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Building Blocks

This directory contains reusable configuration file building blocks which can be used with the script to produce a unique config file. The variables have been named to avoid collision with other blocks. Most blocks assume that a VNET exists (hence the dependency on the vnet.json block) and being installed from a jumpbox.

Block list

Name Description Dependency on
ad.json Create an AD Directory Services VM named ADDS with domain hpc.local vnet, jumpbox
anf.json Create a Premium 4TB volume with 2x2TB pools /data and /apps vnet
anf-smb.json Create a Premium 4TB SMB volume with 4TB pool /data ad, vnet
beegfs-cluster.json Create BeeGFS cluster jumpbox, vnet
cycle-cli-jumpbox.json Install the CycleCloud CLI on the jumpbox cycle-prereqs-managed-identity, vnet
cycle-cli-local.json Install the CycleCloud CLI locally cycle-prereqs-managed-identity, vnet
cycle-install-server-managed-identity.json Create a CycleCloud server in a managed identity context cycle-prereqs-managed-identity, jumpbox, vnet
cycle-prereqs-managed-identity.json Create all pre-requisites for deploying CycleCloud with managed identity
jumpbox.json Create a jumpbox in the admin subnet Existence of a VNET
jumpbox-anf.json Create a jumpbox in the admin subnet with ANF mounted anf
jumpbox-nfs.json Create a jumpbox in the admin subnet acting as a 2TB NFS server Existence of a VNET
vnet.json Create a vnet named hpcvnet with subnets admin, compute, netapp, viz and storage
workstation.json Build a Windows Desktop workstation, domain joined ad

How to use building blocks ?

It's easy as the blocks have been designed to be merged together into a single configuration file. The will do the merge and initialization and you just need to provide an ordered list of the blocks you want to use and json file containing the variables you want to set. The script below will create a config file to deploy a VNET, a JUMPBOX with NFS and a BEEGFS cluster.


blocks="$block_dir/vnet.json $block_dir/jumpbox-nfs.json $block_dir/beegfs-cluster.json"

# Initialize config file
echo "{}" >$AZHPC_CONFIG
$azhpc_dir/ "$blocks" $AZHPC_CONFIG $AZHPC_VARIABLES

Before running that script I need to create a variables.json file which contains all the <NOT-SET> values of my blocks. In our case these are only resource_group and location.

  "variables": {
    "resource_group": "my resource group",
    "location": "my location"

Once done I can run the init script wich produce a config.json that I can use to build my whole environment.

$ ./
$ azhpc-build

NOTE : Have a look at the examples/cc_beegfs directory for a detailed example