TurboGE is a small game engine created in C++20 using OpenGL rendering. This is made purely for learning purposes.
TurboGE is created in Windows environment and other OS are not considered at the moment. Recommended version of Visual Studio: 2022
1. Download source code:
Start by cloning the repository with git clone --recursive https://github.com/varunthomas/TurboGE
2. Generate the solution:
- Run the GenerateProjects.bat file in the root directory. This will run the premake required to build the project. This will also create the Visual Studio solutions file.
- Quad rendering
- Sprite rendering
- Batching
- Blending
- Editor App to change the transforms, sprite and camera at runtime.
- Orthographic and Perspective camera
- Free moving camera for editor.
- Cherno Game Engine
- learnopengl.com