Permissions: Manage Groups and Roles - Broken List Group #978
- [bug] Edit Group Role button not working for page 2-x of group list #977
- [bug] Remove user from group button not working for page 2-x of group list #973
- [bug] Unsuppored PHP Versions show non-helpful error #958
- [bug] GroupEditor #938
- [bug] The Backup Database is not working #927
- [bug] Fix Case Sensitive Path in LoadConfigs #923
- [bug][question] Sunday School Dashboard not reporting all Sunday School Classes #858
- [bug] Fix Sunday School Email #814
- [bug] invalid gettext messages #805
- [bug] Event: Active falg is backwards #786
- [bug] Nav: Groups : Edit Group Types is visible when it should not #520
- [bug][enhancement] SundaySchool: Default Roles is Member #469
- [bug] Delete: Access report #166
- [build][development][enhancement] Add Service Classes to composer Auto Loader #824
- [development] Groups: Commented Logic in CreateGroup #467
- [build] Move authorizenet to composer #225
- [enhancement] List All Church Events sort order #785
- [enhancement] Calendar: Change Member Birthdays to API #466
- [bug][build][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] File extraction with incorrect 666 permissions #882
- [bug][build][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] File extraction with incorrect 666 permissions #882
- [bug] Search bar does not work on iOS #821
- [bug] Default Start and end times for event #412
- [bug][build][Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][Platform: Shared Hosting][question] File extraction with incorrect 666 permissions #882
- [build] Build System should rev the build version #780
- [enhancement] Favicon #893
- [enhancement] Create Automatic Backup to Cloud Storage #263
- [enhancement] Email sunday school class parents #71
- [bug] sEnableExternalBackupTarget during database restore #889
- [enhancement] Email from Member Dashboard #848
- [enhancement] Translate #599
- [development][enhancement] Move Config.php to Config.php.example #503
- [bug] Default pictures no longer correct #873
- [bug] Last Login Time Stamp Does not respect timezone #867
- [bug] show page name in issue reporter #865
- [bug] Sunday School Email #851
- [bug] Cart Functions Buttons Location #847
- [bug] Search box is not touch friendly #404
- [build] Missing default photos #738
- [development][enhancement] Move Config.php to Config.php.example #503
- [build][development] Coding Question #403
- [development][enhancement] Locale: french fr_FR #775
- [bug][enhancement] fix bad $sRootPath at runTime #741
- [bug][build][question] vendor directory missing in 2.1.6 tar file #800
- [bug] Setup.php Get Apache Modules #797
- [bug] Bugs and correction with get text #776
- [bug][build] Problem to install churchCRM #773
- [bug][Web Report] Upload photo from mobile #749
- [bug][enhancement] fix bad $sRootPath at runTime #741
- [bug] Deposit Report #740
- [bug][Web Report] Restore DB does not work. #708
- [bug][Web Report] Address for a family member #701
- [bug] Skin: Need to remove href values when printing in Chrome #694
- [bug][build][question] vendor directory missing in 2.1.6 tar file #800
- [development][enhancement] Locale: french fr_FR #775
- [bug][build] Problem to install churchCRM #773
No changelog for this release.
