- python/django/django-restframework
- SQlite 3
- Create a virtualenv (better to work in virtualenv)
a. virtualenv env
b. cd env
- Place the downloaded project inside env
- cd into Cab-Booking-System
- pip install requirements.txt
Base URL : http:
1. Register a new driver with information - http:
2. Login using credentials entered during registration - http:
3. Sending Location of driver - http:
4. Get Travel history - http:
5. Logout - http:
1. Register a new passenger with information - http:
2. Login using credentials entered during registration - http:
3. See all available cabs by entering source and destination address - http:
3. Requesting a cab from list of available cabs by entering the car no - http:
4. Get Travel history - http:
5. Logout - http: