Extending the editor UI can be accomplished with the registerPlugin
API, allowing you to define all your plugin's UI elements in one place.
Refer to the plugins module documentation for more information.
The following components can be used with the registerPlugin
(see documentation) API.
They can be found in the global variable wp.editPost
when defining wp-edit-post
as a script dependency.
Experimental components can be found under wp.editPost.__experimental
. Experimental components are still being evaluated and can change in a future version.
Renders a sidebar when activated. The contents within the PluginSidebar
will appear as content within the sidebar.
If you wish to display the sidebar, you can with use the PluginMoreMenuItem
component or the wp.data.dispatch
wp.data.dispatch( 'core/edit-post' ).openGeneralSidebar( 'plugin-name/sidebar-name' );
const { PanelBody } = wp.components;
const { PluginSidebar } = wp.editPost;
const MyPluginSidebar = () => (
title="Sidebar title"
My sidebar content
A string identifying the sidebar. Must be unique for every sidebar registered within the scope of your plugin.
- Type:
- Required: Yes
Title displayed at the top of the sidebar.
- Type:
- Required: Yes
Renders a menu item in the more menu drop down, and can be used to activate other plugin UI components. The text within the component appears as the menu item label.
const { PluginMoreMenuItem } = wp.editPost;
const MyPluginMenuItem = () => (
My Sidebar
A string identifying the menu item. Must be unique for every menu item registered within the scope of your plugin.
- Type:
- Required: Yes
A string identifying the type of UI element you wish this menu item to activate. Can be: sidebar
- Type:
- Required: Yes
A string identifying the UI element you wish to be activated by this menu item. Must be the same as the name
prop you have given to that UI element.
- Type:
- Required: Yes
The Dashicon icon slug string, or an SVG WP element, to be rendered to the left of the menu item label.
- Type:
- Required: No