Their getting started process is great. In a nutshell, these are the steps requiered to reproduce the setup in this repository.
Vault comes as a binary you can place on any path in your $PATH
. You can download this file from Download Vault.
vault server -config=vault_config.hcl
You need to provide a config file, for this example we used vault_config.hcl. The most important aspects of it are:
We are saving Vault data to a local file.
storage "file" { path = "/Users/nleiva/vault/data" }
Vault will listen on
. We also provide a Key/Certificate pair (vault.pem
) we generated and signed with our own CA (ca.cert
)listener "tcp" { address = "localhost:8200" tls_cert_file = "/Users/nleiva/vault/vault.pem" tls_key_file = "/Users/nleiva/vault/vault.key" }
For more info, see Deploy Vault.
You need to provide the CA certificate of the issuer of the certificates provided in Vault's config, ca.cert
in this example. "This file is used to verify the Vault server's SSL certificate" Source. Also, update Vault's listening address, https://localhost:8200
per the config file.
export VAULT_ADDR=https://localhost:8200
export VAULT_CACERT=ca.cert
vault operator init
Important info on Initializing the Vault: "Initialization outputs two incredibly important pieces of information: the unseal keys and the initial root token. This is the only time ever that all of this data is known by Vault, and also the only time that the unseal keys should ever be so close together".
You need 3 out of the three unsealed Keys you got when initializiing the Vault. We will export them as enviromental variables and used them to unseal the Vault.
export uKey1="..."
export uKey2="..."
export uKey3="..."
vault operator unseal ${uKey1}
vault operator unseal ${uKey2}
vault operator unseal ${uKey3}
Check if you get a 200 OK
$ curl \
--cacert ca.cert \
-i https://localhost:8200/v1/sys/health
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-store
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2019 01:42:29 GMT
Content-Length: 294
It's best to follow instructions from Vault website. In a nutshell:
Enable the engine:
vault secrets enable pki
Generate CA certificate and private key Vault will use to sign certificates.
vault write pki/root/generate/internal \
common_name=localhost \
Certificate location.
vault write pki/config/urls \
issuing_certificates="https://localhost:8200/v1/pki/ca" \
Create a role (my-role
vault write pki/roles/my-role \
allowed_domains=localhost \
allow_subdomains=true \
Use Common Name previously defined and specified in vault_cn.json file.
export TOKEN="..."
curl \
--cacert ca.cert \
--header "X-Vault-Token: ${TOKEN}" \
--request POST \
--data @vault_cn.json \
{"request_id":"b1248933-c113-291d-61ac-59487ff8c27c","lease_id":"","renewable":false,"lease_duration":0,"data":{"certificate":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIDsTCCApmgAwIBAgIUKyqoOpSkEgptLE3LOyrn/oE1MoUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEL\nBQAwFDESMB...-----END CERTIFICATE-----", ... }
Run the server with make run-server-vault
$ make run-server-vault
go run server/main.go -self=false -cefy=true
level=info time=2019-07-15T21:20:17.362421Z caller=main.go:203 msg="Server listening" port=50051
level=info time=2019-07-15T21:20:17.362684Z caller=main.go:206 msg="Starting gRPC services"
level=info time=2019-07-15T21:20:17.362737Z caller=main.go:209 msg="Listening for incoming connections"
level=debug time=2019-07-15T21:20:26.121926Z caller=logger.go:36 server_name=localhost remote_addr=[::1]:49268 msg="Getting server certificate"
level=debug time=2019-07-15T21:20:26.122415Z caller=logger.go:36 msg="Requesting new certificate from issuer"
level=debug time=2019-07-15T21:20:26.240165Z caller=logger.go:36 serial=80514697307960587646287223417136054196693349002 expiry=2019-07-18T21:20:26Z msg="New certificate issued"
level=debug time=2019-07-15T21:20:26.24021Z caller=logger.go:36 serial=80514697307960587646287223417136054196693349002 took=118.286421ms msg="Certificate found"
You won't see Requesting new certificate from issuer
on the subsequect calls as the cert will be cached.
Run the client with make run-client-ca
You need to get Vault's CA certificate first. Let's make an API call to get it and save it as ca-vault.cert
. Do not confuse this file with ca-cert
, which is the CA certificate of the issuer of the certificates in Vault's config; tls_cert_file
and tls_key_file
$ curl \
--cacert ca.cert \
https://localhost:8200/v1/pki/ca/pem \
-o ca-vault.cert
Now we can run the client and validate Vault CA. We need to export the name of the Vault's CA certificate file as CAFILE
$ export CAFILE="ca-vault.cert"
$ make run-client-ca
go run client/main.go -id 1 -file ca-vault.cert -mode 3
User found: Nicolas