This is my vim environment for c++
1,You must install 'vim','git','ctags','python','gcc','g++','vbundle',for example on ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install vim git ctags python gcc g++
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
2,Copy vimrc in your home dir,on ubuntu:
scp vimrc youname@ip:~/.vimrc
3,Engage in your vim, then input ':PluginInstall' on command visaul:
vim :PluginInstall
This command will take serverial minutes 4,Install YouCompleteMe plugin:
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
python --clang-completer
This will compile the YouCompleteMe plugin ,will take a long time
ctrl+p //open ctrlp plugin for find files
,+s //similar to the command ':cs find s **',this will find the word that cursor pointer at
,gg //go to the defination
,gi //go to the include file --must move cursor to the '#inlcude' line
F2 //open the nerdtree
F4 //switch to .h or .cpp