- [build] Create a Build Script #14
- [enhancement] Add A4 paper size option for the members directory #747
- [enhancement] Install: System should import once we have correct db connection info #707
- [build][enhancement] Need ORM Framework #4
- [Installation / Upgrade][Platform: Self-Hosted][question] 500 status message #578
- [bug] sEnableGravatarPhotos breaks some upgrades #744
- [bug] Release Notice has invalid URL #720
- [bug] MailChimpDashboard.php dumps php source in the "List:" box #581
- [build][development] Upgrade to slim 3.x.x #699
- [development] Upgrade AdminLTE to 2.3.3 #697
- [build][enhancement] Need ORM Framework #4
- [enhancement] People: Create a Setting to disable looking for people photos on gravatar #712
- [bug][Web Report] "Add Family" Second Cell Number #719
- [enhancement] System Setup: Install the churchcrm db it it is not setup #717
- [bug] MailChimpMissingReport.php 500 error #690
- [enhancement] Update Build Documentation #662
- [enhancement] TaskService - Update ChurchCRM #653
- [enhancement] Add attendance Information tab to Person profile #634
- [enhancement] Add events to calender #632
- [enhancement] Task: Release Update Notifications #573
- [enhancement] Notes: Covert Notes to Timeline #477
- [enhancement] 404 Error page #176
- [enhancement] General Configuration Settings Needs better organization #167
- [enhancement] Revamp Sundayschool Dashboard #161
- [enhancement] Create way for a Family/Person to Verify the info #5
- [bug] GitHub API causes rate errors #666
- [bug] CartView.php generates error #659
- [bug] Create a Debug page for Remote Servers to check requirements #654
- [bug] TaskService - View All Tasks #649
- [bug] playbackSQLtoDatabase function is broken #646
- [bug] Invalid MailChimp API Key Error #640
- [bug] Invalid Person ID in the PersonView should show error page #636
- [bug] Gitter Sidecar Chat Buttons #625
- [bug] Calendar Popup Issue #543
- [bug] Group View should use cart icon for add to cart #521
- [bug] Upload New Photo does not effect Updated Date for member #293
- [build] Multiple unnecessary composer files #680
- [development] vagrant provision should also reset the VM #665
- [build][development] Composer Build Out of Date in Scotchbox. #664
- [development] Move Skin to Composer #661
- [development] Remove Vendor folder from git repo #656
- [development] #594 Unnecessary sub directory #633
- [development] MRBS, what is it #551
- [development] AddWebCalendar.sql #550
- [development][enhancement][question] Bug Reporting from within App #455
- [bug] Deposit Slip With no Payments Export #617
- [bug] SystemService duplicated SQL Functions. #610
- [bug][question] Sunday School #603
- [bug] Donated Item Editor Theme #597
- [bug] Database error or invalid data #583
- [bug] update_config.sql breaks during restore #548
- [bug] Just added a new person and dates are wrong. #523
- [bug] CheckVersion can be bypassed #211
- [development][question] Update Demo site, landing pages to match 2.0.0 and 2.1.0 #563
- [development][enhancement][question] Bug Reporting from within App #455
- [development] Clean up whitespace and style issues in source code #333
- [enhancement] Sunday School: Queries #479
- [enhancement] Move SundaySchool Reports #478
- [enhancement] Mailchimp's Generate Email Export should export a person's groups #457
- [enhancement] Add to Cart from Family view should use ajax or at least return to same page #449
- [bug][enhancement] Main Menu is showing TBD for Groups #431
- [enhancement] Restyle Sunday School Dashboard to match Menu and Member Dashboard #422
- [enhancement] Auto-Migration #376
- [bug][enhancement] Skin: WhyCameEditor.php #373
- [bug][enhancement] Switch Assign a New Property from Drop-down to buttons #370
- [enhancement] Switch Family/Person Pages to Buttons from Drop-down menu #369
- [enhancement] Distinguish Families when Adding Pledge to Deposit #367
- [development][enhancement] Cleanup default.php #365
- [enhancement] Possible Addition of JQuery #356
- [enhancement] Mail Merge #349
- [enhancement][question] Style New System Setup Error Messages #321
- [bug][enhancement] Unable to upload large photos #319
- [development][enhancement] Automatically jump to login page after timeout #309
- [enhancement] Members Dashboard needs to list people by Classification #294
- [enhancement] Create User should use email as username #291
- [enhancement] Display Emails in the Outbox. #260
- [enhancement] UserPasswordChange Focus Issue #251
- [enhancement] Search by Check Number #241
- [bug][development][enhancement] Tool Tip Text #203
- [enhancement] Main Dashboard is too member focused #178
- [enhancement] Needs a Members Dashboard #160
