- pathogen - Manage your
with ease. - vim-plug - Minimalist Vim Plugin Manager
- Vundle - Plug-in manager for Vim
- neobundle - Next generation Vim package manager
- vim-gitgutter - It shows a git diff in the gutter (sign column) and stages/undoes hunks.
- vim-fugitive - Use git command in VIM.
- vimagit - From a very single vim buffer, you can perform main git operations in few key press
- vim-airline - Lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air
- powerline - Powerline is a statusline plugin for vim, and provides statuslines and prompts for several other applications, including zsh, bash, tmux, IPython, Awesome, i3 and Qtile.
- lightline - A light and configurable statusline/tabline for Vim
- nerdtree - The NERD tree allows you to explore your filesystem and to open files and directories.
- nerdtree-git-plugin - A plugin of NERDTree showing git status
- v - Open recently edited files, no matter where you are in the filesystem.
- ctrlp - Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
- ack.vim - Keywords search tool from Vim, with an enhanced results list
- w3m.vim - w3m (a console-based web browser) plugin for vim.
- tmuxline.vim - Simple tmux statusline generator with support for powerline symbols and statusline / airline / lightline integration.
- gist-vim - This is a vimscript for creating gists
- FileInsight-plugins - Tiny plugins for McAfee FileInsight hex editor useful for various kind of decoding tasks in malware analysis
- vim-multiple-cursors - Sublime Text style multiple selections for Vim
- vim-easymotion - EasyMotion provides a much simpler way to use some motions in vim.
- taglist.vim - Source code browser (supports C/C++, java, perl, python, tcl, sql, php, etc)
- incsearch.vim - Improved incremental searching for Vim
- vim-signature - A plugin to place, toggle and display marks.
- wildfire.vim - Quickly select the closest text object among a group of candidates.
- Autoformat
- vim-autoformat - Provide easy code formatting in Vim by integrating existing code formatters.
- Autocomplete
- neocomplete - Provides keyword completion system by cache in the current buffer.
- delimitMate - Provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets, etc.
- auto-pairs - Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
- vim-autocomplpop - Automatic trigger complete popup menu
- Comment out lines
- nerdcommentor - Powerful and easy to use comment tools
- tComment - TComment works like a toggle, i.e., it will comment out text that contains uncommented lines, and it will uncomment already commented text.
- vim-commentary - Comment stuff out.
- Code Snipes
- Documentation
- DoxygenToolkit.vim - Simplify Doxygen documentation in C, C++, Python.
- Error Checking
- syntastic - Syntax checking hacks for vim
- vim-trailing-whitespace - Highlights trailing whitespace in red and provides :FixWhitespace to fix it.
- Indention
- indentline - A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines
- Line Number Toggling
- togglenumber - Easy toggle between different numbering modes
- Refactoring
- vim-multiple-cursors - It's great for quick refactoring.
- Surroundings
- vim-surround - The plugin provides mappings to easily delete, change and add such surroundings in pairs.
- Tag display
- tagbar - A class outline viewer for Vim.
- Undo
- gundo.vim - Graph your Vim undo tree in style.
- minibufexpl - Elegant buffer explorer - takes very little screen space
- vim-bbye - Delete buffers and close files in Vim without closing your windows or messing up your layout.
- vimshell - Powerful shell implemented by vim.
jedi-vim - Awesome Python autocompletion with VIM
flake8-vim - Frosted, pep8 and mcabe checker for Vim
Useful VIM scripts
# Number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for. set tabstop=4 # Number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent. Used for |'cindent'|, |>>|, |<<|, etc. set shiftwidth=4 # Converting tabs to spaces. set expandtab # Remove tailing spaces upon saving the file autocmd BufWritePre * :%s/\s\+$//e
- yajs.vim - Another JavaScript Syntax file for Vim
- es.next.syntax.vim - This syntax file is for ES7 and future syntax
- vim-jsx - Syntax highlighting and indenting for JSX
- vim-nodejs-complete - Node.js
function of vim. - vim-js-pretty-template - Highlight JavaScript's Template Strings contents in other FileType.
- YouCompleteMe - Fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim.
- vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight - Additional Vim syntax highlighting for C++ (including C++11/14)
- vim-fswitch - Vim plug for switching between companion source files (e.g. ".h" and ".cpp")
- vim-protodef - Pulling C++ function prototypes into implementation files
- clang_complete - Vim plugin that use clang for completing C/C++ code.
- vim-go - Go (golang) support for Vim, which comes with pre-defined sensible settings (like auto gofmt on save), with autocomplete, snippet support, improved syntax highlighting, go toolchain commands, and more.
- typescript-vim - Typescript syntax files for Vim
- tsuquyomi - Typescript autocomplete, syntax checking, and more.
- vim-instant-markdown - Instant Markdown previews for vim.
- vim-markdown - Syntax highlighting, matching rules and mappings for the original Markdown and extensions.