- Enabling databases
- Environment specific fixtures
- Fixtures parameters
- Use service factories
- Load fixtures in a specific order
The database management is done in FidryAliceDataFixtures. Head to this library documentation for a complete reference.
If you wish to use different fixtures depending of the environment, you can easily organise your fixtures the following way:
└── fixtures/ or app/Resources/fixtures/
├── environmentless-fixture1.yml
├── ...
├── inte
| ├── prod-fixture1.yml
| ├── ...
└─── dev
├── dev-fixture1.yml
└── ...
Then, when you're running the command php app/console hautelook:fixtures:load --env=inte
, it will load all the
fixtures found in Resources/fixtures/
) and in Resources/fixtures/inte
You can already use parameters specifics to your fixture file with Alice. To manage your fixtures parameters, you may wish to have a dedicated file for that:
# fixtures/parameters.yaml
app.alice.parameters.parameter1: something
app.alice.parameters.parameter2: something else
Then you can use the parameters app.alice.parameters.parameter1
across all your fixtures files:
# fixtures/dummy.yaml
name: <{app.alice.parameters.parameter1}>
You can also pass your parameters to functions:
# fixtures/dummy.yaml
name: <foo(<{app.alice.parameters.parameter1}>)>
For more, check Alice documentation.
You can access out of the box to your application parameters:
# fixtures/dummy.yaml
locale: <{framework.validation.enabled}>
Alice parameters will not be injected in your application ParameterBag
, i.e. are not re-usable outside of the
If your entity AppBundle\Entity\Dummy
requires a factory registered as a service (Alice already supports static
factories) to
be instantiated, you can specify it as a constructor:
# fixtures/dummy.yaml
__construct: { '@dummy_factory::create': ['<username()>'] }
Thanks to the new design of alice, you should not have to worry about the order as circular references are now handled correctly. If for some reasons you still need it, please proceed.
You can do so by sorting the files found which are going to be loader by creating a custom file locator:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Acme\Alice\Locator;
use Hautelook\AliceBundle\FixtureLocatorInterface;
use Nelmio\Alice\IsAServiceTrait;
final class CustomOrderFilesLocator implements FixtureLocatorInterface
use IsAServiceTrait;
private $decoratedFixtureLocator;
public function __construct(FixtureLocatorInterface $decoratedFixtureLocator)
$this->decoratedFixtureLocator = $decoratedFixtureLocator;
* Re-order the files found by the decorated finder.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function locateFiles(array $bundles, string $environment): array
$files = $this->decoratedFixtureLocator->locateFiles($bundles, $environment);
// TODO: order the files found in whatever order you want
// Warning: the order will only affect how the fixture definitions are merged. Indeed the order in which they
// are instantiated afterwards by nelmio/alice may change due to handling the fixture dependencies and
// circular references.
return $files;
You then need to register your file locator:
// config/services.yaml
- '@hautelook_alice.locator.environmentless' # Decorates the currently used file locator
# Replaces the default file locator used
hautelook_alice.locator: '@Acme\Alice\Locator\CustomOrderFilesLocator'
Keep in mind however than:
- when loaded, the files are actually merged together
- the fixtures are not necessarily loaded in the same order as their declaration since there might be dependencies to take into consideration
Maybe more likely to be relevant than the previous example. For doing so, you should register you own persister loader:
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace Acme\Alice\Loader;
use Fidry\AliceDataFixtures\LoaderInterface;
use Fidry\AliceDataFixtures\Persistence\PurgeMode;
use Nelmio\Alice\IsAServiceTrait;
* @final
/*final*/ class CustomOrderLoader implements LoaderInterface
use IsAServiceTrait;
private $decoratedLoader;
public function __construct(LoaderInterface $decoratedLoader)
$this->decoratedLoader = $decoratedLoader;
* Pre process, persist and post process each object loaded.
* {@inheritdoc}
public function load(array $fixturesFiles, array $parameters = [], array $objects = [], PurgeMode $purgeMode = null): array
// We get the objects from the decorated loader
$objects = $this->decoratedLoader->load($fixturesFiles, $parameters, $objects, $purgeMode);
// TODO: re-order the objects we want them to be persisted
return $objects;
For it to work, we then need to decorate the loader getting the objects from the files but before they are persisted:
// config/services.yaml
# We re-declare the loader we want to override to give it a different name
class: Fidry\AliceDataFixtures\Loader\SimpleLoader
- '@nelmio_alice.files_loader'
# We override the simple loader
class: Acme\Alice\Loader\CustomOrderLoader
- '@acme.fidry_alice_data_fixtures.loader.simple'
Previous chapter: Basic usage
Next chapter: Custom Faker Providers