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Web Site Page Changes Monitor. 网站网页页面更新变更监控提醒。
阿布量化交易系统(股票,期权,期货,比特币,机器学习) 基于python的开源量化交易,量化投资架构
In this noteboook I will create a complete process for predicting stock price movements. Follow along and we will achieve some pretty good results. For that purpose we will use a Generative Advers…
Python module to get stock data from Yahoo! Finance
Model Log 是一款基于 Python3 的轻量级机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)模型训练评估指标可视化工具,可以记录模型训练过程当中的超参数、Loss、Accuracy、Precision、F1值等,并以曲线图的形式进行展现对比,轻松三步即可实现。
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization.
《神经网络与深度学习》 邱锡鹏著 Neural Network and Deep Learning
此项目完成了关于 NLP-Beginner:自然语言处理入门练习 的所有任务,所有代码都经过测试,可以正常运行。
LeetCode solutions in Python2. LeetCode题解 in Python2。
Apache Superset is a Data Visualization and Data Exploration Platform
深度学习与PyTorch入门实战视频教程 配套源代码和PPT
TensorFlow Tutorial and Examples for Beginners (support TF v1 & v2)
TensorFlow 2.x version's Tutorials and Examples, including CNN, RNN, GAN, Auto-Encoders, FasterRCNN, GPT, BERT examples, etc. TF 2.0版入门实例代码,实战教程。
A python tutorial on bayesian modeling techniques (PyMC3)
Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Programming in Python
A unified framework of perturbation and gradient-based attribution methods for Deep Neural Networks interpretability. DeepExplain also includes support for Shapley Values sampling. (ICLR 2018)