Withings Body metrics Services API http://www.withings.com/en/api/wbsapiv2
Uses Oauth 1.0 to authentify. You need to obtain a consumer key and consumer secret from Withings by creating an application here: https://oauth.withings.com/partner/add
wbs_auth = WithingsAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
authorize_url = wbs_auth.get_authorize_url()
print "Go to %s allow the app and copy your oauth_verifier" % authorize_url
oauth_verifier = raw_input('Please enter your oauth_verifier: ')
wbs_creds = wbs_auth.get_credentials(oauth_verifier)
wbs = WithingsApi(wbs_creds)
measures = wbs.get_measures(limit=1)
print "Your last measured weight: %skg" % measures[0].weight