Stand alone Google Storage based BigQuery loader.
BqTail command loader manages ingestion process as stand along process using Data ingestion rules. For each source datafile an event is triggered to local BqTail process. For any source where URL is not Google Storage (gs://), the tail process copies data file to Google Storage bucket followed by triggering local events. BqTail client supports all feature of serverless BqTail with exception that is always run in sync mode, on top of that it also support constant data streaming option.
When ingesting data bqtail process manages history for all successfully process file, to avoid processing the same file more than once. By default only streaming mode stores history file in file:///${env.HOME}/.bqtail location, otherwise memory filesystem is used.
wget tar -xvzf bqtail_osx_2.0.2.tar.gz cp bqtail /usr/local/bin/
wget tar -xvzf bqtail_linux_2.0.2.tar.gz cp bqtail /usr/local/bin/
Data ingestion rule validation
To validate rule use -V option.
bqtail -r='myRuleURL -V' -p=myProject
bqtail -s=mydatafile -d='myProject:mydataset.mytable' -V
bqtail -r=gs://MY_CONFIG_BUCKET/BqTail/Rules/sys/bqjob.yaml -V
Local data file ingestion
bqtail -s=mydatafile -d='myProject:mydataset.mytable'
Local data ingestion with data ingestion rule
bqtail -s=mydatafile -r='myRuleURL'
Local data files ingestion
bqtail -s=mylocaldatafolder -d='myProject:mydataset.mytable'
Local data files ingestion in batch with 120 sec window
bqtail -s=mylocaldatafolder -d='myProject:mydataset.mytable' -w=120
Local data files streaming ingestion with rule
bqtail -s=mylocaldatafolder -r='myRuleURL' -X
Local data files ingestion in batch with 120 sec window with processed file tracking
bqtail -s=mylocaldatafolder -d='myProject:mydataset.mytable' -w=120 -h=~/.bqtail
BqTail client can use one the following auth method
- With BqTail BigQuery OAuth client (by default)
- no env setting needed
2.With Google Service Account Secrets
- With gsutil authentication
gcloud config set project my-project
gcloud auth login`
export GCLOUD_AUTH=true
- With custom BigQuery Oath clent
-c switch
bqtail -c=pathTo/custom.json
- @pathTo/custom.json
"Id": "",
"Secret": "xxxxxx"
bqtail -h