A simple application exposes an endpoint that takes a HEX color and returns its RGB representation, implemented in Python Flask
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"code": "<HEX color code>"}' <app-ulr>
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| | mod_wsgi| | APACHE WEB SERVER +<---------------------- Requests
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| +------->+ Python Flask App | |
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sudo docker build -t color .
sudo docker tag color:latest quay.io/$QUAY_USER/color:latest
sudo docker push quay.io/$QUAY_USER/color:latest
Kubernetes deployment manifest files to deploy on K8s cluster.
$ kubectl create -f app-deployment.yaml
$ kubectl create -f app-hpa.yaml
deploys app pod and creates K8sservice
with type asNodePort
creates Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for scalability
NOTE: In order to work HPA
, the K8s cluster should have metric-server
Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a Virtual Machine (VM) on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.
Get the minikube
cluster info like below and run test.py
## Make sure minikube up and running
$ minikube ip
## Copy the cluster node IP
## Make app running in minikube cluster
$ kubectl get svc colors -o wide
colors NodePort <none> 80:32438/TCP 93m name=color
## Copy Nodeport
## Run test script to test it
$ python test.py 32438
[+] Running Positive Test Cases
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#C0C0C0"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(192, 192, 192)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#808080"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(128, 128, 128)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#000000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 0, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#FF0000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(255, 0, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#800000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(128, 0, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#FFFF00"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(255, 255, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#808000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(128, 128, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#00FF00"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 255, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#008000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 128, 0)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#00fFFF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 255, 255)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#008080"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 128, 128)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#0000FF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 0, 255)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#000080"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(0, 0, 128)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#fF00FF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(255, 0, 255)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[*] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#800080"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "(128, 0, 128)"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 200
[+] Running Negetive Test Cases
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#GGGGGGG"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#12121212FF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "$0000FF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#$A0000"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "#AAAA7"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
[.] PAYLOAD => {"code": "AAAAFF"}, RESPONSE=> {"result": "Invalid POST data/HEX color code"}, RESPOSE CODE=> 400
Added basic instrumentation to get application metrics with help of prometheus-flask-exporter
which are exportable to Prometheus. This module by default exposes the metrics on application port /metrics
├── app
│ ├── colors_app
│ │ └── __init__.py
│ └── colors_app.wsgi
├── app-deployment.yaml
├── app-hpa.yaml
├── build.sh
├── cadvisor-daemonset.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── httpd.conf
├── metrics_list.txt
├── README.md
└── test.py