This file generates the file. The reason for keeping this separate is so we can include data common to both the manual and the readme.
To export:
(require 'ox-gfm)
(defun +elpaca-export-readme ()
(with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "./")
(org-export-to-file 'gfm "../")))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'+elpaca-export-readme nil t)
“Chews data, spits packages.”
- Installs packages asynchronously, in parallel for fast, non-blocking installations.
- Includes a flexible UI for finding and operating on packages.
- Downloads packages from their sources for convenient elisp development.
- Supports thousands of elisp packages out of the box (MELPA, NonGNU/GNU ELPA, Org/org-contrib).
- Makes it easy for users to create their own ELPAs.
See the manual for in-depth information on Elpaca usage, customization, and development. Users who wish to experiment with Elpaca may find the example init.el and early-init.el files useful.