- [enhancement] Family / Person Attachments #122
- [build][enhancement] Upgrade AdminLTE to 2.x #116
- [enhancement] Family & Person photos don't show up in member directory report #104
- [enhancement][Feature: SMS] Mobile messaging integration would be nice #98
- [bug][enhancement] Create a MailChimp APIs and Menus #84
- [enhancement] Smarter family bundling in CSV import #80
- [enhancement] Sunday School Birthdays format #72
- [enhancement] Allow for internationalization #64
- [enhancement] gavatar for member Image #51
- [build][enhancement] Vagrant dev envs need seed data #50
- [enhancement] Support Running the CRM offline #48
- [enhancement] Smarter use of gravatar #32
- [enhancement] Sort person search by first name #25
- [enhancement] Map Address linking #23
- [enhancement] Add Search by FamilyName then view family #15
- [enhancement] Extract Help files outside the build into a help.churchcrm.io site... #12
- [build][enhancement] Setup a database migrations tool #10
- [build][enhancement] Use bower or Composer to Manage Project Dependencies #8
- [enhancement] Need a MVC for Rest APIs #3
- [enhancement][Feature: SMS] Mobile messaging integration would be nice #98
- [bug] Fix docker image #556
- [bug] 2.0.0-RC1 Uprgade Fails #533
- [bug] 2.0.0-RC1 Deposit Graph not visible on Menu.php #530
- [bug] Slim Debug Mode #516
- [bug] Sunday school dashboard error with a fresh install #514
- [bug] Names containing single quotes break the calendar #502
- [bug] Pretty URL proxy should check if the session is valid #490
- [bug] PersonCustomFieldsEditor doesn't parse #486
- [bug] Query: Person Count Should be deleted #480
- [bug] SundaySchool: Teacher View Profile icon incorrect #472
- [bug] Groups: Group Editors Role name does not save #471
- [bug] Groups: Enable Group Specific Properties does not work #468
- [bug] Events: Type Edit does not escape char #464
- [bug] Pretty URLs cause random HTTP/404. #445
- [bug] Group Role Name Changes Do Not Commit #442
- [bug] Settings reference iNavMethod #441
- [bug] Add New Group Nav link redirects to Group List #440
- [bug] Home Phone Number Click to call has #438
- [bug] GroupList.php loading takes over 40s #437
- [bug] New Group accepts empty string as Group Name #436
- [bug] Child Default Images are not working #432
- [bug][enhancement] Main Menu is showing TBD for Groups #431
- [bug] New FindDepositSlip Doesn't like subdirectories #427
- [bug] mysql_failure breaks demo site #426
- [bug] Sunday School member issue #420
- [bug] Family Assign a New Property text is white on white #418
- [bug] sunday school dashboard url issue sRootPath #417
- [bug] database_setup_and_install.sh is buggy #407
- [bug] ajaxError function is loaded before jquery #399
- [bug] Add Cart To Group error #397
- [bug] dac7519 Breaks Icons #395
- [bug] Note issue #389
- [bug] Delete a person or delete Family is throwing a 500 #387
- [bug] Theme: NoteEditor.php #386
- [bug] ipad member dashboard #382
- [bug] ipad main dashboard issue #381
- [bug] Cart to Group not working #380
- [bug][enhancement] Skin: WhyCameEditor.php #373
- [bug] Remove photo button shows even if there no uploaded photo #371
- [bug][enhancement] Switch Assign a New Property from Drop-down to buttons #370
- [bug] adding people to group not working #358
- [bug] Add /Edit Group Apostrophe in name does not work #357
- [bug] Add event Link is the same as list event type #352
- [bug] sHeader does not seem to be working properly #334
- [bug] Mailchimp Error on profile view #323
- [bug][enhancement] Unable to upload large photos #319
- [bug] Upload photos failed has info message #318
- [bug] Add person to group does not work. #317
- [bug][development] ConfirmReportEmail.php needs to use Redirect() #316
- [bug][development] Header-Minimal.php & Header-Short.php are not using adminLTE #311
- [bug] Sunday School Dashboard link is at the bottom on the sub menu #301
- [bug] Backup fails due to incorrect path #296
- [bug] Main Dashboard should show list total people not members. #295
- [bug] Assign New Group - Menu not visible #292
- [bug] Default.php has no Browser Title #286
- [bug] When the cart is Empty, function button are bellow the nav. #283
- [bug] API code does not respect permissions #282
- [bug] Remove PasswordHash40 Code #281
- [bug] Database Upgrade Scripts Only work in Vagrant #277
- [bug] Family search does not work in 2.0.0 PledgeEditor.php #275
- [bug] The Copyright bar on the bottom hides the left menu #272
- [bug] Left Menu does not work from Sunday School Pages #269
- [bug] Photo quality improvement #259
- [bug] Admin Menu not displaying corerctly #256
- [bug] There is no way to add a family to a group or cart #232
