Integrate and useful preset.
- 🔥 All-in-One popular presets.
- 🚀 Collection of features not integrated into UnoCSS.
- 🍥 Support extract base64 image.
- 🎨 Support extract rgba color in css variable.
- 💜 Support expand theme animation name usage.
- 🍬 etc.
- 📦 Build-In Magic Animate.
- 🌬️ Align with TW theme configuration.
pnpm i -D unocss-preset-useful unocss
// unocss.config.ts
import { defineUsefulConfig } from 'unocss-preset-useful'
export default defineUsefulConfig()
// Custom options
export default defineUsefulConfig(
// Useful options
// Uno options
export interface UsefulOptions {
* Make all unitilities important.
* @default false
important?: boolean
* Enable default shortcuts
* @default true
enableDefaultShortcuts?: boolean
* Enable magic animations
* @default false
* @deprecated Use `magicss` option instead.
enableMagicAnimations?: boolean
* Extract rgba color in css variable
* @default false
unColor?: boolean | string
* Improve theme to be more useful, and align with Tailwind theme configuration
* - Add `animation` to theme, Expand theme animation name usage
* [ name, duration, timing-function, iteration-count ]
* @example
* ```ts
* theme: {
* extend: {
* animation: {
* shape: 'shape 5s linear infinite'
* },
* // ...
* }
* }
* ```
* You can choose to use special symbols as placeholders, to indicate whether to inject this property into the uno theme
* - `*` Abandon injection
* - `+` Injection, but the value is empty
* @example
* ```ts
* theme: {
* extend: {
* animation: {
* foo: 'foo 1s * 3',
* bar: 'bar 1s +',
* },
* // ...
* }
* }
* ```
theme?: UsefulTheme
* Enable the default preset
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default true
uno?: boolean | PresetUnoOptions
* Enable attributify mode and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
attributify?: boolean | AttributifyOptions
* Enable icons preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
icons?: boolean | IconsOptions
* Enable webFonts preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
webFonts?: boolean | WebFontsOptions
* Enable typography preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
typography?: boolean | TypographyOptions
* Enable tagify preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
tagify?: boolean | TagifyOptions
* Enable remToPx preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* @default false
remToPx?: boolean | RemToPxOptions
* Enable scrollbar preset and the options of it
* Only works when `presets` is not specified
* See:
* @default false
scrollbar?: boolean | PresetScrollbarDefaultOption
* Enable magicss preset
* @about [unocss-preset-magicss](
* @default false
magicss?: boolean
* Enable directives transformer and the options of it
* @about [@unocss/transformer-directives](
* @default true
directives?: boolean | TransformerDirectivesOptions
* Enables the variant group feature of Windi CSS for UnoCSS.
* @about [@unocss/transformer-variant-group](
* @default true
variantGroup?: boolean | TransformerVariantGroupOptions
* Compile group of classes into one class
* @about [@unocss/transformer-class-group](
* @default false
compileClass?: boolean | CompileClassOptions
Expand it see more details
// Support extract base64 image.
export const extractors: Extractor[] = [
name: 'unocss-preset-useful-extractor-includes-base64',
order: 0,
extract({ code }) {
return [ Set(code.split(/[\\:]?[\s'"`{}]|;(?!base64)+/g))]
// Extract rgba color in css variable.
export function postprocessWithUnColor(unColor: string): Postprocessor {
return (util) => {
util.entries.forEach((i) => {
const value = i[1]
if (typeof value === 'string') {
const match = value.match(rgbaRE)
if (match != null) {
i[1] = value.replace(rgbaRE, `rgba(var(${unColor}),$2)`)
util.entries.unshift([unColor, match[1]])
export function importantProcess(): Postprocessor {
return (util) => {
util.entries.forEach((i) => {
if (i[1] != null && !String(i[1]).includes('!important'))
i[1] += ' !important'
// Use any css variable easily.
export const rules: Rule[] = [
[/^([^:]+)::(\S|[^:]+)$/, ([, n, v], { theme }) => {
const color = parseColor(v, theme)
if (color?.cssColor?.type === 'rgb' && color.cssColor.components) {
return {
[`--${n}`]: `${color.cssColor.components.join(',')}`,
return {
[`--${n}`]: v,
// FYI. My own shortcuts.
const _shortcuts: CustomStaticShortcuts = [
// position
['pr', 'relative'],
['pa', 'absolute'],
['pf', 'fixed'],
['ps', 'sticky'],
// position layout
[['pxc', 'p-x-c'], 'pa left-1/2 -translate-x-1/2'],
[['pyc', 'p-y-c'], 'pa top-1/2 -translate-y-1/2'],
[['pcc', 'pc', 'p-c', 'p-c-c'], 'pxc pyc'],
// flex layout
[['f-c', 'fcc'], 'flex justify-center items-center'],
[['f-c-c', 'fccc'], 'f-c flex-col'],
[['fc', 'fxc', 'f-x-c'], 'flex justify-center'],
[['fi', 'fyc', 'f-y-c'], 'flex items-center'],
[['fs', 'fxs'], 'flex justify-start'],
['fsc', 'flex justify-start items-center'],
['fse', 'flex justify-start items-end'],
[['fe', 'fxe'], 'flex justify-end'],
['fec', 'flex justify-end items-center'],
['fb', 'flex justify-between'],
['fbc', 'flex justify-between items-center'],
['fa', 'flex justify-around'],
['fac', 'flex justify-around items-center'],
['fw', 'flex flex-wrap'],
['fwr', 'flex flex-wrap-reverse'],
// transition
['trans', 'transition-all-350 ease-DEFAULT'],
// See index.test.ts `themeAnimate configuration` for usage.
export function nomarlizeTheme(theme: UsefulTheme): UsefulTheme {
return {