Among other needs, FlexDMD was created since the great UltraDMD sadely has a few bugs and it was not updated anymore by its author. Therefore, it is designed to easily replace UltraDMD on existing tables.
The easiest way it to choose to register FlexDMD as UltraDMD when installing it (using the companion application). In this case, you do not need to do anything else; all UltraDMD tables will just work.
When running like this;
- to position the DMD, if you are using Freezy's DMD, simply run the table, right click on the DMD and select the option to save its position,
- to edit UltraDMD options regarding DMD's coloring, use the configuration tab in FlexDMD's companion application (FlexDMDUI.exe).
That's all !
The following instruction are for advanced users who want to try FlexDMD features on existing UltraDMD tables. You should not perform the following change for simple use of an UltraDMD table.
Note that the script folder of this repository contains scripts which includes the changes below for a few popular tables.
To convert a table to FlexDMD, load the table in VPX, open the script, then find a line containing Set UltraDMD = CreateObject("UltraDMD.DMDObject")
and replace it with Set FlexDMD = CreateObject("FlexDMD.FlexDMD")
You should share the game name with the render device (This allows virtual DMD to adapt their rendering to the played table with per table layout, contextual frame,...). To do so, simply add FlexDMD.GameName = cGameName
before Init
UltraDMD does not define if the table is monochrome or color from the script but from its UI and Windows' registry. For FlexDMD, this must be defined in the script. So, to enable colors, you have to add FlexDMD.RenderMode = 2
before Init
Finally, create the UltraDMD's API object by calling NewUltraDMD()
and call Init
As an example, here is the modification for the great Diablo III table from JPSalas:
Sub DMD_Init
'Set UltraDMD = CreateObject("UltraDMD.DMDObject")
Dim FlexDMD
Set FlexDMD = CreateObject("FlexDMD.FlexDMD")
If FlexDMD is Nothing Then
MsgBox "No UltraDMD found. This table will NOT run without it."
Exit Sub
End If
FlexDMD.GameName = cGameName
FlexDMD.RenderMode = 2
Set UltraDMD = FlexDMD.NewUltraDMD()
If Not UltraDMD.GetMajorVersion = 1 Then
MsgBox "Incompatible Version of UltraDMD found."
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
If the table is missing UltraDMD Uninit call on exit, you should also add it in table1_Exit
like this:
Sub table1_Exit
If Not UltraDMD is Nothing Then
If UltraDMD.IsRendering Then
End If
End If
End Sub