Volume Graphics GmbH
- Heidelberg, Germany
3D U-Net model for volumetric semantic segmentation written in pytorch
C++ library for the serialization of complex data structures (e.g. from json)
Fast, accurate and reliable software for algebraic CT reconstruction
comprehensive library of 3D transmission Computed Tomography (CT) algorithms with Python and C++ APIs, a PyQt GUI, and fully integrated with PyTorch
An interactive ray-tracer written for the browser using WebGL
Generate 3D objects conditioned on text or images
Practical Blind Denoising via Swin-Conv-UNet and Data Synthesis (Machine Intelligence Research 2023)
A multi-platform file-configurable folder comparison tool with html-reporting written in rust
Simple command line tool to pull lfs files with token auth
A code coverage diff tool for Cobertura reports
stdgpu: Efficient STL-like Data Structures on the GPU
C++ library for the lightweight representation of unstructured meshes (or unstructured grids)
OpenGL based viewer for unstructured volume meshes based on lume