I wanted to send the team some info about our cold storage capabilities in MWC. We have both a GUI version: https://github.com/mwcproject/mwc-qt-wallet/blob/master/DOC/cold_wallet.md
And a CLI: https://github.com/mwcproject/coldstorage
Not sure if your team was already aware, but wanted to pass this information along to your team. I know you use the mwc713 as a hot wallet, but it would be good if you regularly swept the funds from that wallet into a more permanent and secure form of storage. If you did regular sweeps (at least daily maybe hourly) it would allow you to detect double spend attacks early as well. Doing this combined with running the 'check' command regularly from the hot wallet is a good option. As always if you or the team have any questions about architecture, let us know.