Given a collection of fourteen numbers u_i, v_i
, i=0,...,6
, test whether or not the collection may be realized as the multipliers of a quadratic endomorphism with an invariant line.
In order to run this program, the user has to define rational values for the imput variables and a boolean to specify the format.
There are two options:
u_i, v_i
fori = 0,...,6
then run:sage Test.sage '[u_0,v_0,...,u_6,v_6]' False
, -
t_k, d_k
fori = 0,...,3
andu_i, v_i
fori = 4,5,6
then runsage Test.sage '[t_0,d_0,...,t_3,d_3,u_4,v_4,...,u_6,v_6]' True
You can also just run sage Test.sage
to print the 'usage' message.