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Tests for other Machine Learning Packages

The main test suite for Fairlearn uses estimators from SciKit-Learn. However, we wish to ensure that Fairlearn works with other machine learning packages, provided they implement the SciKit-Learn Estimator interface (with sample_weight= on the fit() method). This directory contains tests which demonstrate Fairlearn working with various other packages.

We have made this a separate directory because machine learning packages tend to be heavyweight, and different packages may have conflicting dependencies. To avoid making our developer install too large (at best) or impossible to satisfy (at worst), we separate these tests out from our main test suite. The tests for each package provide two files:

  1. A conda environment in conda-<package>.yaml
  2. Tests in test_<package>.py

The tests themselves are quite simple, and rely on routines in to do most of the work.

To run the tests for a particular package, do the following from the repository root:

  1. Create a new conda environment with conda env create -n <env-name> -f ./test_othermlpackages/conda-<package>.yaml
  2. Activate the environment conda activate <env-name>
  3. Install Fairlearn with pip install .
  4. Run the tests with python -m pytest ./test_othermlpackages/test_<package>.py

Note that the tests are very much smoke tests. They ensure that the algorithms run without trouble, but they do not check the results in any sort of detail.

To get a new set of package tests running in the 'Other-ML-Packages' build, the pipeline needs to be updated. The file in question is azuredevops/templates/other-ml-job-template.yml. In this file, the packages dictionary in the parameters section will need to be updated with the new package. The dictionary has keys of display names, and values of filenames (that is, the string to be used in conda-<package>.yaml etc.).