Tags: usoban/klepto
Toggle v0.0.13's commit message
Fix incorrect encoding by forcing UTF8MB4 on CSV LOAD
* add sprintf
* Fix: add CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 to LOAD FILE SQL.
Toggle v0.0.12-rc5's commit message
Add iterated rows count logging.
Toggle v0.0.12-rc4's commit message
Add source rows count query logging.
Toggle v0.0.12-rc3's commit message
Add reader result set size logging.
Toggle v0.0.12-rc2's commit message
Add `Literal/1` function to anonymisation environment, fix prefixes f…
…or mirroring.
Toggle v0.0.12-rc1's commit message
Add view dumping capabilities.
Toggle v0.0.11's commit message
Adds support for conditional anonymisation of columns. (#1 )
* Adds support for conditional anonymisation of columns.
* Improve README.md
Toggle v0.0.10's commit message
Merge pull request hellofresh#96 from hellofresh/hotfix/small-improve…
Fix typo and improve error handling
Toggle v0.0.9's commit message
Toggle v0.0.8's commit message
introduce matchers config
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