- [bug] Family Count is inaccurate #221
- [bug] Theme: SelectDelete #210
- [bug] General Settings: Remove Defective Browser #205
- [bug] General Settings: Remove Navigation Settings #204
- [bug][development][enhancement] Tool Tip Text #203
- [bug] Theme: Property List #189
- [bug] Theme: Events #188
- [bug] Theme: Reports #186
- [bug] Theme: Groups #185
- [bug] Theme/Nav: Cart Pages #184
- [bug] Theme: Family Role Editor #183
- [bug] Theme: GeoPage.php #182
- [bug] Theme: VolunteerOpportunityEditor #181
- [bug] Theme: Person Classifications Editor #180
- [bug] Theme: Person Listing #179
- [bug] Theme: Need fixed size for images on dashboards #177
- [bug] Session Expired Error / Theme #175
- [bug] Theme: SettingsIndividual.php #174
- [bug] Theme: Sidebar Collapsed #173
- [bug] Theme: Current User Image/Name #172
- [bug] Theme: Register.php #171
- [bug] Theme: Envelope Manager #170
- [bug] Theme: Default User Settings #169
- [bug] Theme: Report Settings #168
- [bug] Theme: Memeber Import #165
- [bug] BadLink: BackupDatabase.php #164
- [bug] Theme: Custom Fields Editors #163
- [bug] Theme: User Pages #162
- [bug] Update Screenshots of the system on the website and github #159
- [bug][development] MenuSetup.php & MenuEditor.php are obsolete #155
- [bug] EmailSend.php not sending emails in email_message_pending_emp #149
- [bug] AdminLTE settings page background #143
- [bug] Change Admin user username and default password #137
- [bug] Replace jquery.tablesorter with an other AdminLTE lib #131
- [bug] Replace raphael.js with another AdminLTE lib #130
- [bug] Remove the usage of jasny-bootstrap #128
- [bug] Family Utilities Page is broken #126
- [bug] remove links to churchdb #125
- [bug] api/data/seed/families error #115
- [bug][question] Register.php still goes to church info admin #114
- [bug] Update Error Page #94
- [bug] Calendar Picker Has Invisible Background #93
- [bug] Manage Family button in FamilyView.php does nothing #88
- [bug][enhancement] Create a MailChimp APIs and Menus #84
- [bug] Edit established member #70
- [bug] Ensure search by Family name is working #54
- [bug] Image/Link for the user who create/edited a recored is not correct #53
- [bug] Logged in user image is using gavtar #52
- [bug][build] Some resources load over HTTP (not s) #47
- [bug] Directory Report Does Not Honor "Hide Age" #41
- [bug] Maps are broken #38
- [bug] Database Backup Script with non-local Server #36
- [bug] Person profile updated by image is the same as the created by image #31
- [bug] bad link bug -http://...com/Reports/SundaySchoolClassView.php?groupId=3 #21
- [development] CRM complains about missing FPDF library #494
- [development] Need a CHANGELOG.md #481
- [build][development] Cannot Access ChurchCRM on MySQL from IDE on Vagrant Host #446
- [build][development] Config.php needs to go into .gitignore #406
- [development] EditorConfig file #390
- [development][enhancement] Cleanup default.php #365
- [development] Service directory should be capital #354
- [bug][development] ConfirmReportEmail.php needs to use Redirect() #316
- [bug][development] Header-Minimal.php & Header-Short.php are not using adminLTE #311
- [development][enhancement] Automatically jump to login page after timeout #309
- [development] Fix Select2 CSS Override #264
- [build][development] Wrong slim path #252
- [development][question] Need CONTRIBUTING.md #250
- [build] Review Settings in Config.php #238
- [build][development] Move deletePhotos to PersonService #222
- [bug][development][enhancement] Tool Tip Text #203
- [bug][development] MenuSetup.php & MenuEditor.php are obsolete #155
- [build] Review the usage of JumpToWiki.php #129
- [build] replace jscalendar with bootstrap datepicker #120
- [build][enhancement] Upgrade AdminLTE to 2.x #116
- [build][question] Update demo site landing page #96
- [build] find a process for auto update from version to another #92
- [development] Test gitter.im #85
- [build] Docker home page link is broken #69
- [build] Merge Docker Project into CRM project #68
- [build][question] Unsure how to start manual install #61
- [build] centralize application version #56
- [build] Upgrade google map api #55
- [build][enhancement] Vagrant dev envs need seed data #50
- [bug][build] Some resources load over HTTP (not s) #47
- [build] Moving from Churchinfo 1.2.14 to Church CRM #34
- [build] Auto Update / Reset Script for the demo site... #28
- [development][question] Software Lic #17
- [build] vagrant box #16
- [build] Drone.io vs Travis CI #13
- [build] switch development branches to git-flow #11
- [build][enhancement] Setup a database migrations tool #10
- [build][enhancement] Use bower or Composer to Manage Project Dependencies #8