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slatedocs / slate
Forked from ringcentral/slateBeautiful static documentation for your API
collectiveidea / delayed_job
Forked from tobi/delayed_jobDatabase based asynchronous priority queue system -- Extracted from Shopify
Quickly reproduce the dropdown UIPickerView / ActionSheet functionality on iOS.
ideo / avocado
Forked from trive/avocadoAn interaction design toolbox
alibaba / wax
Forked from probablycorey/waxWax is a framework that lets you write native iPhone apps in Lua.
matej / MBProgressHUD
Forked from jdg/MBProgressHUDMBProgressHUD, an iOS activity indicator view
Polidea / ios-class-guard
Forked from nygard/class-dumpSimple Objective-C obfuscator for Mach-O executables.
HTTP API 设计指南(http-api-design-ZH_CN),翻译自https://github.com/interagent/http-api-design
MacOS system extension that allows applications to pass audio to other applications.
zsk425 / SKTagView
Forked from shiweifu/SFTagViewSKTagView is a view that supports to display tags with Autolayout.
Implements Core Data + iCloud, deals with all the nasty stuff and gives you a clean API.
oysteinkrog / SQLite.Net-PCL
Forked from praeclarum/sqlite-netSimple, powerful, cross-platform SQLite client and ORM - Updated version with PCL support
hparra / ruby-serialport
Forked from toholio/ruby-serialportruby-serialport is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports
Kentzo / F-Script
Forked from KosmicTask/F-ScriptUnofficial fork
HotCocoa / hotcocoa
Forked from richkilmer/hotcocoaMacRuby HotCocoa UI library
OCR using tesseract 3.02 for iOS7
L2TP support for NetworkManager MOVED TO https://github.com/nm-l2tp/network-manager-l2tp
RubyNative / Diamond
Forked from johnno1962/DiamondDiamond - Swift scripting made easy
PureDarwin / darwinbuild
Forked from macosforge/darwinbuildDarwinbuild is a collection of tools that assist compilation of the many projects contained in Darwin, the open source base of Apple's macOS operating system.
280north / cappuccino
Forked from cappuccino/cappuccinoMOVED TO https://github.com/cappuccino/cappuccino
rsms / lets-move-cocoa
Forked from potionfactory/LetsMoveA sample that shows how to move a running Mac application to the /Applications directory
shadowfax / RateStars
Forked from edwardinubuntu/RateStarsAn App Store review liked, a rating view easily to use anywhere in the iOS App.
soffes / Static
Forked from venmo/StaticSimple static table views for iOS in Swift.
Gradle plugin for building Swift code for Android
CocoaBob / BGHUDAppKit
Forked from timthedevguy/BGHUDAppKitThe missing HUD controls. Please scroll down to read the readme file for an important notice concerning the future of BGHUDAppKit. Note that there are multiple versions available, 10.5+, 10.6.7, an…
phimage / AboutWindow
Forked from perfaram/PFAboutWindowSwift clone of PFAboutWindow to show a Xcode like About Window
lxcid / KissXML
Forked from robbiehanson/KissXMLA replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml. Works on iOS.
NelsonLeDuc / NLAutomatic
Forked from kreeger/BDKAutomaticAn Objective-C interface to the Automatic REST API.