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Setup and installation

The site is powered by Gatsby and Markdown Remark. To run the site, Node 16 is required. If you use NVM you can nvm use to select the correct Node version.

npm install  # install dependencies
npm run dev  # start dev server

A .prettierrc is included in the repo, so if you set up auto-formatting with Prettier, it should match the style.

Build and run the website in a Docker container

Rather than installing NPM locally, you can also build a Docker container with the prerequisite dependencies:

docker build -t thinc-ai .

Afterwards, the website can be built and run in the container:

docker run --rm -it \
  -v $PWD:/home/node/website \
  -p 8000:8000 \
  thinc-ai \
  npm run dev -- -H

This is currently the only way to build the website on ARM64 Macs, since the required Node.js version is not built for macOS/ARM64.

These commands also work with Podman by replacing docker by podman.

Directory structure

  • /docs: Docs pages as Markdown.
  • /src/pages: JavaScript-formatted landing pages relative to the root.

Markdown reference

The docs use various customized Markdown components for better visual documentation. Here are the most relevant:

Special syntax


Headings can specify optional attributes in curly braces, e.g. #some_id to add a permalink and id="some_id" or a tag attribute with a string of one or more comma-separated tags to be added after the headline text.

## Headline 2

## Headline 2 {#some_id}

## Headline 2 {#some_id tag="method"}


Code blocks can specify an optional title on the first line, prefixed by ###. The title also supports specifying attributes, including small="true" (small font) and highlight, mapped to valid line numbers or line number ranges.

### This is a title {highlight="1,3-4"}
from thinc.api import Model, chain, Relu, Softmax

with Model.define_operators({">>": chain}):
    model = Relu(512) >> Relu(512) >> Softmax()


If a table row defines an italicized label in its first column and is otherwise empty, it will be rendered as divider with the given label. This is currently used for the "keyword-only" divider that separates positional and regular keyword arguments from keyword-only arguments.

If the last row contains a bold RETURNS or YIELDS, the row is rendered as the footer row with an additional divider.

| Argument       | Type             | Description                                            |
| -------------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ |
| `X`            | <tt>ArrayXd</tt> | The array.                                             |
| _keyword-only_ |                  |                                                        |
| `dim`          | <tt>int</tt>     | Which dimension to get the size for. Defaults to `-1`. |
| **RETURNS**    | <tt>int</tt>     | The array's inferred width.                            |

If you're specifying tables in Markdown, you always need a head row – otherwise, the markup is invalid. However, if all head cells are empty, the header row will not be rendered.

|          |          |          |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |

Custom markdown elements

<infobox> Infobox

Infobox with an optional variant attribute: variant="warning" or variant="danger".

<infobox variant="warning">

This is a warning.


<tt> Type annotation

Should be used for Python type annotations like bool, Optional[int] or Model[ArrayXd, ArrayXd]. Similar to regular inline code but will highlight the elements and link the types if available. See type-links.js for the type to link mapping.

<tt>Tuple[str, int]</tt>

<ndarray> Arrays

Special type annotation for arrays with option to specify shape. Will link types if available. See _type_links.json for the type to link mapping.

<ndarray shape="nI, nO">Array2d</ndarray>

<tabs> <tabs> Tabbed components

Will make each tab title a selectable button and allow tabbing between content. Mostly used for longer code examples to show a variety of different examples without making the page too verbose. The id is needed to distinguish multiple tabbed components on the same page.

<tabs id="some_tabs">
<tab title="Example 1">

Tab content 1 goes here

<tab title="Example 2">

Tab content 2 goes here


<grid> Simple two-column grid

Responsive grid for displaying child elements in two columns. Mostly used to display code examples side-by-side.


### config.cfg {small="true"}
patience = 10
dropout = 0.2

### Parsed {small="true"}
    "training": {
        "patience": 10,
        "dropout": 0.2


<inline-list> Inline list of meta info

Should contain an unnumbered list with items optionally prefixed with a bold label. Mostly used in the layers API reference to document input/output types, parameters and attributes in a concise way.


- **Label 1:** Some content
- **Label 2:** Some content


<tutorials> Tutorial links with Colab buttons

Should contain an unnumbered list with IDs of the tutorials to include. See _tutorials.json for options. The tutorials section will show each tutorial name and description with a button to launch the notebook on Colab, if available.


- intro
- transformers_tagger
- parallel_training_ray
